Chapter 354

Name:Naruto Shikigami Aizen Author:
As the voice of the tall silhouette falls, the youngster of expressionless in the distance gently seals the selected bodies onto the reel and then turns to walk toward him.

The three stood together, and the headed man gently glanced at the distance, his eyes sparkling with an unknown luster, and his mouth slightly twitched.


With a light sound, the three suddenly disappeared into place, leaving only the bloody body of the earth and a wooden leaf ninja with a dull color.



A heavy noise suddenly sounded on the huge rocky mountain.

On the high hills, a giant snake seems to ignore the hard rocks and dive down from the mountains.

On the way, they broke the huge rock obstacles of each and everyone. The previous sound was because these huge snakes left a path of twists and turns on the ground.

Such a sound naturally caused a group of rock to bear the attention, a group of elite rockbeard face cold, and instantly reacted, and quickly rushed to the field.

"shua!" "shua!" "shua!" ...

Just a moment, a path of black shadows gathered on the rock in front of the giant snake.

Across the distance, the silhouette of the three snakes standing on the giant snake was discovered.

"Southern adults, the three guys are not wrong, as you expected, they did not escape from this rock mountain." A rock beared sole solemnly.

Hearing his words, the middle-aged rock named Nantu has a sharp eye and sounds sole solemnly.

"Don't relax the vigilance, even if it is injured, but the few guys dare to step into the village of Yan Ren, they must have tyrannical strength, inform the way, give me a far-reaching use of ninja to kill them."

After the rock heard the instructions from Nantu, he immediately conveyed the order.

I received the command of each and everyone expression, and no one did not act arbitrarily, and they spread out and stood on the heights to release the ninjutsu to the serpent.

"The bandits. Rocks collapse!"

"Turkish. Tuling dumplings!" "Turk. Tulon gun!"...

With the high rock endurance of each and everyone's seal release ninjutsu, I saw the stone rain in the sky intensively toward the giant snake, some rocks as small as a fist, and some as big as a house.

More than that, on the ground where the serpent marched, the surface suddenly intensively surged a path of rock long spear, and the sharp spear glow pointed directly at the giant snake that rushed here.

"Boom ka!" "Boom ka!" "Boom ka!".....

For a time, the sound of the violent roaring blasting kept ringing over the rocky mountains. Under the intensive offensive, despite the hard and hard body of the serpent, it was still unable to withstand so many Ninjutsu attacks.


Finally, after being smashed again by a rock of the size of a house, its body fell to the ground with powerlessness.

At this moment, its huge snake body has long been fading, flesh and blood, and a pair of muddy snakes slowly lost the luster that symbolizes vitality.

The three men on the snake's head also jumped on the ground early.

The three men leaned back to each other and looked at each other with a stern look.

Seeing this, Nantu eyes are cold, shouted in a deep voice.

"Give me, be sure to kill these three people here!"

Hearing his orders, the rock that had been taking an orderly array had been ruthless, and jumped from the heights and rushed toward the three.

Facing the Qi Yanchong, the three faces were dignified, but they did not panic, calmly judging the offensive movement of everyone.


In the eyes of the big snake pill, there is a cool cold glow and a hoarse shouted.

As his voice fell, the back-to-back three-person moments disappeared from the place!


A rushing eye in the forefront of the rock with a bloodthirsty expression, the hand in his hand pointed at the three people violently throwing away, he was looking forward to killing each other, he only saw three people disappeared instantly in his In sight.

“Pu chi! ”

With a light sound, he suddenly felt a cold neck, and then he found that everything in front of him began to blur, and the whole person suddenly fell to the ground.

And beside him, the rock that was splashed on his face by the sudden warm blood was only a little stunned, and the instinct reacted normally and immediately retreated!


A sharp bitterness left a cold glow in the air, only a few millimeters away from his neck!


In the next moment, a huge rock fist smashed the bitter snake's big snake pill and blasted it. Then, there were countless rocks to replenish in time and rushed toward him.

Fortunately, the rocky torment that survived was the cold sweat of the head. I couldn’t help but watch the silhouette of the battle with a group of Yan Ren. I could only thank you for the heart.

However, at this time, standing on a high place, watching the situation on the field, the southern soil is slightly frowns. I don’t know why, he always feels something wrong.

On the top of the rocky mountain, the fierce battle was going on at this time. The masters, the big snake pill, and the three people were struggling to cope under the attack of a group of Yan Ren.

In addition to killing a few rockbearers that were not prepared for the first time, they were tired of facing the good rock tolerance, and the hard resistance, the defeat was only a matter of time.

The more you look at the south of the country where you are not involved in the battle, the more you feel there are some problems.

Has the chasing of these three guys been completely consumed? Why didn't they see them release ninjutsu! ?

Suddenly, his brain suddenly reacted and immediately rushed to the rock around him to be loudly shouted.

"I will tell you to solve them quickly. I am afraid that these are just the ones that are all of them. Really, they may have escaped at this time!"

The land was screamed by the south, and the rock of the side was also a glimpse. But after listening to his words, he reacted and could not help but convey the news.

However, at this time, the underlying commander who was constantly circling in the rock and forbearance was temporarily overseen, and a local gun that was suddenly raised by the foot was running through the abdomen!

The nearby rock bears a happy face, however, the thread that runs through is a slight hook on the corner of the mouth, and the white palm's palm instantly pulls a series of detonators from the body.

After the detonator was activated, her silhouette instantly turned into a burst of white smoke, disappearing into the eyes of Yan Ren.

Just when Yan Ren is still in the middle of the gods.

"bang!" "bang!" "bang!"...

The explosion caused by a series of detonators suddenly came from their center, and the hot air waves rushed toward all around.

Hearing the sound of this side, at the same time, the big snake pill and the self have also pulled out the detonator from the body.

Then, a series of huge noises screamed fiercely on this halfway up the mountain, and the hot air waves tossed some rocks to the ground.

The entire rocky mountain also seems to tremble in this violent explosion.

A group of rock in this explosion, although no one died, but it also caused a lot of injuries, Nantu looked at this scene, the heart could not help but anger!

He bit his teeth, his face hated angrily said.

"Catch! Give me a chase, you must not let them go!"

Hearing the instructions of the Nantu, the remaining battles with sufficient combat power immediately organized the troops and chased them in the direction that the three might escape.

On the other side of the rocky mountain, above the empty mountain road, three black shadows are constantly beating between the boulders, rushing toward the direction of the mountain.

Suddenly, their silhouette was stopped and apparently received information from Shadow Clone.

I saw the self-satisfaction that was supported by the handcuffs, and I couldn’t help but scream with a smile.

"cough cough ... look.. saw that there is no big snake pill, I am losing my plan, otherwise I am afraid that we really broke here this time."

Hearing his words, the big snake pill expressionless glared at him, the faint disdain and the irritating and screaming.

The hand rubbed the sweat on the forehead slightly, said ill-humoredly.

"Well, it’s all like this. It’s still noisy. I haven’t escaped the pursuit range of Yan Ren. I’ll try to escape completely.”

Just when I was just about to say something, the three people in the room suddenly froze!

At this time, their feelings could not be described, a cold coolness or a slight shocking feeling enveloped them.

"Also, can you still be so happy to laugh at this level?"

A warm, magnetic sound like a breeze is usually introduced into the ears of three people. Of course, this is no less than the sound of Shinigami's footsteps.

The eyes of the three men were slightly chilly, and the look of the look was in front of them.

“pa ta !””pa ta !””pa ta !”...

With the gentle footsteps, the three silhouettes slowly appeared in front of them, and the first person looked at the three people with a smile, and the mouth was slightly raised and whispered.

"Long time no see, the three bears of Konoha."