Chapter 462

Name:Naruto Shikigami Aizen Author:
"Booming -" "Booming -"

In the darkness of the night, nine huge tornado hurricanes swept through countless smoke and debris and slowly moved toward the rocky mountains. They could easily crush everything if they were connected to the sky.

Even this rock mountain is just a matter of tearing and smashing in the blink of an eye.

On the rocky mountain, the location of Yan Ren.

"I... are we going to die?"

A rocky face was full of fear, and his eyes widened and looked at the horror scene under the dark night.

Hearing his words, one of his companions clasped his hands tightly, and although his eyes were still shaking, he still had a firm face, said solemnly.

"Reassured, we will definitely live, will definitely!"

On the other side of the fog, the puffer fish with a wide body looks at the darkness of the rocky mountains, such as the hurricane destroying the Heavens and exterminating the Earth.

I saw that his mung bean-sized scorpion was full of cruelty, the expression was weird, and the voice was half-smiling and crying.

"It's really interesting... I didn't expect to come to Konoha once, I can see such a character.... funny... ridiculous...hahaha..."

Hearing the puffer ghosts as if they were crazy, the sneaky ghost behind him was a dignified expression. The shark's eyes were always quietly staring at the position of the blue dye surrounded by numerous hurricanes. I don't know what to think. .

at the same time.

Located at the location where the leaves are located.

Watergate was pale at this time, but it was strong and gazing firmly at the self and the others, slowly said solemnly.

"Teacher and Master, you must evacuate here."

Speaking of this, he glanced at the situation around all, said solemnly.

"If we don't leave now, when the hurricane sweeps over here, we will definitely not be able to escape."

When I heard the water gate, I also looked at the collusion with the hand. I agreed very much about the proposal of the Watergate. There was a lot of nodded, and the sound of the wood leaves on the side.

"All Konoha Ninjas evacuate immediately!"

In this regard, Fu Yue, not far behind them, is ugly, staring at everyone, said solemnly.

"If we are gone now, do you want to leave the Big Brother alone to fight against the blue dye here alone!"

With the export of Fuyue, a group of Uchiha clansman behind him hesitated, but he stood firmly here, looking at the others with questioning eyes.

In this regard, the self-satisfaction is also hesitant, I do not know how to open, but the hands are low-spirited, slowly said cold.

"So, are you going to stay here together with Uchiha Hoshino?."

"We have no time to temper, choose to stay here with him to bury, or choose to go back to Muye to spread his deeds, you choose."

After that, the hand was turned and commanded a group of wood leaf ninjas to evacuate from a cliff.

Seeing the Konoha ninjas who gradually began to leave, Uchiha clansman also hesitated and saw the expressions of everyone behind them. Although Fuyue wanted to stay here, he also had to sole solemnly.

"Let's go too..."

At the same time, facing the horrific horror of this raging, the rest of the ninjas on the top of the rock are also looking for ways to evacuate.

Although the hurricane around the sky has not moved very fast, it is only relatively speaking. At this moment, there is already a hurricane about to collide with Rock Mountain.

Under the darkness of the night, on top of a cliff, dozens of sands or clouds are rushing down the dark wall.

They are too late to fight, because the hurricane is close at hand.

"hu 啦啦啦-"

At this time, the side of the night under the direction of the whistling wind, the huge roar of the screams has already sounded in the ears of the ninja who sprinted down.

“pa ta !””pa ta !”......

Countless debris trapped in the hurricane continually hits the rock wall, sending out successive chisels.

The ninjas who have been sprinting down feel the biting cold wind behind them, their faces are pale and their breathing is getting thicker and thicker.

The growing winds of their rushing silhouette swayed.

at this time!


A sand bears a carelessness, and at the moment of landing, he is hit by a small wooden branch mixed in the wind. In his embarrassed face, his silhouette flies in an instant, and even when he has no time to react, he is involved. It was a huge hurricane.

It is also at this moment that all the talents have time to get behind the terrifying scene.

Understand how terrifying the hurricane is like terrifying. The so-called ninja is nothing more than a negligible ant ant that's all.

"End... finished..."

After a scene in which the cloud was forbearing to see behind him, his face was white and his mouth was muttered.

When the rest of the ninja sees the scene behind him, it is difficult to suppress the fear in the heart.

I saw that the huge gust of wind was almost over the top of their heads. It was like a big abyss in the darkness of the abyss, and the hurricane that screamed and blew everything had approached them.

The next moment, the incomparable fierce hurricane!

With the endless roar, the corner of the rock is turned into powder.

The hurricane annihilated everything, and dozens of sand and the screams of Yun Ren were completely concealed in the whistling wind, leaving no trace.

"hu ah - hula -"

The roar of the gusty wind continues, and the rock mountain begins to fall apart under the hurricane's blowing. The intense cutting of the wind blade makes it slowly turn into powder.

At the same time.

In the huge hurricane above the rocky mountain, the face of the time is trapped and the face is slightly heavy.

Through the gaps in the hurricane, he was able to see the night around the rock mountain, as if the sight of the end of the day, could not help but be surprised.

This guy... Didn’t you say that you want to pretend....

Is everything that he said before is a lie, what he really wants to do is to take this opportunity to kill the five great villages! ?

No.. No... If he wants to do this, there is no need to be so troublesome... Blue dye... What are you thinking about! ?

Thinking of this, the face of Hino was gloomy and uncertain, and the blushing scorpion passed through the dark cloth, and looked straight towards the blue dye standing in the hurricane.

At this time, the blue dye also gently raised his head, looked towards him being trapped in the hurricane, his eyes full of faint smiles.

The two men’s eyes met in the air.

After seeing the blue-stained face with the same smile, Shiye was shocked.

It can be said that Shiye has never stopped trying to figure out the blue dye. At this moment, I saw the smiling expression on the blue-stained face. Over the years, the analysis of the blue dye caused a flash of light in his mind and a secret thought.

This guy...has not changed his mind! !

Almost for a moment, he determined that Blue Dye did not intend to change the agreement he had said before.

However, when I think of this, Shiye is not allowed to face a cold, but the back is full of deep chill.

Since there is no intention to change your mind... then ..... so powerful, what are you alert? ?

Uchiha wave spot! ?

Revised and revised this chapter...Damn...Don’t dare to write, keep the sword slower, write this turn to be perfect, it’s a key place.