Chapter 512

Name:Naruto Shikigami Aizen Author:
"Small glass, you are born to be served in front of the blue-stained adults and the Hui night adults. The two adults have given us the unimaginable great grace, and only you are at the side of the two adults, and the father is relieved."

The pretty little face of Xiaoli focuses on the point.

The father and the daughter talked for a long time before they opened separately.

At the same time.

Located in the quaint palace, Blue Dye and Hui Ye are sitting in a side hall in the middle of the courtyard, watching the cherry blossoms scattered in the courtyard.

In the direction behind them, a white snake smashed into a ball.

Its small head was pulled on its own body, and some boring eyes looked at the scene in front of the eyes with amber eyes.

A little snow-like petals blew in the wind, scattered on the ground, a blush.

On the porch, the blue dyed mouth squinted with a smile, and there was a quiet silence in the eyes, watching the beautiful scenery in front of me, as if enjoying the silence of this moment.

For many people, there are many beautiful scenery around, but there is no way to pay attention. Obviously, for him, the moving scenery is even more interesting than fighting the killing.

Since coming to this world, his life has been a lot of idle, more time is to appreciate the world's colorful scenery.

After all... If you don’t take advantage of this beauty now, when he gets the power of the world, all the beautiful things will be turned into decay. Isn’t it...

Thinking of this, his eyes could not help but flash a smile.

And by his side, the big tube wood glow night is a little god-in-law, her eyes are resting on the flying cherry blossoms in front of her eyes, but the expression is somewhat awkward.

I saw her slender palms in the wide robes, as if they were nervous.

Her beautiful white eyes are like a pure mirror lake. Occasionally, her eyes will turn slightly and gently sway to the side of the blue dye. At this time, her breathing will be slightly aggravated.

Just after she had been smeared blue for the first time, the blue-stained magnetic mellow voice was slowly coming.

"Hui night, is your heart worried?"

I heard the blue-stained voice filled with magnetic, and the expression startled on the face of the night.

I saw her little face floating in a faint blush, strong and self-sufficient.

Her white face showed a faint blush and shook her head gently.

"nothing much."

Just when I said this, her palm in the wide robes was tight, and the slender back of the hand had a hint of blue veins.

Hearing her answer, the blue-stained eyes gently swept over her white face, and the eyes flashed a smile and whispered.

"Yes, I thought you were worried because of what."

Hui night gently turned his head, the white eyes gently looked at the blue dye, stunned, whispered.

"That.. The war in the country of his country is over...."

"Blue dyed, do you decide to stay here?"

When she said this, her eyes drifted slightly, and her eyes could not help but evade the blue-stained eyes.

When I heard her, the blue-stained face showed a smattering expression, thinking, said with a slight smile.

"It's just a resting place that's all."

"Hui night, I should have told you before, the so-called war in the world is just a game that shows you that's all."

When it comes to this, the blue-stained eyes sparkle with deep eyes, and the sound is gentle.

“When people open the cage of their desires, they will always have unimaginable great potential.”

"And all this is about the desire of the heart for the world is the real reason for the constant war in the world."

"So, the so-called world without war is really hard to exist on this world..."

"Because... human beings are a complex animal, they are full of all kinds of desires and distractions... this is something we can't eliminate!"

When I heard the blue dye, the small face of the night glow was slightly stunned.

Her eyes are slightly enlarged, her expression is awkward, and some anxious sounds are clear.

"How could this be!?"

This is the first time that Hui Ye shouted such a loud voice to the blue dye.

Do not blame her for being so excited at the moment.

After all, now that she has received the speech of the absolute power before the blue dye, she has already believed that there must be a world without war in the world.

Moreover, in her heart, she deeply believes that blue dye is the one who can understand her own ideas.

But now, the words of blue dye at this moment are more to say that the original words are just a mistake that's all.

This is not allowed by her not excited!

That is the panic that the belief is about to be broken....

"Don't you say blue dyeing, the world without war is likely to appear on this world!!"

I saw a pair of white eyes in the night, staring at the blue dye, and my face was a little excited.

When I heard her, the blue-stained face was stunned. After a moment of silence, I finally slowed sole solemnly.

"But...Hui night....I said what you thought was able to do it....."

"The kind of supreme power that is above all creatures..."

When it comes to this, the blue dyed person looks very heavy, as if carrying a huge pressure.

I saw him slowly sideways, his eyes deep, and looked away towards the direction of the god tree.

Seeing this scene, Hui Xiao’s little face was a little bit stunned.

Blue it because of the lack of power that I still feel confused about the existence of that world...

Right....he doesn't know the fruit of the god tree....there is such an idea to be normal.....

In this case.......

At the thought of this, I saw that the night and the white eyes were slightly flashing, and the bottom of the eyes passed through a fine man.

A breeze gently smashed through the courtyard, and the cherry blossom trees scattered a lot of cherry blossom petals, flying all over the sky, very beautiful.

And just before such a beautiful view.

The glow of the night on the porch gently turned around, straightened in the direction of the body moved towards blue dye, and looked at the blue dye quietly.

Seeing this, the blue-stained face showed a confusing expression, apparently not knowing what Huihui wanted to do.

I saw the face of the little white face of the night, the face is serious, the lips are light, and the voice is clearly coldly said.

"Blue dye, there is one thing I need to tell you...."

When I heard her, the blue dye was an incomprehensible expression, but the eyes were flashing a smile.

Finally... what are you going to say?...

At this moment, Hui took a deep breath at night and lifted his head gently to continue.

"The tree of God will bear a fruit!"

"As long as we can get it, we will be able to create the world without war!"

As her voice fell, for a moment, the breeze seemed to be still.

The white snake on the side of the porch was so small that the amber-like snake was slightly enlarged.

Even the blue dye that sat in front of the glow night was a slight condensate on his face, and his eyes flashed through a fine mans.

God tree.... bear fruit! ?

In his mind, he can think for a moment what it means!

If the god tree that has taken the power of the world for nearly a hundred years will bear fruit, it will inevitably cause countless movements.

After all.... That fruit will give birth to the essence of the power of the god tree....

After a long while, the blue dyed voice was slightly hoarse, and the eyes looked seriously at the front of the night, said solemnly.

"This thing... How did you know it?"

When I heard the blue-stained inquiry, the little face of the night is also slightly serious, clearly coldly said.

"This is the secret of my family, and it is also about the secret of the god tree..."

When it comes to this, her eyes stop in the blue-stained face for a moment.

Just for a moment, then her gaze instantly evaded, as if she didn't dare to continue to look at it with blue dye.

The whole person looked a little weird, his eyes stopped in other places, and whispered.

"But.... The acquisition of the fruit of the god tree can only be done by my clansman with a unique secret."

When it comes to this, her little white face doesn't know why, but there is a blush.

The pair of white eyes seemed to be filled with a layer of fog.

The original white cheeks were now covered with a blush with some moist eyes, giving people an infinite reverie.

If there are other people who see the night at this time, I am afraid that she will be captured by her beauty in a flash.

Blue dye also noticed the abnormality of the night.

However, he did not raise any doubts, but there was a quiet silence in his eyes, and his voice was a bit serious.

"A unique secret?"

“Does the acquisition of the fruit of the god tree have to go through such a method? And... what can the fruit bring?”

When he heard the blue dye, Hui Hui glanced at him, then his eyes narrowed and whispered.

"The fruit can give people unimaginable power....get out of the ordinary.. turn into eternal..."

In this regard, the blue dyed eyes flashed through a fine mans, continue to whisper.

"So, the method, what kind of method is it to get the power of that fruit!?"

"If the fruit really brings such powerful power as you said, maybe the world without war can really be realized."

The blue-stained voice is full of mellow mercy, and at this time he is like a simple fantasy to confuse a simple child.

When I heard the blue dye, the face of Hui night's white face flashed a faint blush and silenced for a moment.

As if after thinking a lot, I whispered.

"I said before, if you want to get the fruit of the god tree, you must ask the people of my family to use the secret method to draw, approach the tree of God and get the fruit."

After that, her white eyes were slightly parked on the blue-stained body, but her eyes were slightly low and small.

"Blue dyed Jun.... should hope to get the power of the fruit of the god tree...."

When I heard the night, the blue-stained face was startled, but he did not conceal his purpose, whispering seriously.

"You are right... I really need the power of the fruit of God...."

"If it's so magical, it's a must for that fruit!"

Hearing his words, a small blush on the little face of the night.

I saw her hands hidden in the wide robes, gently folded her arms in front of her body, gently clenched her hands and whispered.

"I can help Blue Dye."

Speaking of this, her white scorpion suddenly seemed to be a mess, and it looked very moist.

The white cheeks are also a blush on the top.

I saw her continue to whisper.

"If... if it is blue dyed, I believe that if you get that power, it will help me, because... we both have a common idea..."

Speaking of this, she glanced at the blue dye and shouted.

"I am right to say this, will Blue Dyejun help me?"

Hearing her words, looking at her posture at this time, the blue dyed mouth could not help but reveal a smile.

He gently nodded, softly gentle.

"You are right, Hui Ye, such a world is also where I hope."

When he said this, his eyes flashed a touch of fineness, but his heart was secretly thought.

Hui night.... You are really a.. pure child 呐.....

When I heard the blue dye, the face of Hui night flashed a simple smile.

I saw her look up and glanced at the blue dye, the white scorpion was slightly moist, the cheeks were red, and she whispered.

"I need a blue hair dyed as a medium for surgery, and I also ask Blue Dye to give me your hair."

When I heard her, Blue Dye had some doubts in my heart.

But there was no hesitation in the hands, and a few strands of hair were gently torn and they were handed over to the night in front of them.

Hui night stretched out the slender palms and gently took these brown hairs as if they were looking at something particularly precious!

Carefully put these hairs in your arms and put them close together.

The white snake on the back of the porch gently looked at it all, and the amber-like scorpion was full of doubtful expression.

The blue dye is gently looking at the night, some doubts.

"Hui night, I want to ask, what do you need to do with these hairs?"

When I heard blue dye, Hui’s cheeks were slightly red.

After a little silence, I saw her raise her eyes and watched the blue dyed road.

"This is a requirement for mystery."

"If I remember correctly, the days of fruiting from the tree of God are coming soon."

When it comes to this.

I saw her white nephew appear a bit heavy, continue.

"At the moment when the tree of God bears fruit, I am afraid that all the creatures in this land will be attracted by the fruit that is filled with indescribably aromatic."

"The tree of God is the existence of power used by my people. If you let its power volatilize unrestrictedly, I am afraid that more and more creatures will be buried in the so-called fruit temptation."

"Even if we want to gain the power of that fruit, we must be careful and use the power of mystery to achieve some resonance in our own existence."

"This way... you can get close to the tree of God."

When I heard the night, the blue-stained eyes flashed a heavy, soft muttered.

"Sure enough, as you said, the moment when the fruit tree produces fruit, I am afraid it will be a moment of great chaos in this world."

"At that time, I am afraid that not only the god tree will move...."

Speaking of this, his eyes glimpsed, and the deep scorpion gently glanced at the white snake behind him, softly muttered.

"These guys, called Dragon Beasts, I am afraid I will not miss this opportunity...."

Hear his words.

The night is also a glimpse, and the white eyes looked towards the white snake.

Dragon beast....this guy! ?

This chapter is a bit anxious to write, but also moved the 400 word in front of the 4000 word, pitted everyone 2 point starting currency, but also hope not to blame.