Chapter 528

Name:Naruto Shikigami Aizen Author:
I saw that I couldn’t help but scratch my head, and my face said slightly proudly.

"This is a new character in my recent book. Guess who?!"

When I heard the truth, there was a little bit of cold sweat on the water gate, and the sad with a smile.

“Is it a little-known Ninja Senior?”

In this regard, it is not a humble Hollow, proud.

"If it is said that a ninja senior is not just in name only, but also in reality, but ...."

I saw his eyes suddenly flashed a sharp gaze, raised one leg, and made an exaggerated and difficult movement, the voice is very serious.

"That's not a name that is not known, but a legendary six immortals!!"

".........." The expression of the watergate is somewhat sluggish.

For a moment, there seemed to be a cold scene in the office.


Just as the crow flew overhead, the water gate couldn’t help but clap his hands, and the smile on his face seemed to be ugly.

Seeing this, I feel a little embarrassed, and I quickly put away the action and explained it myself.

"cough cough .... Just like the water gate you said, if I change my clothes, I must be able to perfectly interpret the image of the legendary six immortals!"

"At the a hot god book born from me!!"

I also talked about it as if I had already thought of the scene when the book was hot, and the corner of my mouth could not be slobbered without image.

Although the water gate on the side is very helpless, it is still very trusting in the writing ability of the self, not allowed to say with a slight smile.

"At the time, don't forget to invite you to dinner."

When I heard this, I couldn’t help but say nodded said with a smile.

"That is of course, but today, go to your house to eat first.....I haven't come back for a long time....I miss the cooking of 玖辛奈."

In this regard, the watergate smiled nodded, but suddenly, he seemed to think of something, generally, preliminary.


Today's words.....Teacher is can only ask for it! !

Still eager to be a dream of self-satisfaction, naturally, I don’t know that his discipline has arranged him as a savior to stop the disaster...



The setting sun has already sunk, and the moon creeps into the sky.

The prosperous streets of Konoha are also about to start a new round of nightlife, when Watergate and the self come out from the Huo Ying Building and walk towards the house.

The two walked and talked.

“pa ta !””pa ta !””pa ta !”....

With the heavy footsteps of the two people, the conversation between the two also came with the wind.

"That said.... Didn't you trace the whereabouts of the big snake pill?"

I saw that the brow of the water gate was somewhat dignified, and some were worriedly said.

Hearing his words, the side of the self is also a smile between the eyebrows, holding his head, while walking, while looking up at the stars gradually appearing in the night sky, the relief is generally slow.

"This is also a good thing.... It’s better than seeing him but not knowing what to do, isn’t it?”

Speaking of this, I saw that the luster in my eyes was slightly dim, as if recalling something, and some self-deprecating.

"In my life, in addition to teaching you such a good discipline as Watergate, it has really failed in other aspects..."

Hearing his words, the water gate glimpsed and quickly retorted.

"It's not it. It's a teacher, but a ninja that is deeply respected and trusted by everyone. How can it be said that it is a failure?...!?"

“Either the villagers of Muye, the three generations of Huo Ying Da Ren or the Elder Group are highly appraised for you, you are a milestone ninja destined to stay in the history of Konoha!”

Although the Watergate is saying this, but the self is not so happy, but the mouth slightly reveals bitterness.

Through the starlight in the sky, I saw his slow turn, looked towards the huge rock wall next to the wood leaf village.

There, there is also an iconic building since the construction of the village of Huo Ying, Huo Yingyan.

The water gate looked down at the sight of the self, and wanted to open up to persuade something, but after seeing the statue on the rock wall, the eyes could not help but look a little.

He knows that no matter how he comforts Teacher, I am afraid that Teacher will not be able to relieve this embarrassment.

Even if .... has passed 15 years....

Under the rising moonlight, several statues on the volcanic rock exude a faint glow, like a shower of radiance.

However, perhaps because the builders at the time of engraving were careful.

One of them is very bleak, and it is particularly bleak under the other four shining statues, just like the dusty gravel, there is no glory.

At this time, the statue that was also gazing at the time was the statue of the four generations of fire sculptures.

The two stopped at the moment, and the water gate accompanied him to the side of the house. He listened quietly to his words, and only listened to the sound of the hoarse voice.

"Blue dyed away....The big snake pill is also gone....The hand has also left here...."

"In many cases, I used to reflect on whether this friend of mine is not in place.... Otherwise, how can people who come around one after another leave me..."

Hearing his words, the face of the water gate was also a bit heavy, and he could not help but admire him.

"Teacher ...."

His words were interrupted when he had not finished talking. He saw a heavy smile on his face and looked at the water gate.

"Watergate, you know, sometimes I think, the blame for all this may be on me."

Hearing his words, the water gate slammed and quickly retorted.

"How can this blame Teacher's body!?"

I only shook my head and shook my head. Expression has some complicated memories.

"The four of us are together from the Ninja School....I want to come now...that is an unfettered time..."

"Just, when I graduated from the school, I was chosen by the three disciples of the three generations of Teachers... The most overlooked is the combination of blue dye, big snake pill, and hand, but I replaced the blue dyed position..."

After listening to this past history, the water gate was obviously slightly surprised, and could not help but ask with big eyes.

"Don't it be the early time that Teacher contacted three generations of Huo Ying adults.... Going back the door!!?"

When I heard the water gate, I couldn’t help but stagnate the expression, and then snarled at him.

"Stupid! Of course not!!"

After shouting, the self-confidence also converges on the emotions, and the eyes are slightly converged and continue.

"I am also very puzzled. At the beginning, I was ordinary in performance. I don't know why the three generations of old man will choose me as his discipline."

Finished, touch the chin and mutter.

"Accordingly, my super talent is hard to detect even three generations of old man... It’s weird..."

In this regard, the water gate does not have a black line on the forehead.

Teacher... You really don't humble Hollow.....

The expression of the memory of the eyes is also continued.

"It was from that day that we started to separate from the blue dye.....and he also embarked on an unknown path that we don't know...."

"If it wasn't for me to replace his position.... Under the guidance of the three generations of old man, he will definitely be the best fire shadow in the history of Konoha, and neither the big snake pill nor the master will..."

Speaking of this, his eyes flashed a little sorrow.