Chapter 531

Name:Naruto Shikigami Aizen Author:
With the strange words of silver falling, the presence of time and day and night are complexion changed!

The kaleidoscope of the time is blushing, staring at the silver, alerting him to every move, while staying up late is watching the silver with a cold face.

Anyway, this guy’s words are too bold and daring!

Want to assassinate the blue dyed adult! ?

This kind of thing, as long as I am in... is definitely not going to let you do it again!

She thought coldly inside.

"Shimaru Yin, what are you talking about!"

The expression of the time, expressionless, expression indifference to the silver, the sound of cold and slow.

Hearing his words, the silver mouth slightly smirked a smile, the narrow eyes of the squatting, such as the strange poisonous snake, generally gently looked towards the time, lightly said with a smile.

"Uchihachi Hoshino, you are a smart should have noticed that the two of the blue-stained Captain and the Hollow Night Palace, including me, don't belong to this world..."

The mouth of the silver mouth slid a large arc, smiled and said this, a very casual look.

However, both of them who heard his words were complexion changed.

I saw the eyes of the wilderness slammed cold, and I was alert, and the blushing kaleidoscope wrote a round eye and watched the silver every move.

And staying up late is a mistake in the face, and some look at the city of Pills.

"pu ...."

Silver saw the sly expression on the face of the night, and could not help but sneer, and the squinting eyes slowly moved to the body of Hino, scorning with a smile.

"Guarding such a guy, you are also very hard."

Hearing his words, staring at him in the night and eyes, the pretty face was slightly angry, while the time is a calm face, cold eyes staring at the silver, the voice indifferently said.

"What do you say even if I am understood?"

Silver didn't care about the anger on the pretty face of the night, but continued to look at the wilderness, blinking with a slight smile.

"Time wild, since you understood, then .... You show that the alertness to the blue dye Captain is too obvious...."

"But even so, do you know why the two guys still ignore this move?"

"Know....Urchiola guys have been loyal to the blue dyed Captain since the beginning...."

Speaking of this, I saw a pinch of the city's pill, and it seemed like a self-deprecating said with a smile.

“Speaking of it, Blue dyed Captain has been like this since, and this convincing personal charm may be the place where he is really daunting.”

Hearing a series of words of silver, Shiye’s face was cold, coldly said.

"Why do you say this in front of me, you should also be a group with blue dyes?"?"

In this regard, the silver eyes are slightly picked up, like a poisonous snake.

"This sentence is not right...."

"If you count it, Blue Stained Captain is an enemy for me....."

I saw his eyes slightly open a gap, Bao blue's pupil gently squatting to the night around the time, eyes seem to have nostalgia, lightly said with a smile.

"The same routine was once again in the hands of Blue Dyed Captain. Even if he came to this world, he would still be like a chess player in the same way as before."

"The difference.... I am afraid that you are more pitiful than I was....."

When I heard the silver, Shiye frowned slightly, and the blushing eyes looked at the silver, coldly said.

"What do you mean by what you said, and .... remove your nasty eyes from the night!"

Silver did not deliberately confront the time and face, slowly withdrawing his gaze, but the smile of the corner of his mouth is gradually fading away, as if he lost his interest in a moment.

"Leave and drain...."

The fine rain curtain is slowly densely populated under this gloomy sky.

I saw a silver lazy stretch of a lazy waist, a new warm smile on my face, slowly stunned the wilderness and whispered.

"In the future, you will naturally understand what I mean, but... I hope that by that time you can still insist on the hostility of Blue-Stained Captain as you are now."

Speaking of this, his eyes flashed a slightly deeper, and he whispered.

"After all..... Against his existence, it’s really a daunting and chilling thing..."

When the voice fell, I saw his body slowly turning backwards. The wide robes smashed the wet waterdrops and seemed to be ready to leave.

Seeing that he wanted to leave, the cockroach's pupil was slightly condensed.

"Zi Zai!"

The next moment, I saw a horrible black Rayman suddenly rushed from his hand and slammed into the distant city of Pills.


The rocks were shattered, the rain and the smoke were filled with smoke, and the silver silhouette suddenly flashed another position.

One of his silver hairs was slightly flowing, and his black and white wide robes were agitated. The white arms were sturdy in the wide robes, but there was no meaning for pulling the knife.

I saw his mouth curled up with a big arc, his eyes creased, and smirked at the chilly time, lightly said with a smile.

"Hey, hey, it’s too sloppy to attack me."

In this regard, Shino's face was tight, staring at him coldly, said solemnly.

"I haven't finished talking yet, just thinking about leaving??"

Silver did not set his words, gently rubbed his head, a strange smile on his face, thought for a moment, only said with a smile.

"Yes, there are still some words that have not been finished."

I saw his eyes glimpsed slightly, looking at the wilderness, said with a slight smile.

"The reason why the two guys don't put your disrespectful behavior on Blue Scartain..."

"Because... in their hearts you have not been able to threaten the qualification of Blue Dye Captain....."

Silver smiled and said this, in this case, Shi Ye is a cold, coldly said.

"is it…."

When the voice fell, I saw that the three sharp edges in his eyes turned instantly!

"Humble -"

An unidentified flame instantly rose up at the foot of the silver, and at the same time, his figure was turned into a black thunder instantly disappeared from the place!


At the same time, the silver silhouette suddenly appeared from another place in the air, just at the moment he appeared, a black ray came one after another!


The huge thunder hammer is heavy and heavy!

Seeing this scene, the silver eyes were slightly stunned, but there was no worry, and the corner of the mouth was slightly raised.

"It’s violent..."

I saw his right hand suddenly slipped to the waist and quickly pumped.


Jin Ge screams, the fire tongue splashes!

The huge hammer was smashed over the short blade, but it failed to cause the slightest damage!

Because the two people fight in an instant, the rain curtain in the air is suddenly scattered!

At this time, using a short blade to resist the silver mouth of the huge hammer is a smile, smirk and whisper.

"I heard that... your eyes have a strong dynamic vision?"