Chapter 590

Name:Naruto Shikigami Aizen Author:
"Destroy it...."

When Urchiola shouted out these words with indifference, the next moment.

I saw that in the middle space where he was connected to the city, the space was instantly shattered and twisted, such as a transparent passage completely collapsed!

I felt that the cold and silent moment of the monk approached myself, even if it was a silver that had never been calm, it lost its former calmness.

In an instant, the sweat on his body stood up, and a pair of blue scorpions instantly stared at the space that swiftly spread!

This is the power of his nothingness! ?

At this time, when the silver heartbeat could not be suppressed to the extreme, a calm voice suddenly sounded on the field.

"Enough, Urchiola."

With this magnetically full sound falling, for a moment, the original scene of a cold and full of extreme repression was like a gentle breeze.

Everything is gone.

The space that had spread rapidly toward the silver side disappeared instantly.

The tense and cold atmosphere condensed on the field also disappeared with the sound of this sound.

Off-site, all the people in the Hollow Night Palace were wide-eyed and watched this scene nervously.

After Urchiola really turned to silver, almost everyone had predicted how terrifying the silver would end!

Because the broken land before has explained to them how terrifying is now at this moment of Urchiola!

However, all the delusions that originated in the minds of the mind ended with the sound of this voice.

In the eyes of everyone, I don’t know when, blue dye has already appeared in the field, and I am standing calmly at the side of Urchiola.

The vast black crater below spurs a burst of chill.

However, at this time, above the giant mouth that seems to be Devouring everything, the three silhouettes are quietly standing in the air.

After hearing the familiar voice, with the regret of Urchiola's green voice, he still stopped the movement in his hand.

At this time, he looked at the blue dye around him, respectfully lowered his head.

Even standing in the sky, Urchiola is still respectful on one knee, loyal to the blue dyed head, the voice calmly said.

"Everything is obeying your orders, blue dyed adults."

At this moment, Urchiola is nearly twice as tall as before, as if it were a real demon!

Even if he squats down, his figure is still blue and dyed, which makes this scene a strange feeling.

At this time, Urchiola was full of strangely textured bone armor, making him look even more majestic than blue dye.

However, he still showed his respect for Blue Dye without any scruples.

It is like a demon Knight who guards his own monarch.

The Hollow Night Palace on the side of the crowd saw that this scene was a little weird.

Especially after seeing that Urchiola had carried out the devastating horror ability, this very asymmetrical feeling made them feel a lot of inner feelings.

"It turns out that even such a powerful Urchiola is still facing the all-inclusiveness of the blue-stained adults...."

This is almost the sigh of the heart after everyone has watched the battle between Ulchiola and silver.

Uchiha Fuyue outside the stadium saw this scene, but the heart was inexplicably excited.

Ever since he came to the Hollow Night Palace, he has seen so much that he had never imagined.

Just like the horrific battle between Ulchiola and Silver, the terrifying that the two showed has already been deeply imprinted in his heart!

In particular, Urchiola's last show of terrifying power beyond any period of the Ninja era.

In his eyes, it is already terrifying that is not weaker than the gods.

Even so, in the face of the blue-stained adults who have never shown the true power, Urchiola still has to bow down with respect.

The variety of this scene made him indifferent to the Hollow Night Palace.

At the same time, he also strengthened his belief in staying here.

He clenched his fist slightly and felt muttered after he felt that his body had far exceeded his previous strength.

Only here....I will be a member of the new world...

The inner thoughts of the people outside the stadium are that blue dye and the others don't care at this time.

I saw a faint smile on the corner of the blue dyed mouth, and the deep scorpion calmly looked at the respectful Ulchiola in front of me, whispering.

"It’s doing very well. It seems that you have broken through that layer, Urchiola."

When he heard the blue dye, Urchiola replied respectfully.

"All this is your gift to the adults!"

In this regard, the blue dyed corner is a hook, indifferent expression.

As far as silver is concerned, for him, this battle was originally a battle he used to arrange for the breakthrough of Urchiola.

He wants to use the power of Hōgyoku and silver to try to see the face of death, whether Urchiola can break that layer of embarrassment.

The result is still very satisfying to him. As for the other things, nothing more than the attached that's all.

Seems to think of something, blue-stained eyes a little glimpse.

I saw him slowly stepping forward, the white palm touched the bone armor of Ulchiola, and for a moment, it seemed as if a transparent Hollow shadow flashed on the armor.

Ulchiola was shocked, but it was too late to remind!


Just the moment I just touched it, I saw that the blue-stained palm of the hand suddenly turned into a nothingness after touching the armor!

Seeing this scene, Urchiola's green scorpion suddenly shrank and stunned.

"Sorry, blue dyed adults, I have not mastered the power of the present!!"

In this regard, the blue dye is gently placed on the left hand, his eyes slightly picked up, looking at the right hand palm that has disappeared.

After a long while, he was softly muttered in the face of Urchiola's self-blame.

"nothingness.... completely power to annihilate everything....."

"The nature of aging is different from that of Bayermont, but it is similar..."

Speaking of this, I saw his eyes glanced at the armor of Urchiola, muttered.

“Is this a unique way of maintaining the weight of Hollow?...”

I saw that he said to himself, slowly swinging his hand, the next moment, the white palm has returned to normal.

Seeing this scene, Urchiola swallowed his words and let go of his heart.

At this time, the blue dye has slowly turned and walked toward the silver in the distance, leaving his magnetic voice in the air.

"Get a good grasp of this weight, Urchiola."

"The ten-blade Legion will one day be returned to the Soul King Palace. By then, the power of the sky will be distributed by us."

Hearing this voice, Urchiola faced the blue-stained back, respectfully bowed his head, said solemnly.

"His subordinates will clear all obstacles for you and give all rebels the biggest sanctions!"