Chapter 646

Name:Naruto Shikigami Aizen Author:
With the blue dyed voice falling, I saw a moment, a smashing blue rays of light emerged from his chest!


With a strange wave of volatility, I saw the next moment, as if some kind of power broke the seal.

The blue-dyed original hair suddenly grows to the back of the short brown hair, but it is only a moment to reach the waist.

His body is windless and automatic, slowly suspended in the air, and a bright blue crystal slowly emerges from the chest.

It just came out of the rays of light that exudes embarrassment, but let the people on the scene easily feel the unstoppable terrorist power.

The black-and-white uniform of the original blue-dyed body was replaced by a layer of milky white-like coat, which fell straight down to the foot.

The most striking thing is his strange purple eyes.

No matter who looks at towards the eyes, what I can feel is that a higher creature is indifferent to lower creatures.

The change of blue dyeing naturally also attracted the attention of everyone present.

Whether it is the long door and the others, there are flying segments in the field. At this time, the eyes are slightly enlarged, looked towards blue dye, and some are shocked.

"This.. This is the blue dyed adult... is the power now?"

The long door is slightly muttered.

With Samsara Eye, he can clearly see the power of the blue dye that is completely incompatible with this world!

As for the flying segment, it is more attention-oriented from the evil spirits that do not exist at all, looked towards blue dyeing.

His face showed a fanatical expression and shouted excitedly.

"God of the gods....!!"

Seeing his respectful and frantic look, if you don't know, I am afraid that blue dye is the god he believes in!

At this time, I saw blue dyed with a pair of indifferent scorpions glanced over the darkness of the sky, the sound calmly said.

"Because of fear, don't you dare to show up?"

As if I heard him, the space in the darkness suddenly inexplicably produced strange fluctuations, as if it produced incomparable anger!

Seeing this scene, a pair of Samsara Eyes in the long door could not be suddenly enlarged, said solemnly.


The voice that accompanied him just fell!

"pu 嗤..."

It seems that the blood of countless blush is brewed by the huge sharp claw suddenly appearing from the dark space!

The crimson claws are full of the length of the few ten meters, as if a thin palm of the hand is covered with blushing blood, and there are various negative emotions in the blood!

Just as soon as it appeared on the scene, everyone in the room could clearly feel the disgusting bloody atmosphere contained in it!

The ninjas who had been cowering in the corners seemed to be crazy at this moment, and suddenly the emotions were moving.

Some of them couldn't control themselves, and they slammed their heads on the stone pillar, and soon died of blood loss!

Some are crazy and mad, I don’t know what to call!

Others have widened their eyes and whitened their eyes, seemingly losing consciousness.

Even the Hollow Night Palace on the field was slightly affected by this sudden appearance of the blood giant claw. Xiaonan and Yahiko’s eyes were slightly reddish and their emotions were violent.

The corners are cold and gazes at the giant claw of the sky. The oil green's scorpion is full of cold glow, and it seems to be a bit of a move.

Seeing this scene, the long door was immediately coldly shouted.

"Give me some calm!"

Hearing his words, the talents were slightly separated from the frenzied consciousness.

The silver on the side glanced at everyone, the corner of the mouth raise, lightly said with a smile.

"The long door is right, you really should calm down, after all... this is the battle of Blue dye Captain alone... I don't think he wants anyone to participate."

When I heard him, everyone was afraid.

If you are really affected by emotions and participate in the battle of the blue-stained adults, in any case, I am afraid that the blue-dyed adults will be unhappy.

At this moment.

I saw the dark hall above the darkness, the blushing sharp claw, which was filled with countless fears and despairs, and was actually condensed by the blood.

Seeing this scene, the blue-stained face is not the slightest panic, but the corner of the mouth evokes a cold smile.

I saw the palm of my hand and whispered softly.

"Bakudō Eighty-one. Broken!"

The next moment, a transparent barrier that instantly separates the entire great hall instantly appears in the great hall.


The blushing giant claw slammed into it, and the blood of the blush was splashing around, and the bloody bones seemed to shatter.

Below, the flying section looked at this scene.

Looking at the calm silhouette in the air, his breath was slightly heavy, and the mouth was muttered.

"With no difficulty, it will block the attack of the evil gods... this.. This is the real god....."

At high altitude, it seems that I am angry that my attack is easily blocked!

Hollow in the darkness, a blush sharp claw that was bigger than before, suddenly appeared again, slamming into blue dye!


However, under the resistance of the gap, its end is not better than before.

Under the strong impact, it instantly became a smashed bone.

Seeing this scene, the blue dyed pair of purple scorpions are indifferent, but the corners of the mouth are slightly swayed, as if ridiculing the general said with a sneer.

"A guy who can't break even if it's broken?..."

"The goods like you... How dare you arrogantly claim to be evil spirits?"

When the blue-stained voice fell, the whole space suddenly and violently trembled.

It's like a heavy hammer hitting a giant drum, and huge fluctuations instantly spread to the field!

Anyone knows that there is a certain horrible existence that is about to appear.

In the mid-air of the great hall, the blue-stained pair of purple scorpion glanced at the heights of the piece of the darkness of the dark fog at the moment, and then slammed into the crowd, the voice was indifferently said.

"Retreat, the next battle is not that you can get involved."

When he heard his words, Silver answered the first one.

"Follow, Blue Dye Captain!"

I saw his mouth sullenly like a fox smile, and then turned to look at the people around the organization, lightly said with a smile.

"We should leave this place."

When you hear silver, the long door and the others are not ugly by the face, said solemnly.

"But....what can we do at this time!!"

His words were interrupted by silver before he finished talking, and he saw silver glance and glanced at him, whispering.

"This is the command of Blue Dye Captain. Are you going to violate it?"

"Still... you don't trust the strength of Blue Dye Captain?"

When I heard this, the long door glimpsed, but the silver did not pay attention to it, and the voice continued to say lightly with a smile.

"Listen to me!"

"You know, the blue-stained Captain is a little serious, but it's rarely seen. If you miss it, it's hard to have another one."