Chapter 701

Name:Naruto Shikigami Aizen Author:
The illusion of obstacles that occurred before the first written test of the Zhong Ren test ended with a farce.

Because of Xiao Li’s sudden insertion, the Ning and the others also came over and found out the ninjas who created obstacles for the candidates who took the test.

It is also through this opportunity that they were all hidden in the candidates, and they have met again since they graduated from the school.

As the candidates poured into the building that looked very inconspicuous, the Zhong Ren test was completely kicked off.

Walking in the ramp leading to the interior of the building, the twelve small groups gathered together at this time exchanged with each other.

Next to Naruto, a small white dog was on his head, and the youngster painted on his face gently pushed his shoulder, and his mouth was hooked, low with a smile.

"Hey, hello, it seems that after you graduated from the school, you have experienced a lot of Naruto. I just saw the performance of the group of guys."

When he heard the youngster, Naruto couldn’t help but express his expression, and smashed his head and pretended to be a bear with Hollow’s said with a smile.

"Ah, are you..."

"I thought I was hiding deep, I didn't expect it to be discovered by the teeth!"

"Look at the teeth you have improved a lot!"

In this regard, the dog's mouth and mouth are hooked, revealing a sharp canine, confident with a smile.

"That is of course, now I am not a little bit better with Akagi!"

When I heard the dog's fangs, the little white dog on the top of his head couldn't help but scream a few times, seemingly in line with the youngster's words.

On the other side, Ning is gently walking beside the young field, and his voice is very low.

Although Hsiao was shy about being treated so much in front of so many people, he still listened awkwardly, a look of Hollow obedient.

As for Sakura, it has already collided with Ino, and although they are walking side by side, you squeeze me and I squeeze you, and no one will let anyone.

In the place where they fell a few positions, Lumao gently held his arms behind his head, lazily followed the candidates' progress slowly, a look of boredom.

However, when he looked around all the time, his eyes were attracted by a few ninja ninjas.

After seeing the red-haired youngster carrying a big gourd, Lumao did not blink at the brow, always feeling that the youngster was somewhat out of place with the surrounding candidates.

Ding noticed the change of the deer pill, and could not help but stop the action of eating snacks. He looked at him with confusion and asked.

"What did you find, Lumao?"

Hearing his words, Lumao shook his head gently, stretching his brow slowly and whispering.

"Nothing, just like seeing a strange guy, don't need to be on your mind."

In his heart, it is secretly thought.

I hope I don't meet that guy at the time...

I always feel that there is a danger that the guy who is forbearing is not able to say it!

Just when he thought so, all the candidates who took the Zhongren exam had already been taken to a huge classroom.

After they had settled on each other according to the information on the table, several black shadows suddenly flashed on the stage.

I saw a burly big man who took the lead and took a step forward with his eagle-like eyes, and glanced at the crowd, coldly said.

"I am the examiner of your first written test, Senai Yibi!"


At the time when the Zhongren test was carried out step by step.

Located in the center of Muye Village, in the Huo Ying Building, a slightly dignified sound is ringing in the office.

"Is the identity of those bodies already investigated??"

I saw the office, at this time the water gate was frowning, and his face was a little dignified and looked at the tall man in front of him.

Hearing his words, I saw the tall man in front of him gently nodded, the angular face kept a calm expression, the sound calmed.

"The faces of the bodies have all disappeared, but according to the physical evidence of several deceased, it should be possible to confirm that their identity is a candidate for the village."

Hearing his answer, the watergate's eyes were slightly low, and one palm gently tapped on the table, seemingly thinking about the reason for this happening.

Today, the Zhongli test officially began, the Muye Guard’s Ninja passed on the intelligence and said that several faceless bodies were found in the northern part of the Wood Leaf Forest!

Undoubtedly, such sudden news cast a shadow over the beginning of this test.

At this time, the water gate is not a little vigilant in the heart, carefully thinking about how the deaths of these several villagers will have an impact on this test.

Not only that, but behind the killings, which villages have been implicated, what their purpose is, these are all confused by the water gate.

After pondering for a long time, the water gate slowly raised his head, looked toward the tall man in front of him, and his voice was light.

"In any case, I can find this thing in advance thanks to the rope tree Senior."

Hearing his words, the thousand-handed rope tree in front of him did not change, but the sound was calmly said.

"This is nothing, just my job, that's all."

In this regard, Watergate continued to look at him, his eyes were a little serious and slow.

"Next, please ask Senior to spread the news inside the guard team. I will also inform the dark department to let everyone cheer up."

When it comes to this, I saw a sharp glimpse of the water in the eye of the watergate, a little heavy road.

"There is no doubt that this incident will definitely not be related to the holding of the Zhongrui test in Konoha. Before we can understand the enemy's goal for the time being, all we can do is to strengthen the alert in the village!"

"This thing, please also ask Senior for you."

In this regard, the rope tree expression is still calm and calm.

"Guarding the leaves is also my task, I will deploy the guards in all aspects of the village as soon as possible."

Hear this, the water gate is nodded, and then some doubts are thinking.

"But...why do the faces of the Ninja Village Ninjas disappear? The enemy must have something to do with it..."

Hearing his words, the rope tree hesitated, then slowly.

"In my opinion, I am afraid that the other party has stolen the faces of those guys..."

Watergate's face was slightly surprised and frowned.

"Pirate.. Face.!?"

"Relying on this evil ninjutsu, what are they going to do!?"

In this regard, the rope tree bottom flashed a fine man, slowly.

"I am afraid I will sneak into the candidates for this test."

Hearing this, the water gate could not help but muttered.

"Yes... this time, the test of Zhongren did not seem to come to the candidates of the village."

Speaking of this, I saw his face slightly dignified, slowly to the dark.

"Check to see if there are any ninjas in the test list of this candidate!"

Sorry, go out for dinner at night, come back late, there is a chapter, right away