Chapter 129: First Attack, Monstrous Opposition and Dance

Name:Naruto: The Blind Swordsman Author:
Chapter 129: First Attack, Monstrous Opposition and Dance

_________ POV Narration _________

Tosho and Akira both sighed as they looked over the vast expanse of forest and snow in front of them.

"They sure chose a good season for this stupid attack... I hate the cold." Akira, the Second Blade, shivered slightly as he sat atop the closed gates of the Dark Brotherhood compound.

Standing by his side, Tosho couldn't help but shake his head.

"The weather wasn't that bad a few weeks ago, but I guess winter does have its way of surprising people at times." The First Blade spoke out while observing the forests in front of him with an indifferent gaze.

"I mean, you think seasons would be more predictable, but I guess lately everything has been unpredictable.

It's jarring to see snow fallen on green leaves, but a sight I've grown accustomed to..."

Tosho's posture didn't change at all as he addressed the Second Blade who sat by his side. He seemed to be both relaxed and wary at the same time.

Both of them were wary to some degree, it seemed that they were expecting something. Something big, which could happen at any moment.

"We do have the advantage of knowing their next moves..." Akira said as he slowly stood up, noticing the trees in the distance shaking slightly.

"Yet they have the numerical advantage, and the power advantage..." Tosho seemed to also notice the movements, the Samehada on his back wriggled in happiness.

"Hmmm... I don't know about that last part. Our leader is pretty strong." Akira cracked his neck and took out the Decapitation Carving Knife from a seal on his wrist.

"Well... They also have that..." Tosho cracked his neck as he looked at a gigantic figure appearing in the distance, toppling all of the trees around it.

Both of the Blades swayed slightly as they looked at it.

A red-furred and green-skinned gigantic gorilla with 4 tails. It roared loudly, shaking the forest around it as fires started to spread everywhere around it, the temperature in the air rising just from its presence.

"The 4-Tailed Beast... I guess Iwagakure is going all in..." Tosho slowly grasped at the wriggling handle of the Samehada, behind him countless shadows blurred, spreading out in every direction from the compound.

"As if that wasn't enough..." Akria then looked to the side, slightly behind the 4-Tailed Beast, another one rose from the foliage.

A gigantic white horse with a dolphin's head. It has two pointed long horns to the sides of its head and three shorter horns in front.

Its most telling features were the 5 tails wriggling behind it, lashing out and snapping parts of the forest around it.

"Both of them are here..." Akria muttered while shaking his head slightly. He narrowed his eyes as they seemed to glint with anticipation.

"Do you think we will be able to take them on?" The Second Blade continued speaking while already stretching.

It was more of a rhetorical question. It didn't really matter what his chances of taking on the Tailed Beasts were. That was also true for Tosho.

Their job was to stall them, not to outright defeat them.

"The armies of the allied villages are likely hiding behind the Tailed Beasts for now..." The First Blade spoke as both he and Akira stared down the Tailed Beasts fearlessly.

Both the 4 and 5 Tailed Beasts seemed to move in unison, all of their tails pointed to the sky as mana gathered at the tips of their tails, forming a gigantic ball in front of their mouths.

The Gigantic Gorilla had a ball of glowing red chakra, it seemed to be smouldering the atmosphere around it.

Meanwhile, the horse seemed to have created a ball of compressed steam, which was also radiating enough heat to rival that of the Apeish four-tailed beast.

"They really do want to just wipe us out it seems..." Tosho shook his head as he raised his hand.

"Tailed Beast Lava Bomb!" "Tailed Beast Steam Bomb!" Two monstrous voices thundered through the entire mountain range as their heads snapped in the direction of the two Blades.

The two gigantic obs of power immediately compressed and started barreling forward, rolling and burning every tree that stood in between them and the Dark Brotherhood compound.

At that moment, Tosho waved his hand and tilted his head.

Then, both he and Akira cut their thumbs with the nail of their index finger and tapped the ground at their feet at the same time.The initial instance of this chapter being available happened at N0v3l.Bin.

"Summoning: Triple Rashmon!" "Summoning: Triple Rashmon!"

At that moment, six demonic gates rose from the ground to meet the attacks of the tailed beasts, as both of the Blades braced for impact.

An A-rank defensive jutsu that they had managed to scavenge off of a dead body which was found decapitated at the bottom of the sea.

"Yeah yeah, stop yapping so much about it, it only happened once and it was just some random bandit!" Akira seemed to take offence to Tosho's words, but the First Blade only shrugged.

"If you followed your diet plan properly, that wouldn't have happened."

"If you like talking shit so much, why don't I shove a funnel deep into your stomach so you can shit through it, huh?!?"

The two continued their banter while the army of shinobi banged at the formations they had created, trying to free the tailed beasts.

They were... Unsuccessful, to say the least.

Things were going to plan for the Dark Brotherhood, at least for now.

Ken was also already halfway there, he was almost past the Land of Grass, right at the border with the Land of Waterfall.

He sighed as he smelt the opposition ahead, he climbed up a large hill, and on the other side was a gigantic lake.

Ken could feel countless Shinobi within that lake lying in wait. He could also feel a few rather specific chakra signatures, significant ones actually.

"A few Kage and a Tailed Beast... That's it?" Ken shook his head as he spoke out loud to nobody.

But he was sure the little spies that had been following him around heard his words.

It was almost as if he had triggered an earthquake. In an instant, countless figures rose from within the Lake.

"How the hell did he spot us?!" "As expected of the world's strongest Bounty Hunter, huh? Even if he's a kid..."

Many shinobi voiced out their frustrations as they stepped onto the calm lake and stared at Ken with narrowed eyes.

"This is where you die, you abominable brat!" Lord Yuu was in the middle of the lake too, speaking from behind the army of shinobi as he hoped to finally see the death of the one that had caused the Grass Village so much shame.

"Oh, some old nobodies among you all too. So strange. Still, none of you have the right to step in the same arena as me." Ken shook his head before turning his masked face to the sky.

"What was the point of bringing so much cannon fodder over, Onoki?" In the sky, the legless figure of a small old man lowered from above the clouds and huffed.

"Tsk, don't get too complacent... Today is the day you die, Red Dot! You and the Dark Brotherhood you worked so hard to create!" Onoki huffed in rage as a few figures appeared by his side.

One was a tall man with spiky hair, he seemed to be floating on black dust... Or was it sand? Ken didn't really know.

The other figure seemed to be a monk of sorts, Ken could clearly feel a Tailed Beast within him.

The three of them didn't seem to want to attack right away.

'Using the cannon fodder to tire me out, huh? How useless...'

"I guess the show is starting, huh?" Ken sighed and tapped the seal on his wrist, taking out a large and bulky sword.

The Hiramekarei, or the twin sword. A large blade with legendary chakra conductivity that had two hilts.

The Blade glowed an eerie blue as Ken decided to use its most important abilities... Shapeshifting.

In an instant, the blade started to shrink, and before everyone's eyes, the previously bulky double-edged sword turned into an exceedingly long one-edged blade.

A long dachi, something that was certainly more in line with Ken's style.

The shinobi looking at it couldn't help but gulp, it looked like it could cut through scores of men with just one swing.

"Let's see how well the lot of you can dance!"


Hope you liked the chapter!

Managed to write it at the office, have some issues with my home internet connection, trying to get it fixed

Story Shoutout(if you have any suggestions for a story feel free to dm me or leave a comment , haven't had time to read much lately) : The Final Desperation

Discord, again:

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