Chapter 137: Capture, Plan and Tracking

Name:Naruto: The Blind Swordsman Author:
Chapter 137: Capture, Plan and Tracking

_________ POV Narration _________

"Hah... HAh.... What the hell...?"

Black Zetsu felt the body of the White Zetsu it possessed becoming tired, something that was completely mindboggling.

At that point, he had been torturing the Blind Monster for around 2 hours. And, during that time Ken had not made a sound of pain, not even the slightest hiss.

Ken only really made any sounds when commenting on the torturer's skills and sometimes even giving him random tips.

It was genuinely infuriating for the Black Zetsu to have to listen to all of that. It was true that it wasn't a torturer by profession, sure. It was too busy being the plotting consciousness of a ghost from the past...

But the Torturer still knew that what it was doing was supposed to be inflicting pain upon the Blind Monster. Hell, the entire point was to kill him in the first place, but nothing was working.

Stabbed through the heart? It would close back up as soon as he pulled back the rod.

And it wasn't like stabbing Ken through the heart was an easy matter either, as it took genuine effort for the body of the White Zetsu to pierce the monster's scales.

Black Zetsu's only real peace of mind was the fact that not many of the seals had broken since the beginning, some seemed to malfunction, but the main ones that were keeping the Blind Monster in place were active and working as intended.

'Really, that man, Saburo was it? To be able to create something to hold down someone of Ken's strength in such a short time... He's worth keeping an eye on in the future.'

Black Zetsu continued to stab into Ken's body, piercing it more and more.

He had tried going for the head and piercing the brain too, but that seemed to be a whole lot more difficult to do.

After destroying the mask, Black Zetsu found out the hard way that Ken had no holes in his skull that led directly to the brain. His nostrils were too thin for him to pierce through as well.

There was also the fact that the brain seemed to be no different from the heart, and it healed just as quickly when injured.

That coupled with the fact that Ken's skull seemed to be much thicker than that of a regular human led to Black Zetsu simply giving up on piercing the Blind Monster's brain after a while, and focusing on other vitals.

"You seem to be quite frustrated... Are you running out of ideas perhaps?" Ken's voice rang out in that large chamber.

His eerily calm tone was concerning, but then again, it hadn't changed much through the whole ordeal, so Black Zetsu had gotten used to it already. The initial instance of this chapter being available happened at N0v3l.Bin.

"Tsk, don't act as if you've managed to break any seals in the time I've been squandering...

Plan B will soon be on its way, and if that fails too, then that fool, Onoki, should hopefully be able to do the job as long as you're incapacitated..."

Black Zetsu shook its head before slowly turning around and looking at its table of tools. Ken was right, it was indeed slowly running out of ideas.

Sure, stabbing him through the heart till he died was an idea, but how long was that going to take? Did Black Zetsu have the time for that?

No, no he didn't.

"Oh, that's right, Onoki... How come you didn't allow him to do this in the first place? I'm sure his methods, that weird jutsu of his, would've been more effective than whatever you've been attempting..."

Ken's disimpassioned tone seemed to continue getting on Black Zetsu's nerves. But the fact that the Blind Monster was nothing more than a rat trapped in a cage made Black Zetsu more comfortable.

"Tsk, the Sand Kage and Jinchuriki were unwilling to face you alone. They didn't want their losses to be greater than-"

Black Zetsu seemed to instantly stop, a thick stone door opening on the side and showing a White Zetsu entering the room, panting.

"B-bad ne-" The White Zetsu didn't even get to finish two words as its head turned to mush, a gigantic tail stretched above Black Zetsu's head and piercing the newcomer instantly.

And in that same moment, the Parasitic Entity that was Black Zetsu felt a bone-chilling fear as it heard the entire formation behind him crack and break like glass.

His eyes widened as he felt a gigantic hand grasp his neck from behind.

'No way! No fucking way... That barrier was standing strong just seconds before?!?!' Black Zetsu's mind raced, trying to understand how Ken had managed to break out instantly.

"I guess the time has come, huh?" Ken smiled as he tilted his head, smiling at the parasitic being he held in his hand.

"W-what have you don-"

"I hope tracking that rat achieves the results that you envisioned, Leader..." Saburo said as he nodded towards the Blind Monster, who took out a spare mask from the seal on his wrist and put it on.

"With enough luck, I may actually get to the one behind the scenes in all of this. You can start assisting the brotherhood with the cleanup in the meantime."

Saburo's clone bowed towards Ken one last time before both of them vanished.

Ken was off to track Black Zetsu using the 'mark' he had put on him. And Saburo was off to get in touch with the Brotherhood.

The Blind Monster soared through the skies, and an ever-present smile resided underneath his wooden mask.

He revelled at the fact that he was now one step closer to his plans... Taking down the mastermind behind the attack was a must.

After all, someone with the resources to contact so many village leaders and convince them to band together was going to be an obstacle in Ken's plans.

'Revealing my age was enough to make all of the snakes poke their heads out from the grass, but the spider that clings on the tree and just observes is always the most dangerous...'

By now, all of the 'snakes' had their heads cut off, so all that was left was to rid the spider of its legs and break its head.

Hours passed as he flew at his greatest speed to keep up with the strange parasitic shadow. The Black Zetsu as it called itself.

It seemed to be extremely fast, but Ken was still able to track it down.

It was a special being, a blend of strange chakra and Nature Energy, unlike anything that Ken had ever felt.

It was almost similar to the White Zetsu, but not quite, almost as if it was of a different wavelength.

But it wasn't like all Nature Energy was the same, after all his was different compared to that of the Toads as well.

But thanks to being able to observe the Unique form of the Black Zetsu for such a long time whilst it was struggling to kill him, Ken was now able to trace its steps effortlessly.

And it eventually entered a crack in the ground, one which led to a large cave. Ken tapped on the outer wall of the cave silently, feeling the vibrations within the earth as he pressed his ear to the stone.

He could feel plenty of odd things inside, but he needed to first address the most important part... The old man was now conversing with the Black Zetsu.

The cave entrance was completely covered up with rock, no human was likely going to be able to break it without alerting those inside.

But Ken was still going to try...

He dug his hands into the ground, his claws turning sharper, more monstrous as he dug through the earth whilst making as little noise as possible.

Eventually, he dug a hole through the roof of the cave and landed right in between the old man with spiky hair, and the Black Zetsu which had taken over the body of another White Zetsu.

He sniffed the air a few times as both the old man and the Zetsu seemed to jump away from him.

"...Fuck..." Black Zetsu muttered as it slowly stepped back.

Meanwhile, the old man's eyes narrowed as he also stepped back, albeit slower than the Zetsu.

Ken could feel a familiar energy in his eyes...

'The Sharingan? Hmm... This seems more interesting by the minute... Let's see what the spider has to say for itself...'


Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

Feeling a bit better, managed to write up another chapter

Part of the plan's finally been revealed, tho some ppl might've guessed where this was going already :))

Story Shoutout: Hell Difficulty Tutorial

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