Chapter 142: The Daimyō Issue, Board and Package

Name:Naruto: The Blind Swordsman Author:
Chapter 142: The Daimyō Issue, Board and Package

___________ POV Narration ___________

"What about the actual Nobility of the Lands that rule over us?"

The Raikage's voice was followed by silence. Everyone looked over at Ken once more, awaiting his answer.

No one present thought for one second that Ken hadn't already made plans on how to convince the Daimy of each land.

The Royal families were, at the end of the day, the ones that called the shots. The Hidden Villages were all in the employ of others.

There was no way that the Blind Monster hadn't taken that into account.

"The Hidden Villages are employed by the Noble Families, true... But we also now have plenty of leverage.The source of this content nov(el)bi((n))

All of us together should be more than enough to have the same influence as the old God of Shinobi..." The Assassin crossed his arms as he brought up the only person that he achieved something similar to what he wanted.

Senju Hashirama. By far, the man was considered the most powerful Shinobi to date.

Under him, the world flourished for quite a few good years. And it was purely because of his strength.

No one dared to cross the leaf, and when Hashirama declared that he wished to end the Warring period, none of the Daimy dared to go against his wishes purely because of his strength.

And no one dared to start wars during his time because they knew he'd get involved.

Hell, he was strong enough to capture and give out the Tailed Beasts to the other villages as well, hoping that they would serve as a deterrent after his demise.

But even with the Tailed Beasts, literal weapons of destruction with personalities, no one dared to start fighting while Hashirama was alive.

Only after his death did the Era of the Shinobi Wars start properly.

It was the return of the Warring States almost, just with a lot more structure. But structured chaos was not that much better than regular chaos, and suffering was still all around them.

"Hmm... That might just work honestly..." Hirzuen muttered as he took a look at everyone who had gathered.

Three of the strongest Shinobi alive, one of the strongest Jinchuriki, the most powerful Assassin, and the strongest Samurai were all present.

"It's a bit brutish, forcing peace onto them using our strengths and influence... But as long as we work together it shouldn't be much of an issue. Lord knows my people need some peace as well..."

Yorihhiko humed as he seemed to agree with the Hokage wholeheartedly.

"It's still odd to think we'd be working together... But it's true that there is little we can't do if we put in enough effort." The Raikage seemed to agree, becoming rather excited as he flexed one arm with a smile.

And Killer B behind him seemed to be getting quite hyped as well.

"Heh, yeah!~ We unite, take command!

They'll bend to our will, can't withstand our might!~" The rapper immediately started spouting off, gaining a strange look from everyone present.

The Raikage sighed in concealed disappointment before shaking his head and returning to his thoughts.

The others acted similarly, but B was too busy to notice the tough crowd as he took out his notebook and started scribbling some more sick verses.

"Lord Yuichi and the Land of Iron can also help pressure the other Noble Families...

It may strain some relations, and risk affecting our usual Neutral stance, but I believe that Lord Yuichi will be willing to lend us a hand at the promise of peace." The Beheading General's statement was quite outstanding to all of the Kage present.

Mifune's position was indeed different than theirs, but they still assumed that Mifune answered to the Daimy at the end of the day.

Only Ken didn't react much, as he was already well aware of the state of affairs within the Land of Iron.

Mifune and Yuichi were essentially family through anything other than blood, and the Daimy had absolute respect for the Samurai General.

'If they are willing to go all in... Then I might as well join them. The Leaf will benefit a lot from this period of peace anyway.' The Hokage pondered for a few seconds before deciding to reveal his cards as well.

"We can force the hand of Iwagakure and the Land of Earth to join our Alliance in exchange for us returning Onoki alive.

They are in a very precarious position seeing as they've lost both of their Jinchuriki and Tailed Beasts. They do not have the capability to refuse our requests now."

Hirzuen smiled as he remembered the broken figure of Onoki being carried away by his Anbu.

It was a shame that the Kazekage and the One-Tailed Jinchuriki had gotten away.

From the smell, Ken could safely deduce that most of the blood on Yorihhiko's jacket and blades was from that man.

And he could also recognize his chakra signature.

"Danzo Shimura... Seems like he finally stepped over the line, huh?" The Raikage scoffed when seeing the man.

"Haah...Ha..." Danzo breathed slowly as his eye adjusted to the light, and his gaze finally fell on the people observing him.

He already knew everything was over, so he wasn't shocked or startled upon seeing Hirzuen.

He knew things had gone awry ever since the groups he and some other smaller Kage led were intercepted by the Uzumaki.

It wasn't long before they were captured either.

Danzo was relatively strong, but he was a far cry from Yorihhiko, who didn't even need to use the Adamantite Sealing Chains against him.

"As you can see, or feel I guess... My old companion decided to go rogue. You were the one to bring this to my attention discretely back then.

He has brought shame onto our village, so he will be punished properly, though it looks as though he has already been punished quite a bit..."

Hirzuen couldn't help but wince a bit when seeing his old friend and comrade in such a state.

"Well, he did try to put up a fight, and I didn't want him struggling too much during the sealing process..." Yorihhiko simply shrugged unapologetically.

"No, you handled it well... But I will take it from here." Hiruzen walked over to his old friend and patted him on the shoulder before pushing him back into the barrel and setting it upright.

"I still need a bit more time to find out the true extent of his crimes... His roots ran deep into the Leaf Village.

He always acted for its benefit, but I believe his desire to be in control overwhelmed his reasoning as of late..."

Hiruzen seemed to have quite a lot to say, his gaze was complex and the emotions within him ranged from sadness to anger, to apathy and sorry. A jumbled mess as some could call it.

It was clear that Hiruzen was the sentimental sort, but he was still very well composed.

"Thank you for quenching my curiosity..." Ken slowly nodded towards HIrzuen who slowly raised and harnessed the barrle on his back.

"No problem, we are all allies now... We shall speak again soon." The Hokage nodded as a yellow cloud seeped from the bottom of his sandals and slowly lifted him off the ground.

"Yorihhiko, are you coming with me?" The Hokage said as he turned to the Uzumaki Leader. The two were headed in the same direction after all.

And the Uzumaki Leader agreed, only looking towards Ken one last time. "We shall catch up at a later date over a cup of tea... Till then, do take care of my son!" Yorihhiko shouted as he jumped on the nimbus cloud.

He then nodded towards the others present, specifically Mifune, as he was still not in the mood to act friendly with the Raikage.

"Well... Me and B can stay and help you rebuild for now, we still need to rest and recover some chakra before we get going."

The Raikage turned towards Ken with a smile as soon as the two had left.

"That would be greatly appreciated..." The Blind Monster nodded once more, smiling as he did so.

The Raikage laughed a bit, turned around whilst grabbing B by the collar and started walking towards the remains of the compound.

"My Samurai can also help set up temporary residences for the children..." Mifune looked towards Ken, his gaze a bit complicated, but at the same time also composed.

"Thank you, you are reliable as always Mifune... We do have plenty of work ahead of us."

"Indeed. But things are looking quite hopeful, aren't they?"

"... Yes. They certainly are."


Heya! Hope you liked the chapter!

I wonder how many ppl were able to tell what the mc's plan was previously tbh, I tried to give some hints about it, but I also didn't want to give out too much, so I may have failed to foreshadow some of it.

Anyhow, it's 3am for me, I'll go die now

Story Shoutout: Hell Difficulty Tutorial

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