Chapter 184: Intentions, Purity and Kage

Name:Naruto: The Blind Swordsman Author:
Chapter 184: Intentions, Purity and Kage

_________ POV Narration _________

"Remember Hiroshi, you gotta become strong in order to protect yourself!" Ken spoke out as he brought his chopsticks down grabbed yet another piece of perfectly fried chicken and brought it to his mouth.

His family sat at the table and ate quietly and in a somewhat restrained manner. Hiroshi only nodded with a rather scared expression on his face.

Ken's earlier display did wonders in putting fear in their hearts.

But that was very much Ken's intention. At the end of the day, that violence was his identity for the longest time.

He needed his 'biological' family to understand that. The type of man he was. But also the type of man he had become.

He killed without blinking, not that he was able to. He killed without hesitation, and most importantly, he didn't let anyone who slighted him off easily.

These very obvious implications did wonders in making his biological parents very uncomfortable.

But at the same time, Ken also sent the clear message that he didn't wish to kill them... Because if he did, they'd already be dead.

If he had sought out his biological family a few years back and saw them living happily like that after they left him for death, he likely would have killed them, just out of principle.

But now, he was a man who cared for his family above all else, even an estranged family. The virtues instilled in him by the care of the actual Family that looked after him had materialized fully throughout his journey.

After all, he had been nothing but warm to his brother. And despite slighting him, his parents were still alive, hell Ken had even made food for them.

But there was another reason why Ken needed his biological brother to see that gruesome scene...

Hiroshi seemed to somewhat start idolizing Ken during their talks, especially so when Ken was able to overwhelm Iruma with just his reputation, rendering their previous oppressor a tail-wagging dog without even lifting a finger.

But the Blind Monster needed Hiroshi to understand that he was not a man to be revered.

Only those who walked a path stained in blood could ever claim to appreciate someone like Ken fully. And he needed Hiroshi to understand that. He needed his estranged 'parents' to understand it as well.

Those of pure nature and mind could never get too close to Ken without being tainted as well.

The Dark Brotherhood was specifically hand-picked. Children that had already lost their purity due to the war. This was a specific choice, to only house them, to give those future misguided and previously wronged lives a proper chance at a good life.

But Purity was the main reason why children were chosen.

Even someone like Ume was far from pure... She may have liked acting childish and was childishly timid to some extent.

But that girl had watched her father get slowly decapitated in front of her, and she had also been forced to watch her mother get defiled as well before she also met the same fate as her father.

She only survived because she hid in a barrel, for around 3-4 days. She was lucky to have been found by a monk who was burying the dead in the village.

She was still too hungry to move, but the Monk saved her life, feeding her and helping her leave that damned place.

Even in arduous times, good people still struggled against the tides, they swam upstream a river of blood to do what was right.

There was no benefit in helping a half-dead little girl, but good was still present in the world. That nameless monk was one such example among many.

And Ume was also lucky enough to be sent to an orphanage, and to get picked up by Tosho, the First Blade.

Yamada was by no means pathetic or weak to greet Ken in such a way. In his mind, he was merely acting respectfully as one would when meeting a king.

After all, Kings were only important because they held the power to end the people who prostrated before them... And Ken certainly wielded that power.

"Yamada, no need for that!" The Blind Monster chose to take the cordial approach this time around, immediately walking forward and pulling the Kage to his feet, much to the surprise of everyone around them.

Normally, one would have around a dozen blades pointed at their vitals by Anbu if they even so much as breathed close to a Kage in their own land, but Ken was too terrifying a figure for that to ever happen.

"I have heard about you... You have managed to build and maintain a rather beautiful piece of heaven in this land." Ken's friendly tone seemed to have taken Yamada aback greatly, he blinked a few times and nodded.

"T-thank you, sir. My predecessors worked hard for this place, it would be a disservice to them if I failed to maintain and develop it further." Yamada, now straight as an arrow, returned Ken's smile and shook his hand.

Inside his mind, the Kage was jumping around and panicking, but he was truly glad that Ken was not bearing resentment for the actions of those foolish Shinobi.

When getting the message that someone had approached Ken and the Shura Clan, he immediately got a bad feeling and started making his way there to soothe things over.

Thankfully Ken was a lot more agreeable than the rumours surrounding him.

"I had heard that you wished to speak to me, so I decided to come and greet you myself. Someone as esteemed as yourself shouldn't be bothered with coming to my humble office."

In truth, the last thing Yamada wanted was for Ken to go into their village at first... He may have claimed that the Red Dot would seek them out if needed and that there was no need to worry, but if possible he wanted to have the weapon of mass destruction named Ken outside of his village.

But now it seemed that it wouldn't be that big of a deal if the Blind Swordsman just went there for a stroll or two... As long as some Anbu looked at him from a distance and made sure no one dared to bother him.

"Oh, I doubt it is humble. But to get to the point, I wish to speak to you regarding the Shura Clan's situation and taxation.

As your men might have informed you, this happens to be the Clan that I originally came from, I may not be a member of it, but my brother is."

Yamada nodded, having already been briefed on the situation by the Anbu Captain behind him.

The fact that Ken was originally from the Shura Clan was beyond shocking to Yamada, but it was also exciting. After all, that meant that his Hidden Village now had the chance to collaborate with Ken.

"Of course, we will make sure that the Shura Clan is treated more fairly from now on. We will also arrange proper teachers for your brother, as well as a good supply of appropriately skilled sparring partners."

Yamada was also not one to mince words(at least not in front of people like Ken), he immediately went above and beyond to accommodate any requests Ken might've had.

He even sent a letter to his secretary to prepare all of the paperwork necessary whilst he was away. It was only natural for the Shura Clan's treatment to change now that Ken was involved.

"Thank you... Now then, the other matter I wish to speak to you about is a bit more of a personal one..."


Hope you liked today's chapter!

Missed one yesterday, took a bit longer to write the one on Patreon, and they tend to go on at the same time so yea...

Anyway, have a great day!


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