'Are you in Land of Wave yet?' Naru-nii wonders. 'I'm almost gone here.'
'Not yet,' Naruto thinks. 'Still in the fog.'
'How are you and Kurama getting on?'
'Not bad,' Naruto hesitantly answers. 'He can be pretty stingy but he had a pretty good idea I wanted to run by you.'
'What's up?'
'He wanted me to use up all my chakra on a bunch of clones to do whatever I want throughout the day, then he'll let me use his chakra instead.'
'Are you nervous about that?'
'Yeah, I guess I am,' Naruto admits. 'I mean I don't want to lose it or anything.'
'I get that, but remember, he's angry because everyone thought of him as some mindless monster only capable of hate,' Naru-nii explains. 'But I can tell you he's not terrible and his chakra's not terrible. It's up to you, though. He's your partner after all.'
'Yeah,' Naruto affirms as their group slowly advances in their little boat under the cloak of thick fog. 'I guess I just wanted to talk about it. I feel better now, thanks.'
'Anytime,' Naru-nii voices. 'I won't be there when you meet Zabuza and Haku. Remember, just because I told you what happened to me, doesn't mean it'll happen the same to you, so keep your eyes and ears open. Haku will be the one in a mask pretending to be a Hunter-nin.
If you see any white rabbits, be ready.'
"There!" Sasuke calls as he throws a shuriken into the bushes, startling a few birds to take off in the air.
After checking the shrubbery, Naruto yells, "Ah! You killed a rabbit!" With big balls of tears in his saddened eyes, he quickly cradles the motionless rabbit in his arms. He looks from Sasuke to the bleeding rabbit, continuing to yell, "how could you be so cruel!"
Again, Zabuza laughs before bringing up his index and middle, activating jutsu. "A clone is more than enough for you," Zabuza states as a water clone emerges. "Kakashi, if you interfere, I'll kill the brats and the old man behind you."
"Kakashi-sensei," Sakura warily calls but isn't sure what she wants to ask. Whether it's about Naruto, them, or the mission, this is all dangerous territory and it's looking closer and closer like one of them wasn't going to survive it.
While her duty kept her by Tazuna-san, she worried more about Sasuke-kun and her team.
Naruto moves away from the safety of his battle-ready Jnin-senseiwho's stuck between the mission behind him and the assassin in frontto the clearing beside them, all the while the water-clone is eying him.
Naruto takes out prepped kunai for each hand, spinning them in the air before gripping them in a fighting pose. The water-clone rushes to the blond, and as a taller faster adult, he was on Naruto in a second, bringing down the clone of his large sword with scary speed.
Naruto smiles as the sword slices down for the kill before speaking, "boom."
Both Naruto and Zabuza's water clone explode, surprising some longer than others. Kakashi and Zabuza were able to sense the kunai being thrown from the bushes at the original Demon of Hidden Mist, and when Zabuza blocks it, Kakashi and his Sharingan are on him.
Though Zabuza stops Kakashi's kunai to the neck with his bare hand, a couple of shurikens thrown low and from Zabuza's blind spot are embedded in his leg.
"It's over," Kakashi harshly states as he locks Zabuza's injured arm in an arm grapple before expertly breaking it at the elbow then immediately follows up with a strike to the rogue Kiri-nin's nose.
Despite a broken nose, the Kiri-nin rolls back with the force, attempting to gain some distance, but Kakashi is far more mobile, never letting up on the constantly retreating Kiri-nin until the half-naked ninja is leaning heavily against a tree, visibly exhausted with a kunai deep in each limb.
Before Kakashi can execute the killing blow, two senbon stick the eyebrow-less assassin in the neck instead. Turning to the direction of the senbon, the mostly stunned group find a masked ninja with long black hair standing calmly on the long branch of a tree.
Naruto emerges from the bushes as Kakashi checks Zabuza's body, asserting, "definitely dead."
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