Chapter 77: The Real Goods

Name:Naruto: The Wind Calamity Author:
Renjiro looked at Fujin and said, "Fujin, make a couple of shadow clones and a dozen wind clones. Examine the dead bodies, and take anything valuable they have."

He tossed a few storage scrolls at Fujin while speaking, "Store the dead bodies of the ninjas in these scrolls."

Fujin nodded and made the clones, who immediately got to work. Renjiro himself made a couple of Shadow clones and a few Mud clones, who began doing the same in the mud river.

He looked at Hoka and Mieko and said, "You two should learn Earth clone jutsu later. Once your chakra reserves grow, learn shadow clone jutsu. Both will be very helpful."

Mieko and Hoka nodded, "Yes Sensei."

While the bandits, valuables, and dead bodies were being cleared, they moved towards the hiding merchants and asked them to come out. The merchants sighed in relief and stopped hiding between their goods and rock shields. However, when they came out, they were shocked looking at the condition of the hills and forest around the area. They were also disturbed by the dead bodies and blood around them.

Iha Tosio walked to Renjiro and requested, "Renjiro-sama, can we please move away from here soon?"

Renjiro replied, "We need some time to rest. We will move soon. You guys can get ready to move."

Hearing that, all the merchants immediately began to prepare to move.

Renjiro looked at Hoka and said, "Take your shirt off." Hoka took his shirt off, and Renjiro disinfected the cut on his chest and wrapped it in bandages.

Fujin's clones first checked the ninjas from the 1st wave. They didn't have anything valuable as all their scrolls were destroyed by Fujin's first attack. Next, they checked and sealed all the genin and Masato. The genins didn't have much. Masato, on the other hand, had a lot of Ryo and weapons. Next, they checked the chunins and Tomio. They all had a decent amount of money and weapons. Tomio also had a scroll that listed some Water Release jutsus and another scroll explaining the mission parameters.

Fujin's shadow clone quickly skimmed through the Water jutsu scroll. However, at the end of it, he was disappointed, 'I thought I'd get lucky and get some op jutsu. Unfortunately, these all are rather lame. I can probably get them all from the library.'

Next, he went through the mission scroll, understanding what exactly their mission was. He was surprised, 'These guys sent 5 teams of similar size to intercept all 5 squads that were sent from Konoha? Aren't they a little too courageous? Also, how the fuck could they enter into the land of Fire so easily? And that too without being detected?'

Fujin sighed at the state of Konoha and Land of Fire, 'If all countries have such a weak border force, even I won't have any difficulty in moving around. No wonder the Akatsuki were pretty unobstructed. I thought it was a testimony to their power, but it seems like even a genin wouldn't have much of an issue.'

Renjiro thought about his discussion with the 3rd Hokage.

Hokage office - 16 days ago.

Hiruzen looked at Daichi and stated, "Daichi, escorting you normally wouldn't be possible with just one squad. So we will be sealing you and transporting you along with other goods of merchants."

Daichi thought for a bit and asked, "The trip to Degarashi Port will take more than 2 weeks. So how will I be sealed?"

Hiruzen answered, "We will seal you inside a box. Inside it, we will inscribe seals that'll ensure a fresh supply of air to you. It'll also make you undetectable by any means. Your water and food will be stored inside scrolls. With enough to last a month. As for your excretions, you'll have to do that inside storage scrolls as well."

Hearing that, Daichi frowned. He asked, "Is it necessary to do all this? Can't I just disguise as one of the merchants and join them?"

Renjiro shook his head, "No. Your chakra level is higher than a normal civilian. Any sensor would be able to detect you with ease. If detected, all the enemy forces will attack us only. I can't guarantee your safety if that happens.

Daichi sighed and put forth a couple more ideas. But Renjiro stated the flaws in them. Reluctantly, he agreed.

Wasabi Family Mansion -

Daichi finally saw sunlight after over 2 weeks. He tried getting up, but his legs trembled. Renjiro grabbed him, got him out of the box, and said, "You have barely moved for over 2 weeks. You'll need some time and might need to do some exercises before you can move properly."

Daichi sighed on hearing that. The Wasabi family head just laughed and patted his back, "Don't worry. At least you are alive."

He then bowed to Renjiro and said, "Renjiro san, thank you for resolving our issues. With the losses that the Wagarashi family took, they won't try anything for a few years at least."

Renjiro nodded and replied, "I can't comment on the internal politics in the Land of Tea, but you should take this opportunity to suppress them completely."

The Wasabi family head nodded. He paid Renjiro for the real mission and invited Renjiro and Toshio to stay as guests in his mansion. They both agreed. The next day, Team Renjiro began returning back to Konoha. They travelled at a very fast speed and returned back to Konoha by midnight. Renjiro dismissed the team and gave them a week's break.