Chapter 181: Blood can Heal???

Name:Naruto: The Wind Calamity Author:
Fujin, Mieko and Masaru were keeping the Jashinists busy. After his big jutsu, Zankoku didn't attack much. His Priests and Devotees were the ones who were counter-attacking.

Fujin kept flickering around the place. Seeing an opportunity, he flickered right behind the enemy lines and fired another round of Air Bullets. However, one of the Priests turned around and countered with Water Bullets without using any hand signs. Each of his Water Bullets hit Fujin's Air Bullets and neutralized them. In addition, another 4 Water Bullets were headed at Fujin.

Fujin fired a Vacuum Bullet at the Priest and flickered away. The Priest smirked and fired a Water Bullet to intercept the Vacuum Bullet. Both attacks clashed. The Priest's smirk died when he saw Fujin's attack piercing through his as if it was just air! He immediately moved to his side. The Vacuum Bullet missed him by just a few inches.

The Priest could feel the suction force of the vacuum bullet as it passed him. A servant was behind him in line. The Vacuum bullet pierced through his chest and left a hole in his right lung!This chapter's initial release occurred on the n0vell--Bjjn site.

The Priest shouted, "Be careful of that boy's air bullets! They have a very high penetrative power!"

Fujin wasn't out of harm's way either. As soon as he flickered, his new position was pelted with shurikens and kunais by the Devotees. He had to flicker a few more times.

On the other side, Masaru and Mieko were fighting with the other Priest and his devotees. Both spammed the Phoenix Sage Fire jutsu but were stopped by Earth Walls raised by the devotees.

The Priest stayed behind his devotees while making hand signs.

'Lightning Release: Lightning Fingers Jutsu'

He pointed his fingers at Mieko and Masaru. Lightning Bolts were fired at high speeds at them!

Both dodged in a hurry. Some sparks hit Mieko causing the hair on her body to stand up. However, no harm was done.

At that moment, a few blood drops gathered at the tip of Zankoku's fingers. He waved his hands as if to throw the blood. Those blood drops moved at a very high speed at Fujin and the other two.

Fujin noticed it immediately. He immediately flickered and got out of the way. He formed two Vacuum Bullets in his mouth and fired them at Zankoku. Mieko and Masaru dodged as well. But their positions were attacked further by the other Priest. They had to keep dodging.

Zankoku dodged Fujin's Vacuum Bullets with ease. Fujin frowned, 'These guys are good. I guess these 2 are his strongest Priests. Winning against them won't be easy. Not to mention that this Grand Priest is definitely at least at Elite Jounin level. What is Akihiko doing?'

Akihiko, who was observing the situation, made the confrontation hand seal right when Zankoku dodged Fujin's attack. When he moved, he had come closer to three Devotees.

All of a sudden, 2 Devotees attacked the Priest who was keeping Fujin at bay. They grabbed their kunais and attacked the Priest's back!

At the same time, the 2 Devotees with the Earth Element attacked the Priest who specialized in Lightning Release. The Devotees slammed their hands on the ground and the Priest was attacked by multiple stone spears!

Mieko and Masaru too tried attacking, but they were intercepted as well. Akihiko decided to not attack impulsively and kept his eye on Zankoku.

In a few seconds, Zankoku stepped out from the blood cocoon. However, when he did, all the Konoha ninjas were shocked! Akihiko muttered, "How? Even the best Medical Ninja doesn't have this efficiency!"

Zankoku's wounds were all healed. Only horrible scars were remaining on his body. The only wound that still could be seen was his eye. It wasn't healed.

Fujin wondered, 'Was he healed by Jashin's blessings? Or is it due to his blood jutsus? After all, he hasn't completed the ritual to gain Jashin's blessings, right? If this healing is only due to blood jutsus and not due to Jashin, then it would be a very important jutsu to learn. Though it leaves scars on the body, I don't mind them. After all, what use is looking good if I am not even alive?'

Zankoku looked viciously at the Konoha ninjas. He said, "Kill everybody!"

The Jashinists were excited at his order. However, suddenly, the Priests and Zankoku attacked the remaining Devotee and Servants. All were killed off.

The Konoha ninjas were caught off guard by this development. Akihiko thought, 'Oh well, saves us the effort. Now we have the numerical advantage!'

Zankoku said, "Now no one will backstab us. You two, don't look into those red eyes. Else I will have to kill you too."

The Priests nodded and said, "Don't worry. We know how to deal with the Uchihas."

Akihiko flickered behind Fujin and said, "You and Mieko take care of the Lightning user. Your Wind manipulation should have an advantage."

Fujin nodded. Both he and Akihiko flickered next to Mieko and Masaru. Akihiko said, "Masaru, you take care of the Water specialist. Mieko, aid Fujin against the Lightning specialist. Leave the main enemy to me."

Both nodded.

Mieko stepped next to Fujin and said with a grin on her face, "Time to kill our first Jounin."

Fujin smirked and replied, "Your first Jounin kill."

Mieko looked at Fujin and exclaimed, "You already killed one?"

Akihiko interrupted them and said sternly, "Pay attention, they are making a move!"

They stopped speaking and focused entirely on their enemy.