Chapter 243: Settling Debt with Interest!

Name:Naruto: The Wind Calamity Author:
Kaen also realized why Fujin was called by the Hokage. He smiled and said, "Looks like you won the race for promotion to Anbu Captain."

He sighed and continued, "Makes sense though considering how many people you have killed. Your Spectral Swordsman title is very well-known and feared."

Tsuyoshi shook his head and said, "The Anbu Captain title isn't handed so easily. You will be given a promotion mission. The mission is usually very difficult. Only if you perform it satisfactorily will you be promoted. Anyways, no point in speculating about it. Take some rest today and ensure that you are at your complete readiness tomorrow."The initial posting of this chapter occurred via Ñøv€l-B!n.

Fujin nodded and said, "Alright Captain. Thank You for all your guidance."

The squad dispersed.

Unlike the time with his Genin squad, the Anbu squad never hung together other than when they were training or doing missions. Tsuyoshi had instructed them to not appear together in public while they were a part of the Anbu. Due to this the trio of Fujin, Teru and Kean never went out together to eat or party despite being in the same team for over a year and a half!

Fujin grabbed a random mask, put it on and walked out of the room while thinking, 'A secret mission huh? I wonder what it will be...'

He thought for a bit and speculated, 'It will most probably be another political scheme by Shikaku. That guy makes way too many schemes. No wonder Konoha's position is so solid despite being vulnerable militarily for so long.

Anyways, it is still early morning. What should I do for the day? Just resting the entire day will be a waste.'

As he was thinking, he walked towards the training facilities of the Anbu. A grin formed on his face behind the mask. With his next step, his physical features transformed. His height increased to 6 feet 6 inches and his body became very slim. On his next step, his chakra signature transformed. It became heavy in Yin chakra. If a sensor were to sense him, it would be very difficult to link him to Fujin.

Other than the Wind crystals, Fujin also absorbed energy from Lightning, Fire and Earth crystals. However, his rate of absorption with them was very low. His rate of absorbing Wind energy kept increasing rapidly until he hit a limit. But his other elements didn't experience such an increase in the rate of absorption and he reached their limits much sooner.

Fujin had expected such a result from Fire and Earth crystals but he was disappointed when he couldn't increase the speed of absorption from Lightning crystals. Of course, despite the slower rate of absorption, it was still very helpful in improving his affinity with those elements.

In around three and a half hours, Fujin emptied the Wind crystal. He got up and went into a Lightning training room. These rooms didn't have the same level of investigative seals. The seals in the Wind Training room didn't detect that the crystal was empty until another Anbu visited to train his wind element and realized that it was empty.

Fujin spent most of his day in the training facility and only returned home late at night. He had dinner and went to sleep. The next day, he once again began his morning with an intense morning workout. Unless he was out on a mission, Fujin never missed his morning workout for even a single day.

Instead, his morning workout had gotten even more intense. He had managed to use his previous training seal at its 100% capacity. He created a new seal for himself that had a maximum limit four times higher than the seal Hiruzen had created for him.

Fujin returned home after the workout and freshened up for the meeting with Hiruzen. While getting prepared, he took a look at his bracers and thought, 'I have been using these bracers since I became a Genin. Time to change it.'

He took off his bracers. A grin formed on his face as he thought, 'The Spectral Swordsman identity has become too well known. All the Anbu ninjas from the 4 major villages identify me on sight. Even though they don't know about most of my capabilities, it is annoying when they get on full alert and don't provide any openings. It's time to play that card.'

He discarded his old bracers and put on new ones. Unlike his previous ones, these were very thin and of the same color as his skin. So from a distance, it was very difficult to spot them. In addition, he had inscribed dozens of small storage seals on each bracer and stored a variety of weapons in it. His chakra metal swords were also stored in the bracers.

Of course, despite being very thin, they were much harder than his previous bracers as they used better metals and Fujin himself worked with the blacksmith to inscribe seals into them to make them as tough as he could.

With all preparations made, he placed the seal on his door and flickered towards the Hokage building.