Chapter 548: A Little Play (1)

Name:Naruto: The Wind Calamity Author:
Chapter 548: A Little Play (1)

"Daimyo-sama! The environment finally seems to have calmed down! It might be safe to continue our journey."

A man rushed into a tent and announced loudly. Inside the room was the Daimyo of the Land of Frost. The Daimyo's ears perked up on hearing that. He cursed, "It's about time. Did anyone find out what it was?"

The man shook his head and said, "I am sorry, Daimyo-sama. The Samurais couldn't get close to it as it was very dangerous for them as well. A couple of them almost died. They decided against investigating again."

The Daimyo thought for a bit before saying, "Let it be. Since it has passed, we don't need to worry. We will send some experts here later to investigate this area."

The Daimyo of the Land of Frost was visiting several other Daimyos on a schedule for some political talks. He was en route to meet another Daimyo when suddenly Lightning began falling nonstop from the skies some distance ahead on their path, forcing them to camp there.

Though the Lightning would stop occasionally, it would begin again when they started moving. They dispatched the Samurais to check what was happening, but some Lightning strikes fell very close to the Samurais, scaring them away. Since it was mountainous terrain, they only had one path to move through. As a result, his group was stuck there for two whole days!

Needless to say, all the Lightning that fell in their path was from Fujin who was training. Though he had no idea who it was, he didn't want to be disturbed while he was training. As a result, the entire mountain pass stayed closed for two days!

After training for two days, Fujin was finally satisfied and moved from the area. As he moved back to the village near the Gold Mine, his appearance changed again. His height returned to normal and his appearance changed into that of an old man. He changed his outfit as well. If someone saw him now, they would think that he is a wise and holy old man.

As he moved, he analyzed, 'I can now control the Lightning very well with the Kiba blades. I'm still not as good as Raiga, but it's only a matter of time before I surpass what he could do with these blades.

For Raiga, the Kiba blades were the core of his strength. However, even for my Akuro identity, it is just one of my many trump cards. There are just three abilities of these swords that I need and will focus on.

The first is using them as normal swords for close combat. With my chakra flow, I don't need to work on this aspect even a bit. The second is controlling the Lightning. Even though the Kiba blades aren't very versatile for using other jutsus, they are amazing at manipulating natural Lightning.

With their help, I can create a jutsu equivalent to or stronger than Sasuke's Kirin. Considering the amplification feature of these blades, I will need only a fraction of the chakra that he needed to use Kirin. Once I create this jutsu, it will undoubtedly become Akuro's most destructive jutsu.

The third application of these blades that I found very interesting was the Lightning Strike Armor. Konoha already tried replicating some aspects of the Lightning Chakra Mode by developing Burst, Lightning Transformation and Electric Skin jutsu. Along with this Armor, I might have some headway in copying the Lightning Chakra Mode.

If I somehow master it, then this identity will have Peak Rank S battle strength without having to use the Flying Thunder God jutsu. That said, replicating the Lightning Chakra Mode is easier said than done Maybe I should infiltrate Kumogakure someday to steal information on how to master the Lightning Chakra Mode'

Had I not read their memories, I would have wondered why Raiga didn't ask a Medical Ninja to look at Ranmaru. However, the answer to that question becomes very easy to figure considering that they considered each other to be an extension of themselves. How would Raiga be Ranmaru's hands and feet if Ranmaru can walk by himself?'

Fujin smiled and asked, "What is your name, young one?"

Ranmaru was surprised by the kind smile. In the past couple of days, he had seen too many kind smiles. He had thought that it was just the villagers who were happy to see Raiga gone. Seeing their relief, he understood that the words of Raiga's killer were true. He and Raiga had committed several sins which weighed heavily on him and made him depressed.

Ranmaru replied, "I am Ranmaru."

Fujin said, "Ranmaru, such a good name. From today onwards, you will be able to walk like anyone else."

Fujin's words shocked Ranmaru. Before he could process his thoughts, Fujin pointed his palm towards his legs and a green glow appeared. He said, "It will sting a bit but don't worry, it won't hurt. Clench your fists and grit your teeth."

Fujin inserted his chakra into Ranmaru's legs. Ranmaru immediately clenched his fists and gritted his teeth. The villagers watched with slight nervousness on seeing his expressions.

[A/N : Latest chapter on P@treon - Passing Hot Potato!]


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Can read up to 50 chapters ahead on P@treon.

Thank You T T, Alireza, Bernard and Mike for supporting me on P@treon.