Chapter 575: Four Choices!

Name:Naruto: The Wind Calamity Author:
Chapter 575: Four Choices!

Hiroshi became slightly nervous on seeing the faint smile on Fujin's lips. While Konoha had a good negotiating team, the negotiations usually used to be very straightforward and Konoha would rarely use the threat of using force as that wasn't Hiruzen's style. If Hiruzen ever wanted to use force during diplomacy, he'd send Danzo to make a move in the dark.

However, there were too many suspicious things during this meeting. The first was the fact that there wasn't any Elder in the diplomatic team. The second was the fact that Fujin was leading the team. The third suspicious thing was the 9 new faces. And probably the most suspicious thing was that as many as 13 members of Fujin's team hadn't said a word since the meeting began!

Due to these four factors, Hiroshi had been on edge. He thought, 'Even though a lot of things are very suspicious, Konoha has a reputation to maintain. This should just be a pressure tactic. If they wanted to make a move, they wouldn't have sent a diplomatic team here. We can't show weakness!'

Hiroshi replied, "We are serious, Fujin-kun. Though I feel ashamed to say this, it is true that we can't afford to pay anything right now."

His words immediately attracted the attention of Homura and the other diplomats on Fujin's team. Homura thought, 'Right now It seems like he is agreeing to owe us money. Not bad. It looks like Fujin's tactic of applying pressure is a success. However, it'll only be a success if he takes a step back and accepts this offer.'

The leaders on Kusagakure's side understood it as well. In truth, they had all decided to resist as much as they could. However, they were nervous due to those four points just like Hiroshi. As a result, no one opposed. Everyone's eyes were on Fujin.

Fujin's smile faded away as he shook his head and responded, "That is impossible. Irrespective of the fact whether we can afford to do so or not, we aren't running a charity. Nor is this situation something you guys can't handle by yourselves.

I wanted to discuss the costs for various degrees of cooperation that you might require from us. Unfortunately, you guys have done everything you can to not even begin that discussion for the last three hours. From the way you are going, it seems that won't change even if we negotiate for an entire week."

Everyone's eyes were glued to Fujin. Though no one said anything or showed it on their face, everyone was blaming him for their current situation. After all, had he been a bit flexible, the deadlock could have been resolved.

Fujin continued, "So, we will end the negotiations here. Instead, I'll present you the four choices that Kusagakure has for the time being. I don't care which one you choose nor will I debate about it with you. You can choose whichever you want as per your free will and what you think would be the best for Kusagakure."

Everyone, including the Konoha ninjas, was surprised by Fujin's words. Despite having been in several negotiations, they had rarely seen something like that. At the very least, no one had seen such a development on day 1 of negotiations. Homura watched curiously to see what Fujin was up to.

Hiroshi asked, "So, what are the four choices?"

Fujin pulled out a scroll and passed it to Hiroshi. As Hiroshi opened it to read, Fujin raised his right arm slightly and raised his index finger. He said, "Since you guys don't want to discuss different levels of cooperation, the help we will give you will either be complete or nothing.

Your first choice is to ask for our help. We will annihilate the rebel faction entirely. However, you will have to pay the cost mentioned in the scroll to get us to help you. And, the payment will have to be made before we make our move." New n0vel chapters are published on

The Kusagakure leaders subconsciously rejected this choice. No one said anything and only looked at Hiroshi, whose expression became grimmer the more he read from the scroll.

He looked at Fujin and asked with a hint of anger in his voice, "Is this supposed to be a joke?"


Several more such statements were made, making the Konoha diplomats very tense. However, Homura became slightly relaxed and puzzled as he noticed two things.

He thought, 'That's weird Even though they are showing an aggressive front, not one of them has any intention of attacking. I can understand that they will refrain from attacking as it'll bring Konoha's retaliation, but it is almost like they are scared of attacking. What's even more peculiar is that none of them launched any personal insults at Fujin despite his open threat!'

It was as Homura observed. Not a single person had any intention of attacking. And not a single one wanted to stand out in front of Fujin. While 'The Spectral Swordsman' was only a myth and a rumor in Konoha, no one in Kusagakure had forgotten about him despite Fujin not being very active for over a year.

They knew that whoever attacked first would lose their life. Even if they somehow managed to kill him eventually, none of them wanted to be a sacrifice for others. Similarly, they knew The Spectral Swordsman's reputation. None of them wanted to be hunted down by Fujin after the meeting ended. They had no confidence in surviving if Fujin decided to hunt them later.

Sitting calmly in his chair, Fujin asked plainly, "So, should I assume that you are making this choice?"

Hiroshi immediately said, "Everyone, calm down and return to your seats."

He looked at Fujin and replied, "Please don't joke around. Konohagakure and Kusagakure have been allies since the end of the First Great Ninja War. We have no intention of changing that. There wasn't any hidden threat in the scroll either. I am afraid that you might have misinterpreted it. Can you tell us what our fourth choice is?"

Fujin nodded and answered in the same casual tone while raising his fourth finger, "Sure, your fourth option is to lie to me and ally with Iwagakure after we leave. In that case, I'll return later and assassinate every one of you and kill every single person living in your houses."

[A/N: Next Chapter : Kusagakure prepares for a war!]

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