Chapter 621: Hiruzen's Nightmare!

Name:Naruto: The Wind Calamity Author:
Chapter 621: Hiruzen's Nightmare!

[A/N: For those commenting in every chapter whether the chapters are shorter, no, the chapters aren't shorter. I still average over 1.5k words per chapter (without the author notes). As I have repeatedly said, it's not possible for me to write longer chapters and still be able to write daily. I did try 1.7k-1.8k words, but I was completely exhausted within a week and found it very difficult to continue writing. However, I understand that 1.5k words are too little for some people causing my book to be a complete disappointment to you. So, I humbly request you to read the books that do this as I, unfortunately, am not a good enough writer to be able to satisfy your requirements. Have a good day. I wish you well in life.]


"You're late, Grandpa. I had to fight that snake just by myself! It was sooo scary!"

Hiruzen's left eyebrow twitched in annoyance. All his good feelings disappeared in the blink of an eye. He muttered to himself, 'Scary? Does this brat know what fear even means? Where are your injuries? Did Orochimaru take pity on this brat? Or did this little devil somehow manage to convince Orochimaru to give up violence and accept a beating as a punishment for leaving Konoha?'

No one was more clear about Orochimaru's strength than Hiruzen. Unlike the rest, who had come to terms with this unbelievable feat, Hiruzen still had some doubts. Knowing Fujin's nature and his cunning tongue, Hiruzen strongly suspected that Fujin caused him mental damage instead of physical damage!

He looked at Renjiro and Hoka and said, "You two, assist in clearing out that fire. I helped out a bit, but there is still a lot left."

Renjiro and Hoka nodded and left immediately. Hiruzen glanced at his guards and they followed them. With just the two of them in the room, Hiruzen said, "Now that we are alone, tell me everything that has happened since the second round started. Also, tell me why Orochimaru targeted you."

Fujin raised an eyebrow and asked, "Didn't you see it in that pe... in that crystal ball?"

'Pe...?' Hiruzen's eyebrows twitched in annoyance once again as he understood what Fujin was initially saying. He shook his head and said, "No, there were seals in the Forest of Death to stop my technique. I guess Orochimaru placed them there beforehand."

Fujin was surprised. He thought, 'Oh, so those were the seals I sensed earlier... Makes sense I suppose.'

He looked at Hiruzen and said, "Orochimaru entered the chunin exam disguised as a Kusa Genin. He didn't target me, at least not initially. His target was Kakashi's squad, or more specifically Uchiha Sasuke. Nnêw n0vel chapters are published at

He used the Five Elements Seal on Naruto to cut off his access to Nine Tail's chakra. And he planted his curse seal on Sasuke, just like the one that is on Anko's neck."

Hiruzen's eyes widened in surprise. He muttered, "So his goal was Sasuke... That's troublesome..."

Hearing Sasuke's name, Itachi's face appeared in his mind. Remembering Itachi's sacrifice and words, Hiruzen didn't want to see his little brother suffering. Unfortunately, the situation was very complicated.

He asked, "If they were his target, why did he fight you?"

Fujin shrugged and answered, "My clone had found him and Rasa's youngest son suspicious. So, I was planning to keep an eye on the two of them. Unfortunately, Orochimaru made his move very quickly. By the time I discovered his attack, he had already placed the seal on Sasuke.

I threw Kakashi's squad to a safe place, then engaged against him and sent messengers to you so that we could eliminate Orochimaru here and solve this headache for good. Unfortunately, that bastard was too slippery and he recovered from every injury with ease..."

Suddenly, Hiruzen had a terrible feeling. His eyes widened as he realized what it was. Unfortunately, before he could do anything about it and save himself, Fujin said, "Could you arrange for a better sword to be made for me?

This time, I want the sword to have more chakra metal instead of using it miserly. And, it'll be best if the sword is as strong as Orochimaru's Sword of Kusanagi. If I can have a blade that is as strong and sturdy as it was, then I won't need to worry about ever losing due to having a weak sword."

Hiruzen cursed internally, 'Shit! I knew it! He was so generous with the information because he wanted a new sword from me! And what does he mean by adding Chakra metal miserly? His swords are excellent! They cost me millions of Ryo and ate into a lot of the money I won by gambling on him!

Most importantly, he asked me for pure chakra metal swords when he had just graduated from the academy. Now that he has defeated Orochimaru, which swords will he ask?'

Hiruzen was terrified to think of the answer. Knowing Fujin, he knew it'd be something that even selling both his kidneys wouldn't be enough. He quickly said, "I can arrange the top blacksmiths for you. However, you're no longer as young as you were 6 years ago. So, you'll pay for it yourself."

With a smile on his face, Hiruzen added, "Back when you graduated, I knew that your future would be bright. It was why I didn't mind the costs and got the swords for you. However, I never expected that you'd be able to deal with Orochimaru so quickly. Great job, Fujin. I'm proud of you. I'm happy that the Will of Fire burns strong within you. You are a role model for the younger generation."

Not wanting Fujin to shamelessly ask Hiruzen to pay, Hiruzen quickly changed the subject and began praising him so that Fujin would feel awkward asking the village to sponsor it. Unfortunately, Fujin had trained in shamelessness from none other than him!

Fujin smiled and said like an obedient youngster, "Thank you, Grandpa."

Hiruzen smiled thinking, 'I'm saf...'

Unfortunately, even before he could complete his thoughts, Fujin's smile changed into a helpless one as he continued, "Unfortunately, I can't afford to make a good quality sword by myself. I have been busy looking after the orphans and no longer have much time to go on missions. As a result, my funds have been drying up very quickly. I'm afraid I won't even be able to afford my current swords..."


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Thank You K0D4S, AH, Cesar, Caner, JustDrinkSomeGlue, Mohamad, Ko Ling, Estevan, Cesar, Xander, Demitri, Joe, Krystian and Kay4t for supporting me on P@treon.