Chapter 644: Fujin's Choice!

Name:Naruto: The Wind Calamity Author:
Chapter 644: Fujin's Choice!

Gaara Vs Lee!

As in the original story, Guy warned Lee about Gaara's gourd, though he didn't mention any details. Kakashi looked at Gaara and thought, 'So he is the Fourth Kazekage's son, and also Suna's only Jinchuriki. This should be an interesting fight.'

Since Naruto was standing close to Fujin, Kankuro didn't dare to get close to him to get some information about Neji. The fact that Fujin was able to injure Gaara when he was only 13 was enough of a deterrent for Kankuro.

As for Fujin, he was looking forward to the fight. He thought, 'Even though there were several good fights in Naruto, if there was one that stood out, it would be this one. A shame that it was also the last time Lee was in the spotlight. If it wasn't for the fact that I have been in even more intense battles, I would have been even more excited to watch this in person.'

"Let the ninth round battle begin!"

Lee went on the attack as soon as Hayate announced the start of the battle but was blocked by the Sand pouring out of Gaara's gourd and protecting him autonomously.

Fujin looked at it and thought, 'I didn't get time to have a closer look at him in the desert, but the sand in his gourd is quite intriguing. Unlike normal magnet release, the sand in his gourd works autonomously like it has its own mind...

No, that wouldn't be correct. A better comparison would be a robot having a set of instructions to always follow. The technique his dying mother used to achieve this should undoubtedly be a Kinjutsu that would cost the caster's life. If it can be used more liberally, then it can be used to create several powerful tools.'

Of course, Fujin wouldn't use that technique himself. However, he saw a lot of scope in it if given to his Phantom Haven Society members. Even if a small percentage of them could use that technique during their death, Fujin would gain several Jounin and Elite Jounin level members.

He continued analyzing, 'The best case would be someone enchanting tools that can be used by me. However, I'll need to create a very strong personal bond with everyone to achieve that. It's not something that I can do from so far away. Also, spending that much time is probably not worth it, though I could send low chakra Shadow Clones...'

As he was analyzing, Guy asked Lee to remove his weights. While most considered it lame, everyone was shocked when Lee dropped those weights to the ground. When he attacked again, only a handful of people were able to see his movements and Gaara wasn't one of them! Fortunately for him, his sand could still protect him.

Fujin thought, 'Oh well, I'll think about it after I get my hands on that technique. I'll first need to get the Edo Tensei jutsu. Hopefully, he'll know how to perform this jutsu. Once I learn it, I'll have to dig up his mother's grave and resurrect her...'

Fujin's mind fell silent for a bit as he thought, 'Sigh, how far have I fallen? From someone who never killed to being comfortable with killing to working on dead bodies and now to digging up graves...'

Fujin stopped thinking about it. In his previous life, he would never have done something like this. Be it for his morals or just the disgust about doing something like that. However, the ninja world slowly changed his morals and moulded his personality to a point where such things became acceptable to him.

"Bushy Brows has gotten even faster! He really is strong!" Naruto exclaimed in shock and surprise.

I might be able to get Hiruzen to call her to the village using my accomplishments during the war and get my cellular activity increased, but Lee's career as a ninja will most likely be over...'

Everyone watched in awe and shock as Lee made Gaara his punching bag after opening the Fourth Inner Gate, Gate of Pain, as Gaara's sand could no longer keep up with Lee's incredible speed and Gaara's sand armor crumbled. Fujin was the only one having different emotions as he wondered, 'Should I let nature take its course and leave it to Lee's luck? Or should I make a move and end the fight early?'

As Fujin was deciding, Lee opened the Fifth Inner Gate, Gate of Limit and used Reverse Lotus and hit Gaara with all his strength. The impact of his palm and foot on Gaara's abdomen was so intense that high-speed winds and dust were launched in every direction.

Most of the spectators immediately covered themselves up while Fujin just continued watching the duo as the winds and dust avoided him. Guy's and Kakashi's eyes widened in shock as Gaara's gourd turned into sand and softened his fall. Even though he was hurt, this move ensured that he wouldn't get knocked out.

Lee fell to the ground as well as his body was too tired and hurt from the backlash of opening Five Inner Gates for so long. As the dust cleared, Lee saw Gaara lying in his sand and extending his arm towards him. He muttered in disbelief, "How can that be?"

While everyone was still in shock from these developments and trying to process what had taken place, Gaara controlled his sand and moved it towards Lee! Due to the state of his body, he couldn't move properly and the sand reached his left arm and left leg!

[A/N: Thought quite a bit about changing this fight as well. However, the original fight between Gaara and Lee was just too epic. So, I decided against interfering with it. Fujin did have some influence on both of them since Lee saw his spars with Guy while Gaara was injured by him, but the influence wasn't high enough to force me to make changes in their battle (like I had to in Sakura and Naruto's matches). Anyway, find out in a few hours what decision Fujin makes :)]


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