Chapter 694: The Most Generous Village!

Name:Naruto: The Wind Calamity Author:
Chapter 694: The Most Generous Village!

After opening the storage room underneath the Raikage Building, a wide smile appeared on Fujin's clone's face. Had Hiruzen seen that smile, he'd shiver and recall a few unpleasant memories. It was the smile Fujin had whenever he extorted elemental crystals from him. In front of the clone's eyes was a storage room filled with Lightning Crystals! In a matter of seconds, the entire room became empty as all the crystals went into the storage scrolls Fujin's main body had arranged.

Of course, it wasn't the only storage room. There were four more storage rooms. Two of them were filled with Lightning Crystals just like the one which the clone had just plundered. The last two had the remaining four elemental crystals.

Fujin's clone emptied all 5 storage rooms. He calculated that he had taken 4369 Lightning Crystals, 822 Fire Crystals, 764 Water Crystals, 712 Wind Crystals and 484 Earth Crystals! It was a massive loot! Fujin never expected Kumogakure and Ay to be so generous.

Fujin's clone thought, 'I have to admit, the people in Kumo are undoubtedly the most generous folks. As soon as I arrived, all of them obediently left the building and let me take whatever I wanted in any quantity. Even Konoha has never been so generous towards me.

Jokes aside, these shouldn't be all elemental crystals Kumo has. Ay should still have quite a few stored in storage scrolls while other factions in Kumo should have some too. Regardless, this will be a big loss. According to my calculations, these should be over half of the elemental crystals Kumo has. I wish I could see Ay's reaction when he realizes that these storage rooms are empty, hehehe.'

Meanwhile, his remaining clones were going through the remaining scrolls, looking for any techniques available in the building. They also came across several trap scrolls, but it wasn't too difficult for Fujin's clones to identify the traps before they opened the scrolls. In the end, not even a single trap was triggered.

The Elite Jounin and the communication ninja ran through the burning forest and reached Darui's group. Both were shocked to see the injuries on everyone's bodies. Darui looked at them and asked, "Why are you here?"

The Elite Jounin quickly replied, "There is an issue in the village. Mabui wants to talk with you immediately."

The other ninja quickly handed the Chakra Transmission Communication device to Darui. He put it on and asked, "Mabui, can you hear me?"

His eyes widened and his pupils dilated as he heard Mabui's question, "Darui, do you know any ninja who wears a long black cloak and a demon mask?"

He asked in disbelief, "How did you know?"

Mabui replied, "So, you know who he is... Quickly give me all the information regarding him. We're in a mess."

Darui quickly said, "Hold up, Mabui! Please tell me how you know about him. What's the situation in the village?"

Mabui answered, "He showed up a few minutes ago and has taken over the Raikage building! Somehow, he managed to place thousands of seals on the buildings under our noses and is keeping all of us out. He said that a blonde girl with you told him that Raikage-sama could kill him and has given us 4 hours to summon him. Otherwise, he threatened to destroy our village."

To say Darui was shocked was an understatement. He couldn't understand how Fujin could make a move against their village so quickly as it had only been a few minutes since their fight ended. All the ninjas around him noticed his expression and promptly enquired what was happening.

A Lightning cloak suddenly appeared around Ay as he said, "The village is a mess. I'm heading ahead. Bee, come with me. The rest of you follow our original plan. Inspect the five bases, but be careful and don't trigger any traps. You've already heard from Jin how well-hidden the traps are. So, take every precaution and give your safety the highest priority."

The six Kumo Elite Jounins nodded. A red chakra cloak appeared around Bee as he and Ay left the others behind. Bee said seriously, "Brother, you can't sustain your chakra long enough to run all the way to the village in this manner. What is happening in the village?"

Ay replied, "Don't worry, I'm well aware. I'll slow down at times to conserve my chakra. As for the village..."

Ay informed him about Akuro's actions. In the village, Mabui said, "Raikage-sama said that he'll return to the village within four hours. We'll be safe."

Everyone around her sighed in relief. After hearing what he had done against Darui, none of them wanted to confront Akuro. Everything they heard about Akuro was bad news. Be it his disgusting fighting tactic, his terrifying strength or his jutsu leaving wounds that couldn't be healed. Needless to say, what horrified them the most was the possibility that Akuro might know the Lightning Chakra Mode!

They knew very well how overwhelming and mighty that technique was and wanted nothing to do with him even if he was low on chakra. If they could stay outside for a few hours without fighting, they'd be glad. They just prayed that their enemy wouldn't suddenly change his mind and attack them before Ay returned.

However, there was one exception. Inazuma said in a grim tone, "No! We can't wait for the Fourth to return! We have to make a move!"


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