540 Naruto Despicable System 538: Win, you take it away

"How much can I understand why some people look at me upset." Moonlight Chiba heard the sound behind her, her cheeks twitched and turned her head back.

This kind of joking tone, he used to talk to people before, always with disdain, ridicule, and a bit of the strong to look at the superior of the weak.

When used on others, it feels very refreshing, but when others are treated like this, it really makes all kinds of feelings come to my heart, and I have the heart to choke the other person to death.

This drunken ninja didn't notice the death-looking eyes of Moonlight Chiba and Heizue, and walked to a place less than ten meters in front of the two of them, burping over their figures.

A few seconds later, his drunken posture came to an end. He shook his head disappointingly, and turned to go directly to the underground bounty exchange in the canyon. There was still a word in his mouth: "What? No rubbish."

Moonlight Chiba's head was full of black lines, and the Heijue on the side was also silent. He was called rubbish. It was probably the first time for both of them.

"Master Han isn't going to make a move?" Heijue smiled slyly on his face, looked at the ninja who was going away, his eyes were a bit gloomy, a little Shangren, actually said he was rubbish?

Although the usual Hei Jue was very humble, he was extremely arrogant in his bones, and even because it was created by Kaguya Ji, Hei Jue believed that he was superior.

"No need, someone has already taken action." Moonlight Chiba stood in place with her arms folded, watching the ninja walk towards the underground bounty exchange with a sneer on her face.

"Lead out of thunder!" A low shout came from the dense forest on the side of the underground bounty exchange, and the dense thunder light was directed at the dangling ninja in an instant.

This Shangren hurriedly used Unearthed Ninjutsu, but the Thunder came too fast, and it was almost time for his Unearth to take shape. Moreover, the first time he came into contact, his The earth escape lost its effect.


A burst of thunder flashes, a scorched corpse fell at the door of the underground bounty exchange, and a figure with a scratch on his forehead and a scratch on it came out of the dense forest. .

The face mask concealed his cheeks, a pair of blue eyes, and this unique dress, except for the Takinin Village Rebellious Ninja Kakuto, no one else.


"The lion fights the rabbit with all its strength to deal with a person who is forbearing and lurking, and is very cautious." Moonlight Chiba said, I have to admit that it is not a fluke that the horns can live so long.

"Be careful, but the shortcomings are also obvious." Hei Jue's face has a little smirk, and the appearance of Jiao Du is equivalent to saving them a lot of trouble, and there is no need to search hard.

"Is there only one head? It's really a waste. Forget it, it's two million at any rate." Horn all knelt down and fumbled on the dead ninja for a long time, took out a roll of storage seal scroll, and said after checking it for a while. One sentence.

Putting away the scroll and stalking the dead Shinnin, Kakuno once again glanced at Moonlight Chiba and Heizue behind him, and stepped into the underground bounty exchange.

Black eating black is normal in this underground world. If a person cannot maintain sufficient vigilance, he can only become someone else's dish.

"It's really hopeless, and I won't even let go of the broken silver." Moonlight Chiba saw that the corner had emptied the other's ninja bag, and couldn't help but twitch a little.

I've seen someone who loves money, I've never seen someone who loves money so much, just the few kunai, a few detonating charms, bingliang pills, and scattered silver. How much can they add up to worth?Is five thousand taels enough?

"Love money like life, this is the flaw of Jiaodu, how to conquer Jiaodu next is an adult's business." Hei Jue smiled, and was about to go into the ground, but was grabbed by the hair on his head. His movements are also stiff, and the look on his face is ugly.

Made!Pull the hair!Can't you speak well when you stay?What the hell is this grabbing someone else’s hair?Do gangsters fight?

"I'm only responsible for defeating. It's your business whether you can take it." Moonlight Chiba's eyelids twitched. He really just grabbed it. He was going to grab the collar of Heijue's neck. Who knows that this product has actually fallen. Quickly, obviously want to slip the number.

This mistake caught the opponent's hair, and he was also quite embarrassed. Recently, there were too many things in his mind, and such mistakes would happen frequently.

"I understand, Master Han should let go." Hei Jue's heart was filled with hundreds of millions of alpacas flying by, and it was the first time that he was caught by his hair, and he was humiliating.

Moonlight Chiba let go of her black hair smoothly, pretending that nothing happened, her eyes always looking at the underground bounty exchange in the valley.

After a while, all the corners carrying the money box came out and saw the two people who were still in the same place. They narrowed their eyes, moved their feet, and flashed into the dense forest.

"Escaped?" Moonlight Chiba frowned, carrying Heijue's collar, and chasing him with a wave of his wings. The reaction of the horns was really unexpected.

After a while, the two blocked the corners of the road at the edge of the canyon. Hei Jue was put down with a frustrated expression. He was really not used to the feeling of being carried by others, no matter how many times he tried. The same one.

"Why are you running?" Moonlight Chiba stood in front of Jiao Du, faintly speaking, and asked.

"People who don't have a bounty, I don't want to waste time, you are worthless." Jiao Du's answer was straightforward and excessive, making Heijue, who had just stood firm, look dumbfounded.

"It's really profitable...hoh... defeat me, the twenty million is yours." Moonlight Chiba turned over and took out two boxes of money from the system warehouse.Not to mention how much money he brought with him, the No. 1 local tyrant of Naruto, before in Yurencun, he got 250 million taels.

"It's not a good deal. Twenty million. It's not worth the risk. If you can kill the Sansho Fish Hanzo, two hundred million is about the same." Jiao Du's eyes flashed, and there was not much greed in his eyes, but full of jealousy.

"Oh? The news is pretty good, 200 million, yes, if you win, you take it away, if you lose, it will be yours, but you have to go with us." Moonlight Chiba took out 200 million from the system warehouse. Two, piled up into a hill directly aside.

"I admit defeat." Jiao Du didn't say a word of nonsense at all, and he gave in as soon as he opened his mouth, looking at the pile of silver balls with bright eyes, and anyone could hear the sound of swallowing saliva.

A smile appeared on Moonlight Chiba's face, and once again praised the city of this corner capital. It was very powerful, really powerful, and able to live for so long, this guy is a black mountain old monster level guy!.