v5 Chapter 25: miracle

The next day.

early morning.

On a clean and tidy bed embroidered with purple butterfly texture, the butterflies curled up in a ball slowly opened their eyes.

He yawned, sat up, and stretched his body vigorously.

She rubbed her eyes.

Then he patted his forehead.

She had been dreaming all night, and it was the scene in the daytime again and again, but the elder sister's full-strength sword failed to shake a single piece of hair.

Until now, when she woke up from sleep, she still felt that she was uneasy.




Feng Ye's existence is the most incomprehensible existence she has seen so far.

Butterfly Ninja followed her sister, Chana, and had participated in the war a month ago. He also witnessed the "Original Winding No. 3" on the battlefield, and now he has the strength of the "Winding No. 2" Yiwoza.

The opponent's power is extremely terrifying. If the pillars in the team had not learned a higher level of swordsmanship from Zhen Gan, and had improved their attacks, I am afraid they would not even be able to break the defense.


Even such a terrifying Yiwozuo gave her a completely different feeling from Fengye.

If the feeling that Yiwozuo gives people is only ‘powerful’ and ‘difficult to defeat’, then Fengye doesn’t have the concept of being strong and conquering at all, but almost incomprehensible.

The opponent's speed robbed the little girl in an instant, and a strand of the opponent's hair made it impossible for Chana to cut with all his strength.

This can't help but make the butterfly bear the doubt. The origin of all ghosts, as the king of ghosts, can the ghost dance Tsuji Mimei reach this level?


Butterfly Ninja hugged her knees, leaned against the bed and curled up for a while, then took a deep breath, put aside the chaotic thoughts in her heart, got dressed and got up.

When she came outside, she didn't see her sister Chanel.

I didn't see my sister in the yard either.

She looked around and came to the laboratory under the butterfly house.

Butterfly House.

This is not only the place where she and her sister live, but also the medical department of the ghost killing team. All the wounded ghost killing team members will be sent here for treatment.

The laboratory under the butterfly house was used by her and her sister to study medical techniques on the one hand, and on the other hand, she used to study poison techniques and explore the various possibilities of using poison to kill ghosts.

Push open the basement door.

Chanel's figure is in the corner of the laboratory.

"elder sister."

Butterfly forbearance breathed a sigh of relief, then walked in and called out.

But this call was not answered.

Butterfly Ninja was a little strange, walked towards Chana Kee, and to the side, she saw Chana Kee standing in front of a ‘microscope’, and the whole person was dumbfounded, as if frozen.

"elder sister?"

Butterflies endured the surprised call.

But Chanel still seemed petrified.

It wasn't until Butterfly Shinobu reached out and touched Chana Hui's shoulder that she suddenly woke up, she staggered, and took a step back.

She did not look at the Butterfly Ninja next to her, but stared at the microscope, her big eyes full of weirdness.

Butterfly endured her sight.

I quickly noticed that the thing being observed under the microscope was a silver-white hair. There was no doubt that it was what Feng Ye left behind yesterday.

"……What's wrong?"

Surprise and curiosity flashed through the eyes of Butterfly Shinobi, and asked Chana Hui.

Chanel still couldn't remain calm and stable. She closed her eyes and took a few deep breaths, which slowly calmed her emotions.

He opened his eyes again, and there was still a bit of shock in the eyes looking at the hair.


"How can such a thing exist in the world..."


Butterfly Ninja looked at her sister who was still absent, and finally couldn't help it. She also took a few steps forward, leaning her eyes toward the microscope, and looking at the silver-white hair under the microscope.

Immediately afterwards, her gaze froze.

What I can see is the silvery white that covers the entire field of vision. In that silvery white, countless cells are lined up with sensations that cannot be described in words.

tidy? Perfect?

These words are not enough to describe.

Naturally natural.

Even if it is such a word to describe it, it still seems to be gloomy.

The arrangement of the cells seems to contain the truth of the world, and each cell seems to be covered with fine textures, and each texture seems to point to the essence of the world.

The interweaving of these textures gives people a shocking feeling. It seems that every texture represents life itself, and every cell is a magnificent world.

"This...what is this..."

Butterfly forbearance was shocked.

The words that exhausted her life could not describe the shock in her heart at this moment.

As the sister of Chanel Butterfly, the owner of the butterfly house, and as a step-child of the style, who painstakingly researched poisons and medical skills, she has cured an unknown number of wounded and killed an unknown number of ghosts.

She has observed the blood of ghosts, and she has even taken the blood of ghosts in the middle of the twelve ghost moon, purified from their blood to a deeper concentration of "Blood without Malignancy", prying into the secrets of some cells without misery.

She was shocked.

Because there are no miserable cells.

The vitality and terrifying power contained in the cells are indeed far beyond imagination. Even a drop of blood is enough to make ordinary people an immortal monster. A single blood can create a powerful ghost!

The power and energy contained in the blood can't be compared with the pillars of any ghost killing team.

At that time, Butterfly Ninja felt that the strength of the cells without misery represented the limit of the body.


Now her thoughts are completely broken.

If the miserable cells represent the limit of the body, what does this hair represent?

It is impossible to measure the gap between the two.

It's like dirty dirt on the roadside, and pure and flawless jade... No, the gap is bigger than this, I don't know how much I surpassed, so I can't understand it.

Chanel came over.

"Before you came, I had tested its nature."

"In theory, it should be an impossible substance. The power contained in each cell is beyond imagination. If it bursts, it can razed an area to the ground."

"But such a vast and majestic energy is firmly compressed in a hair... No, it should be said to maintain the shape of a hair, this is simply..."

Chanel's eyes are complicated.


This kind of height that mortals can never reach, even prying and imagination can hardly see its edge, only one definition can describe its existence-God.

This miracle can only belong to the gods.

Chanel doesn't believe that there are gods in this world. From the day her parents were brutally killed by ghosts, she no longer believed in the existence of gods, she only believed in herself.

She protects her sister, lives with Butterfly Ninja, struggling to survive step by step, and joins the ghost killing team to fight ghosts. To this day, all she relies on is her own hands.

She has never relied on gods, nor has she prayed to gods.

But at the moment.

The miracle was displayed in front of her, showing the boundless stalwart in a small way.

Chanahui wanted to ask why Fengye had to watch the countless tragedies happen in this world, and watch Guiwu Tsujimura create one and another cruel killing in this world.

But she didn't say it.

Butterfly stood beside him blankly, looked at the microscope, and looked at the sister on the side. Seeing her complicated eyes and expressions, she gradually understood something.

A stunned expression appeared on her face, then she clenched her fists and gritted her teeth.

She suddenly looked up.

"Hey! Are you watching!"

"Why do you still appear in this world! Since you have turned a blind eye to everything that happened in this world! Why do you still appear in front of us!"

She did not endure like Chane, but she opened her mouth loudly with her small fist.

Incompetent anger echoed in the basement.

Did not get any response.

She clenched her fists, her chest was constantly rising and falling, panting, and she couldn't even keep it in the full set, she just looked up at the black ceiling, as if she was looking at Fengye in the sky.

Of course, Feng Ye was also watching everything that happened here, she also saw Butterfly Ninja's shout, she saw her eyes with unwillingness, anger, and tears remaining.

But Feng Ye just watched calmly.

Did not explain anything.