Chapter 284 Hell Flame Eruption (Part 2)

Name:Necromancer Of The Shadows Author:

Boooommm-!! Booooommm-!! Booooommm-!!! Booooommm!! Boooooommm!!!

All the five volcanoes exploded at the same time and hell flames came down from the sky turning the sky completely black.

"Move behind the formation" Seeing the volcanoes erupting, all the hairs on Damian's body stand up to no end and he shouted while looking at Amanda.

All the hunters who survived the tsunami of the hell flame already moved behind the formation.

There was no reason for them to face the volcanoes head on.

With a quick motion, both Amanda and Damian appeared behind the formation wall, but for some reason, they were feeling restless even after coming behind the formation.

Even though the formation is set up to stop the S rank monster and its attack, there is still a chance it might break while facing a powerful attack.

They have made preparation in case the formation breaks during the fight, but it will not be a good thing for them if something like this happens.

The hell flames came down from the sky and merged with the tsunami of flame.

Immediately the power of hell flame skyrocketed and the temperature in the wilderness reached to an unimaginable degree.

Crack -!

Amid the disbelief look of hunters, a cracking sound rang out and the next second tens of cracks appeared on the formation wall.

"Back off" Damian shouted while backing away.

He never expected that the S rank monster who is leading the monster army had such a powerful skill, and it will use it just after coming here.

It was a good thing all the hunters who came behind the formation never stop retreating after seeing those volcanoes.

Crack... Crack... Cracked

In just a few seconds the entire formation wall was filled with cracks, and with a cracking sound, the wall finally shattered like glass.

The hell flames which were stronger than before once again rushed forward even faster than before.

But this time all the hunters were prepared and were able to back away safely.

After breaking the wall of formation, the hell flames moved around ten more kilometres burning everything that came into its path.

Five kilometres away from the formation Eclipse also tried to run away when the formation was broken.

But unlike hunters who were at least A rank, it was just a B rank monster.

Even before it can reach the safe distance away from the hell flames, they caught up to it and its body was destroyed and Evan lost contact with it.

Damian and other hunters had ugly expressions as they watched hell flames stop after crossing ten kilometres mark.

Even though no hunter died after the formation wall was broken, they still can't relax knowing that the formation is broken.

The auto repair function will soon take effect and the formation will be able to work again, but it will take at least ten minutes before the formation starts to work again, and looking at the condition of hunters around him Damian wasn't sure if they can resist the tide for ten minutes.

Around nine A rank hunters died because of the unexpected attack of the hell flames. They were not able to retreat behind the formation wall on time and were killed by hell flames.

Many hunters were injured while escaping from the hell flames and they won't be able to give their 100% during the fight.

But the worst thing was the morals of all the hunters were all time low after seeing what just happened.

It was just a single attack, but it shook the entire defensive line.

They were now feeling doubtful about whether to fight or retreat now.

Soon the volcanos from the sky and the hell flame disappeared leaving behind infernal land that was scorched black because of the high temperature.

ROAR -!!!

The powerful roar of the hell ape reverted in the area, and the ground started to shake as the monster army once again marched forward.

Most of the hunters showed panicked expressions and were uncertain whether to fight or retreat.


A powerful shriek of a bird sounded, and a monster with red wings and orange body came into their view flying with a large group of monsters.

Just when hunters were panicking, a sharp aura filled the surroundings, and they saw a beam of sword light going towards the flying bird like a shooting star.


Even though the bird was an A+ rank monster, it was not able to react in time before the sword beam struck it, and its head was severed from the rest of its body.


Amid the marching monster army, the body of the giant bird fell down from the sky.

The hunters turned around to see who killed the monster and saw Amanda who was looking at them with cold eyes.

Her body was covered in a sharp sword aura and whoever looked at her felt their body being sliced by a sharp sword.

"What are you all doing just looking at them like fools?" Amanda said while glaring at them, "Did you forget we are on a battlefield?"

"Stand up and take your position. Those who are seriously injured stand back and get treated by healers" Amanda started to shout out orders bringing all the hunters back to their senses.

Hearing Amanda the hunters quickly took action, they were afraid that if they continue to show panicked expansion, she will chop off their heads just like how she killed the monster bird.

"Damian take charge of them," Amanda said to Damian after seeing the hunters start to take their position, "I already contacted the support base, and they will be here soon"

"The formation is also being repaired by the auto repair system, and it should be back to normal in ten minutes"

"I understand, but why are you telling me all of this?" Damian asked with a confused face, "Are you going somewhere?"

Hearing Damian, Amanda looked at the approaching army and the sword aura around her intensified, "I am just going to show a certain bastard that it is not the only S ranker present here who has powerful skills"

Saying that she looked at Damian and smirked, "Watch carefully, because next time when we will fight it won't end as a draw like always"