Chapter 449 A-Rank Monarch Core And Massacre (Part 1)

Name:Necromancer Of The Shadows Author:

As Ariel flew towards the exit portal of the dungeon, Evan put away the coin that he had taken out earlier. After putting away the coin, he took out one core after another from Kazil's storage ring and started to absorb them using his monarch core.

The rank of his monarch core continued to increase and it started to move towards A rank.

When he absorbed his eighth core, suddenly a notification flashed before his eyes.

(You have received the skill 'Power Aura')

----) Power Aura: When activated, the user will emit a power aura, the power aura increases the user's strength by ten percent. While the power aura is activated, the agility of the user will reduced by ten percent.

"Ten percent increase in strength," Evan said while taking a deep breath. "If I use this skill along with my other skills and blazebringer gauntlets..."

Evan felt excited just thinking about it. He didn't care too much about the ten percent decrease in agility. He has many skills like temporal velocity, flicker steps, and wind manipulation that increase his agility, so he was not concerned about it.

The exit portal was quite far away, so while looking at the details of 'Power Aura', he decided to look at the details of the skill that he received earlier as well.

---) Regeneration: Using regeneration, the user can rapidly regenerate. The power of regeneration depends on the user's rank. If the rank of the user is high enough they can even regenerate their lost limbs. The skill consumes a large amount of mana and stamina.

"I must have gotten this skill by absorbing the core of the black ogre that Albelu killed in the small world..." Evan muttered in a low voice after reading the details of skill.

Evan didn't absorb the black ogre's body because he wanted to turn it into a shadow undead, but he did absorb its core.

"I didn't think I would get the second skill of black ogre as well.."

Evan already had the devour skill of black ogre that he merged with other skills and turned into energy devouring skill that is currently one of his most important skills.

"Regeneration and Ember Vitality are both healing type skills, but I can't merge them into one"

---) Ember Vitality: Using this skill you can draw energy from fire or heat sources, and use this energy to heal and recover from injuries. (I told about this skill in chap-405)

Evan tried to merge his regeneration and Ember Vitality skills, but there was no reaction from his monarch core.

"Well....maybe I need one more skill that is similar to regeneration and ember vitality to merge them into one skill just like the energy devouring skill," Evan said and stopped trying to merge his skills.

His energy devouring skill was born after merging three skills into one, so he guessed that he might need one more regeneration type skill to merge them into one.

After looking at regeneration and ember vitality one last time, he once again returned back to absorbing the cores.

His monarch core was like a black hole that continued to absorb all the energy of the cores.

One by one, the number of cores in Kazil's storage ring started to reduce. Soon there were just two cores left in Kazil's storage ring.

After getting the power aura Evan didn't receive any skill, but he didn't care about that because currently his mind was fully focused on the rank of his core.

"Just a little bit more" Evan took out an A+ rank and put it inside his mouth.

The core turned into energy and was slowly absorbed by his monarch core.

After absorbing the core, Evan could feel he was just a little bit away from reaching A rank.

He took a deep breath and took out the last A+ rank core.

"I hope it will be enough" Evan muttered to himself and swallowed the core.

Just like last time, the core turned into energy, and the energy went towards his monarch core.

"Almost there... Just a bit more" Evan looked at everything with hopeful eyes as his monarch core continued to absorb the energy of the last A+ rank core.

After a few minutes, his monarch core absorbed all the energy. Just as his core absorbed all the energy, a notification flashed before his eyes.

(You have received the skill 'Mid Level Poison Resistance')

Evan didn't even realize that he had just received a new skill as his mind was completely focused on his Monarch Core.

After a few seconds, he finally stopped looking at his core and opened his mouth.


If his monarch core needed 100 units of energy to advance, then currently it was at 99.98 units. It was just a small step away from reaching A rank, but Evan was already out of cores.

"What should I do?" Evan muttered and looked inside his shadow storage. n0vElusb.C0m

Inside his shadow storage, there were still the bodies of the Goblin King, the Black Ogre and Kazil. But he was not willing to use them because he wanted to turn them into shadow undead before absorbing them.

He could turn the Goblin King into a shadow undead since it was just a D+ rank monster and absorb its body, but he was sure that even after absorbing the Goblin King's D+ rank body, he would still not reach A rank, because the energy provided by D+ rank body is very low.

"Looks like I can not do anything about it for the time being.." Evan sighed out loud, but soon his eyes flashed with a chilling light and a cold smile appeared on his face. " doesn't matter because I am sure I will be able to reach A rank just after leaving this damned dungeon, "

A few minutes later, Ariel reached the place where the exit portal was located.

Evan jumped down from Ariel's back and used shadow wings to safely land right in front of the portal.

"Let's see if there is anyone who is waiting for me outside," Evan said in a low voice and used his spiritual senses to look at the other end of the portal.