Chapter 651 A Deal (Part 2)

Name:Necromancer Of The Shadows Author:
Chapter 651 A Deal (Part 2)

"If you still want to fight I am more than happy to play with you," Evan said once the void rift closed and he saw Mogul was looking at him. "But keep in mind that If you decide to continue, this place will really turn into a graveyard."

This time after hearing Evan, Mogul didn't mock him and looked at him with a serious look on his face. He looked at the situation outside of the barrier and furrowed his eyebrows.

The fight has been going on for about fifteen minutes and Mogul has already noticed that no matter how many times the Orcs kill the Shadow Undeads, they keep coming back to life. On the other hand, unlike the shadow undeads, the orcs were dying for real.

The Shadow Undeads had already killed approximately seventy S ranked Orcs and the casualties would continue to rise if the fighting continued.

Mogul closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Although he wanted nothing more than to kill Evan and his shadow undeads, he knew the situation was not in his favour.

'If we lose more of our members our overall strength will drop sharply and it will become difficult for us to maintain our position in the city.' Mogul said inwardly and opened his eyes.

"If you want to talk then stop them first," He said to Evan while pointing at his shadow undeads.

Evan looked at Mogul's face for a few seconds when he heard him and nodded his head.

He used shadow senses and ordered his shadow undeads to stop fighting. When the shadow undeads received Evan's order, all of them immediately backed away. The orcs tried to chase after them but Mogul signalled them to stop.

Once the fight between the orcs and the shadow undeads stopped, Mogul looked back at Evan and said in a cold voice.

"Return everything that you have stolen from the treasure vault and you can leave from here."

Hearing Mogul, Evan immediately shook his head.

"I worked so hard to steal them. There is no way I can give you everything back," He said and paused for a moment. "...At most, I can return 20% of what I stole from the vault."

Evan did not answer immediately when he heard Mogul and looked at him for some time. When he did not find anything wrong with Mogul's expressions, he nodded his head.

"I came to the World Domain this morning."

When Mogul heard Evan, his eyes sparkled for some reason.

"You are still an S ranker, right?"

Evan was baffled when he heard Mogul's excitement filled voice and looked at him with a weird look on his face.

"Can't you tell by my aura that I am a S ranker or not?"

"Of course, I can tell that you are an S is just that the power you displayed earlier was far stronger than even a normal Rank One Core Evolver so I just want to make sure that you are not using an artefact to hide your true Rank."

Evan was genuinely confused when he heard Mogul and couldn't understand what he was thinking. He had just killed some of his gang members and even robbed their treasure vault, but the way Mogul was acting was making him somewhat uncomfortable.

'What the hell is this guy thinking?' He thought inwardly and decided to immediately use Shadow Possession skill in case Mogul tried to do something suspicious.

"I have an offer for you. Do you want to hear it?" Suddenly Mogul asked in a serious voice.

"If you want to offer me to join your Warlord Gang then you can forget about that. I am planning to use the Tower of Ascension once I gather a few more things from here."

Hearing Evan, Mogul shook his head.

"Don't worry, I have no intentions of inviting you to join our gang. In fact, instead of calling it an offer, it would be much appreciated to call it a deal."

Evan raised an eyebrow when he heard Mogul and asked in a curious voice. "What kind of deal?"

"It is a deal related to the four great clans of the city. If you accept this deal I can assure you that the other three clans will also give you fifty percent of the items from their treasure vault without any hesitation."