Chapter 712 Status Window, Void Crystal And Reaction Of The World Tree (Part 4)

Name:Necromancer Of The Shadows Author:
Chapter 712 Status Window, Void Crystal And Reaction Of The World Tree (Part 4)

712 Status Window, Void Crystal And Reaction Of The World Tree (Part 4)

In the deeper area of the dark forest, a bright light flashed and Evan and Ashley appeared there.

Evan was still on guard against Ashley and the person who spoke earlier so after appearing there, he immediately looked around him with a cautious expression on his face.

But after looking around him, Evan was stunned because he did not see any sanctuary that the man talked about earlier. instead of the sanctuary, he just saw another area of the forest that was filled with towering trees.

'What is she scheming now?' Evan looked at Ashley with a suspicious look on his face and was ready to use his title to escape from there if she tried anything strange.

Ashely did not care about Evan's suspicious look and walked towards one of the towering trees that were around them.

After coming in front of a particular tree, Ashley pressed her hand on it and infused her space force inside it.

For the first few seconds, nothing happened. But Evan's expression soon changed as he noticed strange energy ripples begin to emanate from the tree.

"These energy ripples..." Evan muttered in a low voice and soon in front of his eyes, a silver-coloureded portal opened in the middle part of the tree.

"Come with me," Ashley said in a plain voice and entered the portal. From her voice, it was obvious that she was still wary of him.

'Should I escape?' Evan thought inwardly when he saw Ashley go inside the portal and it was his best chance if he wanted to escape. But after thinking about everything for a moment, he sighed inwardly and walked towards the portal.

'That lunatic woman even pulled me out of the void space so unless I use the power of Owner Of The Eldoria City title to back to World Domain, I don't think I can escape from her' Evan said to himself and stopped in front of the portal.

After stopping in front of the portal, he hesitated a little, but eventually took a step forward and disappeared inside the portal.

As soon as Evan entered the portal, the silver colored portal closed and the huge tree in which the portal opened turned into wooden ash and scattered in the wind.

He only noticed that the village was very small and there were just a few hundred Dryads in it.

Ashley sighed inwardly seeing the small village and before Evan could come back to his senses, she took another step forward, bringing him in front of a cave.

Once they were in front of the cave, the space energy that covered Evan disappeared.

"Follow me," Evan heard Ashley's voice and noticed her going inside the cave.

'Damn give me a break' Evan cursed inwardly and followed her while still feeling a little dizzy because of the speed at which he was brought here.

The cave was very wide and its ceiling was also about a hundred meters high. As Evan followed Ashley, he suddenly started feeling strange. He did not know why, but as he went deeper into the cave, he felt as if something inside his soul was reacting.

'What is this strange feeling?' Evan thought to himself with a confused expression on his face.

Ashley continued walking inside the cave and after about five minutes she suddenly stopped.

"So, why did you ask me to bring him here?" She looked at the dark area of the cave in front of her and asked in a slightly cold voice.

The moment Ashley finished speaking, two deep green eyes opened in the dark area of the cave and a powerful pressure engulfed the surroundings.

Feeling the powerful pressure, Ashley's expression did not change and she continued to look at the two green eyes.

On the other hand, when the two green eyes opened, Evan did not care about them as his eyes were fixed on a different part of the dark area where a small tree was planted.

After coming here, Evan did not know why but his attention was immediately attracted towards that small tree... And the moment he looked at the small tree, the two soul seals that he could break after becoming a Rank One Core Evolver shattered and Evan found himself standing in front of a giant tree that was so huge that he felt like it could cover the entire universe with its branches.

Looking at the giant tree, Evan's mind buzzed and his eyes became dazed. He lost control over his body and his mouth opened on its own.

"The Universal Tree."