Chapter 719 Puppet Sparring Room (Part 2)

Name:Necromancer Of The Shadows Author:
Chapter 719 Puppet Sparring Room (Part 2)

719 Puppet Sparring Room (Part 2)

After being teleported away by Sylvan, Evan found himself standing in front of the door of a small, beautiful looking house.

Evan looked around him and saw the house was built on top of a mountain. Some distance away from the place where the house was located, a river was flowing down from the top of the mountain and the surroundings were filled with rich World Essence.

"This place is quite good..." Evan muttered to himself and shook his head after looking around him. "... But It seems no one is living in this area other than me."

With his current spiritual senses, Evan could easily cover an area of two thousand five hundred kilometres. In the range of his spiritual senses, he didn't find any living being. It was like Sylvan had thrown him into a different corner of the World.

Evan was not angry upon finding this out because he already knew why Sylvan had sent him to such a place.Fôll0w current novÊls on n/o/(v)/3l/b((in).(co/m)

'He doesn't want me to meet other Dryads for the time being,' Evan said inwardly as he looked at the river that was flowing down from the mountain.

Similar to Ashley, all other Dryads also hate elves to their core so Evan guessed that before allowing him to meet other Dryads, Sylvan must have wanted to talk to them so that they wouldn't attack him outright just like Ashley.

"Well, it is good that there is no one here because I also need to think about a few matters..." Evan said in a low voice and entered the house.

Upon entering the house, the first thing that greeted his eyes was a fine looking courtyard with different kinds of flowers growing inside it.

Although no one was living in the house, Evan noticed that the courtyard was well maintained. He just wasn't sure if someone was taking care of this courtyard or if it was built in a way that it would always stay in perfect condition.

Although the house and the courtyard were beautiful, Evan was not interested in going from one place to another to look at every place of the house so he just used his spiritual senses to take a look at everything at once.

Upon looking at the house with his spiritual senses, Evan raised an eyebrow in surprise because he found some interesting places.

The first thing that caught his attention was the training area that was built under the house. The training area was nearly 100 square kilometres big and Evan could feel that someone had used a space expansion formation to build the training area.

"There are many interesting things inside this training area and I can confirm my current power level using them..." Evan said with gleaming eyes when he noticed a few interesting things inside the training area.

Beginner Level Rank One

Mid Level Rank One

Peak Level Rank One

Beginner Level Rank Two

Mid Level Rank Two




The opponent list went on Evan saw the highest level of opponent he could select was at the peak of the Rank Three.

It was the first time Evan was fighting a proper opponent after becoming a Rank One Core Evolver so he obviously decided to start from the lowest level to see the true difference between himself and the other evolvers at the same level.

"Let's see how much I improved after both of my cores merged into one..." Evan muttered to himself and selected beginner level Rank One Core Evolver as his opponent.

Just as Evan selected his opponent, the notification window in front of him disappeared, his surroundings blurred and he found himself standing in the middle of a desert.

Evan was quite surprised to see the change in scenery around him, but he didn't think much of it as he soon saw a person beginning to materialize in front of him.

In less than three seconds, the person completely materialized and Evan was left speechless at the sight of his opponent.

"It seems these guys really hate Elves..." Evan said to himself as a Beginner level Rank One elf holding a bow appeared in front of him.