Chapter 730 Rage And Racial Skill— Reaper's Wrath (Part 1)

Name:Necromancer Of The Shadows Author:
Chapter 730 Rage And Racial Skill— Reaper's Wrath (Part 1)

Evan used the wind manipulation skill to dry himself in just a few seconds. After drying off, he put on a new set of clothes and headed outside.

The morning sun was shining brightly, and as Evan looked at the river flowing down from the top of the mountain, he felt his chaotic mind calming down.

Evan was still looking at the river when he suddenly felt someone coming towards him at rapid speed. He turned around and saw Cedar coming towards him.

"Good morning," Cedar arrived in front of him in just a few seconds and greeted him with a smile on his face.

"Good morning, " Evan nodded his head hearing Cedar and asked after a moment. "So, where are we going first?"

"Let's go to the market first. I will introduce you to other Dryads after that."

"Sure," Evan didn't object to Cedar's suggestion and both of them flew away from there.

"Other than the Herbs, you can buy many other things in the market like weapons, artefacts and different kinds of treasures..." As they flew towards the market, Cedar started to explain to Evan.

Evan listened to Cedar carefully and was surprised when he heard that he could even buy Domain Stones in the market.

Evan was excited after hearing he could buy Domain Stones in the market. Although he already had one Domain Stone and he even connected it to the Rune Of Evolution to increase its grade, he still wanted to buy more of them.

The reason he wanted to buy more Domain Stones was because of his shadow undeads.

With the help of the Domain Stones, his Shadow Undeads will be able to create their Domains much faster.

But when he asked Cedar about the price of the Domain Stones, he immediately wiped out the thought of buying them for his shadow undeads.

'Five million low level essence stones... Oh my!'

Even though he had more than eight million essence stones, he couldn't just spend them on the domain stones.

After learning about the price of Domain Stones, Evan asked Cedar about the price of Rank One Herbs. Before leaving for the market, he had thought that the price of Rank One Herbs wouldn't be high. However, after hearing the price of the Domain Stone, Evan wasn't so sure anymore.

"A normal low-level Rank One Herb will cost you from one hundred thousand to two hundred thousand low-level essence stones," Cedar replied after hearing Evan's question.

'If I convert them into low level essence stones that will be one hundred million essence stones...' Evan said inwardly and felt his mind going numb because of so much wealth.

'No, I can't accept this...' After a few minutes, Evan finally came back to his senses and tried to give the storage ring back to Cedar.

But Cedar shook his head and waved his hand.

"It's fine. I am just lending them to you. Just make sure you return them to me in the future when you have enough," Cedar said and did not take the storage ring back.

Even after hearing Cedar, Evan still wanted to give back the storage ring to him, but thinking about the things that he could buy with this wealth, he decided to keep them for the time being.

'I need to increase my strength before The Tomb Of The Ancient opens...' Evan said to himself. 'I will return him his essence stones when I have enough.'

While Evan was thinking about the essence stones, Cedar suddenly looked at him and asked with a strange look on his face.

"By the way, what is wrong with your world essence? I don't know why, but I am feeling it is very different than yesterday."

Evan looked at Cedar in confusion hearing his question, but suddenly, something clicked in his mind and he thought about the new passive authority that he took from Elysia.

'Is it because of this authority?' Evan asked himself, looking at the authority that he took from Elysia using the second effect of the growth link skill.

Although he was not sure, Evan felt the change Cedar felt in his world essence might be related to the passive authority that he took from Elysia.

Just when he was thinking about how to explain this to Cedar, he heard Cedar's excited voice.

"We are here."

Evan looked in front of him and his expression turned strange because instead of a market, he saw a small building in front of him.

Evan wanted to ask Cedar what was that building, but when he looked at Cedar, his expression froze because he saw him wearing a strange mask.

Just when Evan was getting confused, he heard Cedar's voice and his expression changed.

"I can finally go out from this closed world for the first time."