Chapter 756 Escape (Part 2)

Name:Necromancer Of The Shadows Author:
Chapter 756 Escape (Part 2)

When Evan suddenly lost his connection with Kazil, his expression changed, and he stood up from the couch.

"What's wrong?" Cedar asked with a confused look on his face when he saw Evan's abnormal reaction.

Ignoring Cedar's question, Evan used his Shadow Sense skill to connect his vision with Volac, whom he had left with Kazil earlier.

When his vision connected with Volac, Evan saw four people standing outside of an airship which was far bigger than Cedar's airship.

Among the four, he recognized Lucian and Thomas, whom he had seen in the inn the other day. On the other hand, the other two people were completely new faces to him.

'Someone from the Mechadroids Race...' Evan said to himself when he saw Arden standing with a strange-looking metal device in his hand.

Next to Arden, was a woman with long red hair. There was a silvery aura around her and it was burning like flames.

'They found our teleportation location in just two hours..' Evan thought with a grave expression on his face when he saw Lucian and others.

Suddenly, he saw the red-haired woman raise her head and look in Volac's direction. The next second, a wave of silver flame engulfed Evan's vision, and he lost connection with all the shadow undeads he had left there.

"F*ck..." Evan cursed out loud and panted heavily. Even though he was just looking at them using his shadow senses, he still felt the extraordinary power of those silver flames that instantly killed all of his shadow undeads who were hidden there.

"What's going on? Are you alright?" Cedar was stunned when he saw Evan's face suddenly turn pale, and he was panting heavily.

Evan took some deep breaths to calm down his nerves and shook his head.

"We are screwed. Lucian and some other people already found the location where we were teleported, and they are most likely coming towards us now," Evan said in a serious voice and rubbed his temples.

"They will catch up to us in one hour, and we need one and a half hours to reach the Dark Forest," Evan said and his eyes turned sharp. "If we want to escape from them, we need to delay them for half an hour."

"Do you have a plan?" Cedar asked when he noticed the look on Evan's face.

Evan took a deep breath and nodded his head.

"I have something in mind. If it works, then we should be able to delay them for some time," Evan said, looking outside from the airship.

Cedar raised an eyebrow upon hearing Evan and waited for him to explain his plan.

In just a few minutes, Evan explained his plan to Cedar, who was completely dumbfounded when he heard what Evan wanted to do.

"Do you think it will work?" Cedar asked in an uncertain voice after hearing Evan's plan, thinking the chances of success were very slim.

"Do you have any other ideas?" Evan asked in a flat voice while shaking his head.

Cedar remained silent upon hearing Evan, as he did not have any other ideas.

"Alright, stop the airship. This place should be fine," Evan said after a minute, looking outside from the airship.

Hearing Evan, Cedar immediately stopped the airship, and both of them came out.

Evan looked at the empty area around them and nodded his head.

'This empty area will do the trick,' He thought inwardly, and both of them started their preparation.