Chapter 763 Save Me Sister!

Name:Necromancer Of The Shadows Author:
Chapter 763 Save Me Sister!

"Be confident, there is nothing to worry about. He won't beat you too hard after knowing you got the Enlightenment Stone," Cedar cheered himself as he walked into Sylvan's cave.

Soon he reached the end of the cave and saw the world tree glowing with different colors of light.

"Grandpa, I am ba—"


Before Cedar could announce his return, some vines came out from the cave walls and hung him upside down.

"What the—?" Cedar was taken aback when he was suddenly hung upside down.

"Grandpa, what are you doi—" He wanted to know what was happening, but before he could finish speaking...


A vine came towards him like a whip and struck his butt.NewW novels updates at

"Arghh... it hurts..."


"You damn brat, you dared to act cocky in the Star City. Who gave you the guts to steal the Enlightenment Stone in the presence of so many high-level core evolvers?" Sylvan appeared beside Cedar, who was hanging upside down and whipped his a*s once again.

Cedar was stunned when he heard Sylvan and his eyes opened wide in shock. 'How did Grandpa find out about this?'


"Arghh... It hurts, grandpa. I'm sorry for what I did," Cedar cried in pain, but Sylvan didn't stop and whipped him again.


"Now you are sorry you stupid brat. Do you know you could have died because of the stunt you pulled out there?"


"Damn old man, stop beating me or I will—I will..."

The old man was more powerful than her; who knows if he would start whipping her as well if he knew she accidentally heard about his secret book collection.

Just as Ashley was about to flee, Sylvan noticed her.

"Oh, Ashley, you're here."

Ashley's body stiffened when she heard Sylvan, and she looked at him with a frightened expression.

'Will this old man annihilate me to protect his secret?' She thought inwardly and her body trembled.

"Wooohhh... Big sister, save me! This old man wants to increase my waist size and do lewd things to me. Please help me, wooohh..." Cedar's tear-filled eyes lit up when he saw Ashley, and he shouted in a voice that could put any damsel in distress to shame.

Ashley's eyes widened when she heard Cedar and she looked at his lower part, which was swollen like a balloon.

"You brat, you still dare to spout nonsense."


"Woooh, sister, save me or my ass will explode."

Ashley shuddered when she saw what was happening and only one thought came to her mind after seeing this...

'Run... I have to run away from here.'

Silver light started to cover Ashley, and space energy fluctuations filled the room.

She didn't even think about saving Cedar because saving her own a*s was more important to her.

"I still need to complete the teleportation formation for the Tomb of the Ancient, so I will go first. Here is the thing that you asked for..." Ashley said and threw a crystal towards Sylvan.

Sylvan caught the crystal and looked at Ashley in confusion as she glowed with silver light.

'I will definitely pray for your innocent soul, Cedar...' Ashley thought as her body disappeared from the cave.

"Take me with you, big sister..." Cedar shouted in a desperate voice, but Ashley had already disappeared from there.

Once Ashley disappeared, Sylvan turned around and looked at Cedar with a smile on his wrinkled face.

Seeing Sylvan's smile, Cedar shuddered and started to curse Ashley for not taking him with her.