Chapter 792 These Guys Are My Assistants

Name:Necromancer Of The Shadows Author:
Chapter 792 These Guys Are My Assistants


With a loud sound, the three-meter-tall body of the Rank One Sabertooth Tiger dropped from the sky in front of the Rank Two dwarf, creating a three-meter-wide and one-meter-deep crater.

The crashing sound of the tiger's body was like thunder in the ears of the two dwarfs and the Rank Two tiger, as they didn't expect Evan, who was a mid-level Rank One Core Evolver to defeat the tiger with just a single punch.

"Didn't your parents teach you that cats who pounce on others are not liked by people?"

The three people heard Evan's light voice and finally came back to their senses.

"Jason..." The Beginner Level Rank Two tiger shouted after coming back to his senses and quickly approached the Rank One tiger who had fainted due to Evan's punch.

The jaw of the tiger was completely dislocated, and blood was still flowing out from his mouth uncontrollably.

The Rank Two tiger quickly reverted to his human form, turning into a white-haired middle-aged man, and took out a potion from his storage ring. He poured the potion into Jason's broken mouth, and only then did the bleeding stop.

"You bastard..." After stopping Jason's bleeding, the Rank Two tiger growled at Evan and looked at him with his orange eyes glowing ominously.

Contrary to the furious expressions of the tiger, both dwarfs looked at Evan with shocked expressions, not believing what they had just witnessed.

It was the first time they had seen a mid-level Rank One Core Evolver nearly killing a Peak Rank One Core Evolver in just a single attack, and that was without even using any of his skills.

As Molder, the Beginner Level Rank Two Dwarf looked at Evan's appearance, something clicked in his mind, and his eyes nearly popped out of their sockets.

"I suggest you put away the thoughts of capturing me since you will just die a meaningless death if you try anything funny..." Evan said in a light voice as his shadow started to shake.


Suddenly, one after another, Brown and the six Beginner Level Rank Two sheep emerged from his shadow and stood in front of him.

"If you try anything funny, these guys will rip you to shreds without showing any mercy," Evan warned as the seven auras of Beginner Level Rank Two monsters locked down on them, scaring the sh*t out of Molder and the others.

Evan actually had three more Beginner Level Rank Two monsters inside his shadow storage whom he created while collecting the treasure from the other locations, but he did not release them as it was completely unnecessary.

"These... What the hell are these monsters?" Bruce asked in a shocked voice as he felt the gazes of Brown and the sheep on him.

"See... These guys are my assistants and similar to me, they also like doing research. I am a peaceful guy who doesn't like violence, but these guys..." Evan said and shook his head. "All of these guys are violent maniacs who would kill anyone who dares to come in the way of their research."

Molder and the others gulped down their saliva hearing Evan and looked at Brown and the others with fearful looks on their faces.

"Now... Do you still want to catch me or want to take back this fruit which is my research subject for today?" Evan asked in a serious voice.

Hearing Evan, Molder and the others cursed inwardly and immediately shook their heads.

Looking at the menacing looks of Brown and the sheep, they were sure that they would be killed immediately if they tried to refuse Evan.

"Wow, you guys are really nice people. Since you don't want this fruit, I will keep it for my research purpose," Evan said and tossed the vitality fruit into his shadow storage. After storing away the fruit, he waved his hand at Molder and the others and nodded his head.

"I will come find you again and return the fruit once I complete my research on it..." He said, recalling Brown and the others back into his shadow storage. Simultaneously, he activated the Soul Beacon skill and disappeared from where he was standing.