Chapter 805 Dead Man (Part 2)

Name:Necromancer Of The Shadows Author:
Chapter 805 Dead Man (Part 2)

"So, brother demon, why isn't anyone attacking the barrier?" Evan inquired calmly, appearing behind one of the peak Rank One extreme demons.

"Eek!" The demon screamed like a little girl and jumped away when Evan suddenly appeared behind him.

"You—you stay away from me," the demon shouted in a frightened voice, afraid that Evan would punch him to death as well.

Evan smiled kindly when he saw the frightened look on the demon's face and spoke in a low voice as if he were coaxing a child.

"Now, now, little demon, you don't have to be afraid of me. I am not a beast here to eat you. Just tell me why no one is attacking the barrier, and I will leave you alone."

The peak Rank One demon gulped down his saliva when he saw Evan's smile because he could feel that if he didn't speak, his fate would be the same as the earlier demon.

"This barrier has reflective properties..." Before the demon could start explaining, Evan heard a female voice and saw a woman in a fiery red dress walking towards him. The woman had shoulder-length black hair, deep blue eyes, and a star mark at the centre of her forehead.

The aura around her indicated that she was a peak Rank Two Core Evolver, the second person whose aura Evan had sensed along with Voidscar earlier.

"Reflective properties?" Evan raised an eyebrow when he heard the woman and looked at her with a questioning gaze.

"If we want to destroy the barrier, we will have to launch a powerful attack that can break it in a single strike. If our attack is not strong enough, the barrier will simply reflect it and remain undamaged," Blaze explained as she stopped some distance away from Evan. "We are currently not attacking it because we are waiting for more people to come here so that we can combine our power and break it in a single attack."

A look of realization flashed on Evan's face hearing Blaze and he nodded his head. "So that's how it is, huh."

"If we want to break the barrier in a single attack, we still need at least two or three more Beginner Level Rank Two Core Evolvers..." Blaze said with a smile on her face. "We have already contacted a few people, and they should be here soon.

"What do you say? Do you want to join us? With your power, it will become even easier for us to break the barrier."

Blaze: "..."

Voidscar: "..."

Other people: "..."

'Is this guy messing with me?' Blaze's mouth twitched uncontrollably, and she wanted to beat down Evan who had a smug look on his lazy face. She took some deep breaths to calm down her nerves and spoke after a moment.

"So your name is Dead Man, huh. is there a reason why your name is so umm... unique?"

Hearing Blaze's question, Evan looked at her lazily and asked in a plain voice, "Is there a reason why your name is soooo normal?"

Blaze: "..."

She closed her mouth, deciding not to engage with Evan any longer.

"Other people should be here in half an hour at best. Once they come here, we will attack the barrier," She said to him and turned around to leave.

She felt like if she talked to him any longer, she might just attack him. Seeing Blaze leave with an annoyed look on her face, Evan smirked inwardly and opened his mouth.

"Ha! I know you are jealous because you have such a simple name, but hey, there is no need to feel down or blame your parents as the majority of people in the world have normal names."

Blaze nearly fell to the ground when she heard Evan's lazy voice and barely held herself back from going back and burning him to ashes.

Evan watched Blaze leave and felt it was quite enjoyable to mess with people, especially if they didn't know about your true identity.

Once Blaze left, Evan waited with the other people and just as she had said earlier, about half an hour later, a few more rank two core evolvers arrived there. Once they arrived, Blaze gathered everyone as it was time to attack the barrier.