Chapter 812 Sky Fall (Part 7)

Name:Necromancer Of The Shadows Author:
Chapter 812 Sky Fall (Part 7)

(Choose the skill or Authority that you want to evolve...)

In front of Evan's eyes, the names of all his Skills and Authorities appeared. He looked at them for a second and, after considering everything, he chose to evolve the Death Guardian Authority.

The reason he chose Death Guardian instead of Master of Shadows was because of the short duration of the Death Guardian Authority.

Although the Death Guardian authority was very powerful, its duration was just five seconds, and he was hoping he would be able to use it for a longer period of time after evolving it.

The moment Evan chose Death Guardian for evolution, the energy of the evolution essence drop inside his body started to move. He felt the energy moving inside his body and waited for his authority to evolve with a look of anticipation on his face.

The energy of the evolution essence drop moved towards his Primordial Monarch Core and was absorbed by it. But not even a second later, his core released the energy of the evolution essence drop back into his body, and a notification flashed before his eyes.

Evan quickly read the notification that appeared in front of him, and his expression immediately turned ugly.

"Damn it..." He cursed in a low voice, looking at the notification in front of him.

(You need sixty drops of Evolution Essence to evolve the Death Guardian Authority!)

Although he had already read the information about the Essence Evolution drop and knew that the higher the level of the skill or Authority, the more drops of Evolution Essence he would need to evolve it, he still hoped that he would be able to evolve his Death Guardian authority with it.

He wasn't expecting any kind of high-end evolution and just wanted to increase the duration of the Authority, so he really thought it wouldn't be a problem to increase it using one drop but...

"Sixty drops, how the hell am I supposed to find sixty drops..." Evan muttered in a speechless voice, not knowing how he should react.

Getting one drop of Evolution Essence liquid can already be considered a rare thing, but he needed sixty to evolve the Death Guardian authority.

"I don't think I would be able to find sixty drops even if I searched all over the Tomb..." He said in a dejected voice and fell deep into thought.

After thinking about everything for a moment, he tried to evolve Master Of Shadows, but...

(You need eighty drops of Evolution Essence to evolve the Master Of Shadows Authority!)

Evan: "..."

He took some deep breaths to calm down and finally regained his composure after a minute.

"Actually, considering the powers of both of my authorities, I should have already expected this..." He said with a sigh and laughed at his own stupidity. Both of his authorities were far stronger than normal authorities, so it was painfully obvious that they would require more evolution essence drops to evolve, but he naively thought that one drop would be able to evolve his authority to some extent.

"Guess, I can only choose to evolve a skill now..." He said with a shake of his head and looked at the list of his skills. He first tried to see if he could evolve the Shadow Resurrection skill, but the result was quite obvious.

"What the_" Evan was completely taken aback when he saw the new notifications as he did not expect something like this.

"Fist skill or the sound element skill..." He muttered in a low voice and fell deep into thought. Using the Sonic Resonance skill, Evan can instantly gather his strength in his fist and at the same time use the sonic vibrations to deal devastating damage to his opponents.

But the meaning of the notifications that he just received was pretty obvious.

"In order to evolve the skill, I will have to either give up on the sound vibrations or on the ability to instantly gather my strength in fists..." Evan muttered with a conflicted look on his face as he did not want to lose any of these abilities.

The sound vibrations of the Sonic Resonance skill were quite useful, as even if he lacked in strength, he could still damage the internal organs of his opponents using this skill.

However, if he chose to evolve Sonic Resonance into a sound-

type skill, he would lose the ability to instantly gather his strength and deal a critical strike without any effort.

He thought about everything for a long time, and in the end, finally chose to go with the Fist type skill.

There were two reasons why Evan made this choice.

First, Fist-type skills were rare and not easy to acquire, unlike sound-type skills that he could obtain by absorbing the cores of monsters specialized in the sound element.

Second, even if he couldn't acquire a sound-type skill by absorbing cores, it wasn't a problem as he had shadow undeads of Sound Wyverns and Sonic Bats who could use sound-type skills. He could just take their skills using the second effect of the Growth Link skill.

Once Evan made up his mind, he did not hesitate any longer and immediately chose the first option.

(Sonic Resonance is evolving....)

The moment Evan chose the Fist skill, a strange energy emanated from his Primordial Monarch Core. He felt as if an electric current passed through his body, and all the energy that came out of his core was absorbed by his body.

The strange sensation lasted for a few minutes, and Evan's body finally absorbed all the energy that came out of his core. The moment he absorbed all the energy, some notifications flashed before his eyes.

(Your Strength stat is permanently increased by 10 points)

(Sonic Resonance has evolved into Unique Skill, Sky Fall)

When Evan saw the first notification and realized his strength was permanently increased by 10 points, he was taken aback.

However, he immediately stopped thinking about this when he saw the second notification and found out that Sonic Resonance had actually evolved into a Unique Skill.

Without wasting any time, he immediately opened his status window and looked at the details of Sky Fall.

---) Sky Fall (Unique Skill): Upon activation, increases the user's strength stat in accordance with the amount of world essence consumed. For every two points of world essence, it increases the user's strength stat by one point. The higher the user increases his strength using Sky Fall, the higher the burden it will put on their body. If the body of the user is not strong enough to handle the increased strength, there is a very high chance they will receive serious injuries or their body might even explode.