Chapter 815 Burn! (Part 3)

Name:Necromancer Of The Shadows Author:
Chapter 815 Burn! (Part 3)

"Did she encounter a Peak Rank Two Core Evolver?" Evan muttered as he moved while looking at the small crystal in his hands. In the closed world of Drayds, he had sparred against Carla and other Drayds who entered the Tomb with him, so he knew that she was quite strong and could even safely escape from Mid-Level Rank Two Core Evolvers.

But now that he was receiving a distress signal from her, the only reason that he could think of was that she might have encountered a Peak Rank Two Core Evolver and was unable to escape from there.

"I hope she can hold on till I arrive there; otherwise..." Evan said with a shake of his head and urged the wind and lightning sheep to move even faster.

Other than Cedar, his relationship with other Dryads could only be said to be that of an acquaintance. Even in the closed world, he met Carla and others only two or three times, and even then, it was only for a few minutes.

He honestly didn't care too much about them, but one of the conditions Sylvan had asked of him before allowing him to enter the Tomb with other Dryads was to assist Carla and others if they faced any danger inside. Moreover, he knew that if anything happened to Carla or other Drayds inside the Tomb, it would undoubtedly affect Cedar as well.

"Considering that guy's personality, he will definitely blame himself if something happened to other Drayds in the Tomb," Evan said with a sigh and looked at the crystal once again.

According to the crystal in his hand, he was still quite far away from Carla's location, and it would still take him around fifteen to twenty minutes to reach there even with the help of the wind and lightning sheep.

Around fifteen minutes later, Evan was just one thousand kilometres away from the location indicated on the crystal. Using the Hawk's Eye skill, he noticed a green cloud of poison covering a small patch of land in the distance.

Since Evan had sparred against Carla in the past, he knew she could use poison-related skills and immediately understood the poison mist must have been created by her.

"Stop." Suddenly, Evan ordered the wind and lightning sheep to stop, and it halted at the top of a mountain. He dismounted the sheep and noticed that he was still nearly five hundred kilometres away from Carla's location.

"If there is really a Peak Rank Two Core Evolver, it is not a good idea to rush in there blindly," Evan said to himself and extended one of his hands forward.

The moment he extended his hand, his shadow started to shake, and a black rifle shot out from his shadow storage.

Evan caught Carnage that came out of his shadow storage and lay down on top of the mountain while aiming towards the poison cloud.

Just like before, Carnage was still black in colour with a hint of red all around its frame. The deadly aura around it was as strong as ever, and there didn't seem to be anything new about it other than the fact that the dangerous aura around Carnage was at least two times stronger than before.

meter-tall mid-level Rank Two vampire suddenly appear beside Blake.

After appearing there, the mid-level Rank Two vampire immediately blew away the poison cloud using his powers. When the poison cloud was blown away, and Evan saw the bloody scene that was hidden inside the poison mist, he finally understood what happened.

"So she was outnumbered and ran out of steam after killing most of them..." Evan muttered in a low voice, and a faint smile appeared on his face.

The number of people each faction of Utopia could send inside the Tomb Of The Ancients was limited, so all the people who entered the Tomb were elites of the factions and were stronger than normal core evolvers.

After seeing the blood that stained the surroundings around Carla, he could easily tell that she had at least killed three people before he came here. Facing vampires while being outnumbered was already a feat in itself, but not only did she hold against them, she even killed most of them.

"I would have been seriously disappointed if she had sent a distress signal just because of a single vampire, but now things are completely different..." He said in a low voice, and Carnage started to glow with a faint orange light.

Vampires were weak against the fire element, so he obviously chose to create a fire element bullet using Carnage's new skill.

Evan had one hundred points of world essence, and he started to pour them inside the rifle without reservation. As he poured his world essence inside the rifle, the faint orange light around Carnage started to intensify.

Orange sparks crackled in front of Carnage's muzzle, and a five-

centimeter-long bullet, releasing intense heat, started to materialize there.

Evan started to sweat buckets due to the intense heat, but he ignored it and continued to pour more world essence inside the rifle.

In just a few seconds, he poured eighty percent of his world essence inside Carnage, leaving him with only twenty points of world essence.

He was feeling a little dizzy due to using most of his world essence, but he shook his head and tried to focus. Once he stopped feeling dizzy, he took a deep breath, and his lips arched upwards in a wide smile.

"Now, it's time to try the real thing..." Evan said as he looked at the mid-level Rank Two Vampire