Chapter 836 Black Turtle (Part 2)

Name:Necromancer Of The Shadows Author:
Chapter 836 Black Turtle (Part 2)

One thousand meters!

Five thousand metres!

Ten thousand meters!

Twenty thousand meters!

Evan continued to ascend high in the sky, leaving behind a trail of blood lightning.

As he passed through different layers of the atmosphere, the temperature around him started to decrease.

When he reached twenty thousand meters, even with his powerful body, he started to feel a little cold. But he could easily endure such cold, so he did not stop and continued to move.

Twenty-five thousand meters!

Thirty-five thousand meters!

When he reached thirty-five thousand meters, the temperature dropped to a completely different level, and even the blood lightning around Evan started to freeze.

Evan narrowed his eyes when he felt his body starting to stiffen due to the cold and looked down.

"Not enough," Evan said after looking down and used more power to cover himself in blood lightning.

Forty thousand meters!

Forty-five thousand meters!

Soon, the layer of ice started to cover the blood lightning, and it became difficult for Evan to control it.

But he gritted his teeth and continued to move until he reached the height of fifty thousand meters.

Once he was at the height of fifty thousand meters, Evan looked down and used the Hawk's Eye skill to look at the turtle who was fighting against his shadow undeads.

At first, the turtle was just defending, but now it started to attack using the water, and many shadow undeads were already killed by it.

Evan didn't use his world essence to summon back the shadow undeads who were killed by the turtle as he needed as much world essence as possible if he wanted to successfully kill the turtle.


The sound of grinding rang out throughout the surroundings as the Carnage's muzzle covered in blood lightning and spinning like a drill collided against the turtle's shell.

'Fu*k...' The bones in Evan's hand snapped the moment Carnage clashed against the turtle's tough shell, and his entire body started to ache. If not because of the indestructible effect of the growth link skill, Evan was sure that Carnage would have snapped into millions of pieces long ago.

Feeling the pain coming from his hands, Evan gritted his teeth and used his world essence to increase the power of the blood lightning, resulting in an increase in his spinning speed.

At the same time, he activated sky fall to increase his strength and as a result...

Crack... Crack...

He heard the sound of something cracking and noticed cracks started to appear in the turtle's shell. Seeing the cracks, Evan's eyes glowed with blood lightning, and his spinning speed once again increased.

"Arghhhh, break already..." Evan shouted in a loud voice and the next second...


The blood lightning drill pierced through the shell and entered the turtle's body.


The turtle roared in pain as blood flowed out uncontrollably. After destroying its shell, Carnage pierced the turtle's back, allowing Evan to enter its body.

Evan wanted to stop after entering the turtle's body, but he couldn't control his spinning speed, resulting in him tearing through the turtle's stomach from the inside and emerging from the other end.


The turtle roared in pain as the water of the lake started to turn red due to the blood leaking out from its wound.

The turtle was around a hundred meters tall, so this kind of wound was very small compared to its giant body. Moreover, using the power of the lake, the turtle already started to heal the wound inflicted by Evan.

Evan, who couldn't control his spinning speed and buried himself at the bottom of the lake knew this fact as well. However, he wasn't worried because the moment he destroyed the turtle's shell and entered its body, the fate of the turtle was sealed.

'Nekros now,' Evan sent a message using his shadow senses, and the next second...

Two very small purple eyes opened inside the stomach of the turtle, and their size started to increase.