Chapter 846 Soul Pact (Part 2)

Name:Necromancer Of The Shadows Author:
Chapter 846 Soul Pact (Part 2)

When Evan used Eyes Of The Abyss to look at the cube floating in front of Octavius, he saw a strange fire burning inside it.

The fire had no defined shape or colour, and it was constantly changing. Sometimes it was in the shape of a red orb, sometimes an orange horizontal or vertical line or sometimes a small dot flashing with rainbow-coloured lights and many more variations.

Although the fire inside the cube was quite strange, the thing that attracted Evan's attention was the small sitting silhouette of a man inside the cube.

The silhouette of the man was connected with the ever-changing fire, and when Evan looked at it closely, he noticed the small silhouette looked like Octavius.

Not only that, but a wave of energy was coming out of the small silhouette, projecting the image of Octavius who was talking to them.

Through his Eyes Of The Abyss, Evan easily understood that the old man who was talking to them was just a projected image of the person who was inside the cube.

For Evan, who had absorbed millions of souls using the soul absorption skill, it wasn't difficult to understand that the small silhouette inside the cube was a soul— more specifically speaking, the soul of the alchemist Octavius.

At first, he wasn't sure what was happening, but then he noticed an invisible red wire connected to Momon's head.

The wire was coming out from the cube in which the fire and Octavius's soul were, and if it weren't for the Eyes Of The Abyss that allowed him to see the hidden truth of the world, he wouldn't have been able to see it.

The wire was slowly absorbing Momon's energy and was feeding it to Octavius's soul, which was inside the cube and the worst thing was that Momon didn't even realize his energy was being drained.

Maybe it was because of his strange condition that Evan saw during the second trial, but Momon didn't show any kind of reaction even though he was constantly losing his energy.

Although Evan didn't care about whether Momon lived or died as he had nothing to do with him, he couldn't allow Octavius to absorb Momon's energy.

To Evan's surprise, Octavius didn't attempt to absorb their energy after expelling Momon, which meant the probability of the second and third reasons he thought of being correct was quite high.

After ejecting Momon when Octavius was about to begin the third trial, for some reason, Evan's instincts started screaming in danger, and he instantly prevented the old man from starting the third trial.

After stopping Octavius by stating that he wanted to add something before he started the trial, Evan's mind worked at full speed, and he contemplated whether he should absorb Octavius's soul or not to avoid the danger his instincts were warning him about.

Just when he was pondering what he should do, the memory of Cedar telling him about the Tomb Of The Ancient for the first time automatically appeared in his mind, and he remembered how the soul seals that were placed on his soul trembled when Cedar talked about the Tomb.

Evan himself didn't know why, but when this memory appeared in his mind, he stopped using the artefact mask that changed his appearance and returned to his original appearance.

Perhaps he revealed his original appearance to Octavius, who was killed by the creator of the Tomb, because he wanted to know if he was really related to the Tomb Of The Ancient in some way, or maybe there was another reason as to why he stopped using the mask, but for some reason, Evan felt it was the right thing to do.

"Ho-how is this possible?"

When Evan saw the old man's reaction after seeing his real appearance, he was one hundred percent sure that he was definitely somehow related to the Tomb Of The Ancient.

'It seems this old man was killed by the shadow monarch who looked exactly like me which is why he is shocked after seeing me...' Evan thought inwardly when he saw the shocked look on the old man's face.

Just when Evan was thinking the old man would continue to act like a fearful guy after seeing his real appearance, the shocked expression Octavius was showing disappeared, and a joyful look that was filled with hope appeared on his face.

"Yo-you are finally here. Do you know for how long I have been waiting for you?" Octavius said in a trembling voice while looking at Evan as if he was looking at his last hope.

"Huh?" Seeing the sudden change in Octavius's expressions, Evan's mind went blank and he looked at him with a blank expression on his face.