Chapter 849 Soul Pact (Part 5)

Name:Necromancer Of The Shadows Author:
Chapter 849 Soul Pact (Part 5)

"The agreement was that when you come back in the future, I will serve you for one thousand years and in return, you will give me a good physical body after my service period is over," Octavius said in a serious voice.

"I see..." Hearing the old man's words, Evan nodded his head calmly as if he already knew about it.

"So what should I do to fulfil the agreement?" He asked in a neutral voice as if the revelation that the old man wanted to serve him for one thousand years didn't shock him.

"Huh? You don't know wh—"

"I am not the real shadow monarch, old man. I am a clone. Did you forget already?" Evan didn't let Octavius finish what he was saying and spoke while looking at him as if he were looking at an idiot.

"Oh!...sorry, I forgot," Octavius made an ashamed face as if he was embarrassed because of his own stupidity and lowered his head.


He coughed in order to hide his embarrassment and quickly answered Evan's question.

"To fulfil the agreement you just need to make a Soul Pact with me and let me come with you. I will help you to the best of my ability for the next one thousand years, and you will give me a physical body once my service ends."

"Soul Pact, huh..." Evan once again nodded his head, pretending he understood what Octavius said when in reality, he didn't know a sh*t about the Soul Pacts.

'Wait a second...' Suddenly, Evan thought about something. 'Even though he is saying he wants to serve me for one thousand years, do I even need his help?'

Unlike other people, Evan had his shadow undeads who could do his every bidding, so he started to doubt whether he even needed Octavius's help or not.

'Before going any further, I at least need to know what he can do for me,' Evan thought and looked at Octavius.

"Before I proceed with the Soul Pact, I need to know what you can help me with."

Octavius took deep breaths to calm down and spoke after a moment.

"Although your soul is abnormal, we don't have to worry too much," Octavius said and stretched his hand forward. "I will give you the essence of my soul, and you will connect it with your soul."

A milky white energy appeared in Octavius's hand and he sent it towards Evan.

"Once you connect my soul essence with your soul, I will actively absorb a very small amount of your spiritual energy in order to sustain my existence. At the same time, through the soul essence, you can control my life and death and even completely annihilate my soul if you wish to."

Evan looked at the milky white energy that Octavius sent towards him using the eyes of the abyss, and after finding nothing wrong with it, he poked it with his finger.

"Arghh," The moment Evan poked the milky white energy, he heard a painful cry and saw Octavius writhing in pain.

"Don't carelessly play with my soul essence or you will completely destroy my soul."

"Oh!" Evan nodded his head in understanding upon hearing Octavius's painful voice and stopped poking the milky white energy.

"Aren't you afraid? You just gave me something that I can use to kill you anytime I want," Evan asked after pulling back his hand.

"What are you talking about? Even without that thing, you can easily kill me using your powers."

Evan was a bit confused when he heard Octavius, but he soon understood what he was talking about and smiled slightly.

'He still thinks that I am the shadow monarch, and in his eyes, that guy can kill him even without using his soul essence, huh...' He thought inwardly and shook his head.

While talking to Octavius, Evan was using the Eyes Of The Abyss the entire time to see if the old man was lying to him about the Soul Pact, but during the entire time, he didn't detect any lies.

'Well, I don't think I have any reason to refuse when I am getting the service of a Rank Five alchemist for free...' Evan said to himself and looked at the milky white energy. 'Not to mention, I can get rid of him anytime I want using his soul essence.'

Evan looked at Octavius's soul essence for a few seconds and finally made up his mind.