Chapter 855 Evolution And Phenomenon (Part 1)

Name:Necromancer Of The Shadows Author:
Chapter 855 Evolution And Phenomenon (Part 1)


A loud explosion reverberated in the dark, gloomy atmosphere of the second layer and a five-meter-tall wolf, covered in burnt dark green fur was blasted away.

In mid-air, the wolf howled in pain and spat out a mouthful of blood mixed with its internal organs.


Before the wolf crashed to the ground after being blasted away, the gloomy sky of the second layer started to rumble.


Suddenly, a beam of golden light tore through the dark clouds and descended towards the wolf like a spear. Diiscover new stories at

"Sky Fall!" A loud voice rang out throughout the gloomy land and the golden beam struck the green wolf right at its spine.


The sound of bone cracking rang out, and...


The wolf was planted to the ground, creating a nearly three-hundred-meter-wide crater despite the fact that the ground of the second layer was tens of times more durable than the third layer.

In the middle of the crater, the wolf's body twitched as the blood flowed out from its wide open mouth without stopping.

The wolf tried to stand up in order to escape. However, its broken spine prevented it from doing so.

Evan hovered a few meters above the wolf using the Shadow Wings and looked at it with a wide smile on his face.

"Finally!" Evan suddenly exclaimed in a loud voice as he looked at the green-coloured monster core in his hand. "I finally found the last thing that I needed."

Evan held the green-coloured monster core in his hand and took out two more similar-looking cores from his shadow storage.

After taking out the three cores, he took off his boots and placed them on the ground.

---) You need the following materials to evolve Boots Of Voidgazer —

1. 300 grams of Dreamweave Dust.

2. 1 KG Shadowsteel.

3. 1 Beginner Level Rank One Void element monster core or 3 Beginner Level Rank One wind element monster cores.

After placing the three wind cores along with the Boots Of Voidgazer, Evan looked inside his shadow storage and took out small chunks of black-coloured material and a pouch. The black-coloured material was Shadowsteel which he found a few days ago in a monster cave and the small pouch was filled with Dreamweaver Dust that Aqua found at the bottom of a lake.

Similar to the cores, Evan placed the Shadowsteel and the pouch, which was filled with Dreamweave Dust beside the boots of Voidgazer.

The moment Evan put the three items beside the Boots Of Voidgazer, some notifications flashed before his eyes.

(Detected all the required evolutionary materials for Boots Of Voidgazer.)

(Do you want to evolve Boots Of Voidgazer into a low-level rank one artefact?)


Evan looked at the notifications that appeared in front of him and chose "yes" without hesitation.

The moment Evan chose "Yes", the Boots Of Voidgazer flashed with bright purple light, forcing him to close his eyes.

[The Boots Of Voidgazer are evolving into a low-level Rank One artefact...]