Chapter 863 Solarian Sunfruit (Part 6)

Name:Necromancer Of The Shadows Author:
Chapter 863 Solarian Sunfruit (Part 6)

Two days later...

"I am sure that poor bird must be cursing the seven generations of your family," Octavius said in a voice filled with pity as he watched the black bird being harassed by Evan's shadow undeads.

The black bird was a Rank Three monster so it wasn't difficult for it to kill the shadow undeads, but the shadow undeads continued to attack it without caring about their lives.

"Are you harassing it using your shadow undeads for the past two days?" Octavius asked as his mouth twitched uncontrollably.

"I had to make sure that it wouldn't recover its power, so I had no choice but to do this," Evan said in a voice filled with sympathy as even he was feeling a little guilty for harassing the black bird for the past two days.

After confirming the black bird's location two days ago, Evan continuously sent his shadow undeads to harass it. Because of the continuous attacks of the shadow undeads, the black bird wasn't able to recover from its injuries and its aura was still as chaotic as ever.

The black bird could have changed its location to avoid the attacks of the shadow undeads, but its pride as the Rank Three monster didn't allow it to back away from a fight against Rank One monsters.

It was already vexed because of being beaten down by Voidscar, who was of lower rank than it, so when the rank one monsters attacked it, it did not change its location and continued to kill the shadow undeads again and again.

"So, what do you think? Do you think it will work?" Evan asked as he watched his shadow undeads fighting against the black bird.

"It's very difficult; you have to understand that giving someone their soul essence is basically giving them control over your life and becoming a slave. Even I didn't want to give you my soul essence when you asked me in the past, and I agreed only because of the fact that you told me you would release me in one thousand years and create a new body for me," Octavius said in a serious voice.

"Although that bird is seriously injured, I don't think it will be easy for you to convince it to give you its soul essence, especially when your rank is lower than it."

"Hmm..." Evan fell deep into thought hearing Octavius and continued to stare at it. After a minute of silence, he opened his mouth.Updated chapters at

"So you are telling me to fight against a Rank Three monster, huh."


Evan smiled when he heard Octavius' blunt reply and sent a message to all of his shadow undeads to back off. When the shadow undeads received Evan's message, they started to back away and soon disappeared from the black bird's sight.

Seeing the black monsters that were harassing it for the past two days disappear, the bird almost cried.

'I can finally rest for a bit,' The black bird thought and closed its eyes to take a nap.

Evan waited for a few hours so that the bird would fully relax. Around three hours later, Evan noticed the black bird finally fell asleep.

"Old man, are you sure about this?" Evan asked while staring at the blackbird.

"If it works, then your chances of getting that thing will increase significantly, but if it doesn't work, well... you can always escape, right?"

Evan didn't say anything and looked at the blackbird silently. After a minute of silence, he sighed and took a deep breath.

"It's a beautiful bird..." He said and a black-coloured rifle covered in a deep red aura appeared in his hand. Evan aimed the rifle in the direction of the sleeping bird and the rifle's muzzle started to glow with deep blue light.

"A beautiful bird indeed."
