Chapter 888 Secret Realm (Part 1)

Name:Necromancer Of The Shadows Author:
Chapter 888 Secret Realm (Part 1)

A few days before the incident in the Tomb of the Ancient...

Alaric looked at the papers that Leopold gave him without any expression on his face.

Leopold observed Alaric's expression while he read the papers, but he couldn't discern anything from his expressions.

After reading the content of the papers for a while, Alaric placed them on the table and sipped his tea without saying anything.

Leopold also remained silent, patiently waiting.

After a minute of silence, Alaric finally opened his mouth and asked in a calm voice, "Who gave you this information?"

Leopold picked up his tea cup and after taking a sip he replied with a small smile on his face.

"Don't worry, none of your subordinates is a traitor. I received this information from the people who came to the Dark Forest to search for those two thieves after I announced the bounty on their heads."

Alaric nodded his head upon hearing Leopold's explanation, as he had already suspected as much.

"Still... In order to get this information, you must have paid a lot of people since it is not easy to gather so much data about the movements of the monsters that live in the Dark Forest."

"Still... In order to get this information, you must have paid a lot of people since it is not easy to gather so much data about the movements of the monsters that live in the Dark Forest."

Leopold just smiled hearing Alaric and asked in a low voice, "So, can you tell me what is going on here?"

Although Leopold asked with a smile on his face, Alaric could sense he was quite angry.

"Actually, I have nothing to tell you. The data in these reports is correct," Alaric said while looking at his teacup.

"You don't have to worry about him. He is bound to me by a soul contract, so he wouldn't be able to tell anyone about what we are talking about unless I give him permission. And since I already promised you not to tell anyone..." Leopold said while looking at Alaric.

Alaric looked at the black figure for a few seconds before he nodded his head.

"The reason I stopped looking for them one and a half months ago was because the two people you are looking for are not in the Dark Forest."

"What?" Leopold stood up upon hearing Alaric and said in a shocked voice, "What do you mean they are not in the Dark Forest? I am one hundred percent sure that those guys entered the Dark Forest after stealing the Enlightenment Stone."

"I never said they didn't enter the Dark Forest. In fact, before you contacted me, some of the monsters in the outer area of the Dark Forest even saw them moving towards the inner area," Alaric said with a sigh.

Leopold frowned when he heard Alaric, but suddenly, he thought about something and asked in a low voice.

"Are you trying to say they left the Dark Forest?"

Since Alaric mentioned that some monsters saw Evan and Cedar in the outer area of the Dark Forest, but they were no longer inside the forest, the only explanation Leopold could think of was that both of them had left the Dark Forest.

But to Leopold's surprise, hearing him, Alaric shook his head.

"No, they didn't leave the Dark Forest."

Hearing this, Leopold looked at him with a strange expression and felt the urge to slap him.

He took some deep breaths and tried his best not to lash out.

"You're saying they entered the Dark Forest and never left, but at the same time, you're saying they are not in the Dark Forest anymore. For God's sake, can you tell me already where the hell are those two people?"

Alaric didn't care about Leopold's outburst and after taking a sip of tea, he said calmly, "Both of them have entered a secret realm."
