Chapter 900 Unseen Memories (Part 2)

Name:Necromancer Of The Shadows Author:
Chapter 900 Unseen Memories (Part 2)

The small wooden hut Evan entered was surrounded by a transparent-looking golden-coloured barrier.


Suddenly, a small black-coloured fireball struck the golden-coloured barrier, creating a massive explosion that destroyed all the plants and trees in the surroundings.

But even after being struck by the fireball, the golden-coloured barrier didn't even budge. On top of that, as if the surroundings of the wooden hut were being rewound in time, all the damage caused by the fireball slowly disappeared and everything returned to its previous state. The plants that were burned to ashes grew back and the trees that were destroyed returned to normal. Th.ê most uptodate novels are published on n(0)velbj)n(.)co/m


Biscuit screeched in frustration when it saw this and tried to break the golden-coloured barrier again.

Unfortunately, all of its attacks were useless against the barrier and even the damage caused by its skills disappeared without leaving behind any traces.

The reason the bird was attacking the barrier was that a few seconds ago, it suddenly felt its connection with Evan, which it formed after giving its soul essence to him became extremely feeble.

Thinking that Evan might have encountered danger, it immediately came here to help him, but instead of finding Evan in a dangerous situation, it found this barrier covering the wooden hut.

From outside the transparent barrier, Biscuit could see Evan lying on the straw bed inside the hut, and the entire straw bed was glowing in a deep blue light, releasing strange energy fluctuations that not only disturbed the space inside the hut but also seemed to disrupt the flow of time.

Looking at him lying on the bed, Biscuit felt as if Evan's soul had left his body and it was just looking at a dead body.

But it knew that Evan wasn't dead because it could still feel the feeble connection with him, which is why it was trying to break the barrier.

Unfortunately, the barrier was just too powerful, and its attacks were useless. Just when Biscuit was thinking about what should it do to break the barrier, it felt something and looked behind, only to see someone standing there.


As far as he could remember, on Earth, he grew up in an orphanage and never saw his parents. He only knew that a few days after his birth, both of them died in an accident. Looking at the man and woman who were happily talking, Evan didn't know what he should feel.

Evan also realized that just like how he couldn't hear what they were talking about, the couple also couldn't see him even though he was standing just beside the man.

Just when Evan was wondering why he was in this place, he suddenly noticed the couple stopped talking... No, instead of stopped talking, it was more accurate to say that both of them froze as if time around them stopped.

'What's going on?' Evan thought inwardly and tried to look around to see what was happening, but he still couldn't control his body so he was helpless.

Suddenly, he saw the same black figure he saw earlier in his room appear beside the man who was holding the baby.

Surprisingly, even though the couple froze, the baby could still move its face and even when it saw the strange black figure, it didn't show any kind of reaction.

The black figure didn't speak anything after appearing there and pointed one of its fingers towards the baby, sending a strange energy inside him.

The moment the energy went inside the baby's body, a magic circle appeared on his chest where his heart was located and he lost consciousness.

'What the heck you are doing, you bastard?' Evan was shocked when he saw this and wanted to know what this guy just did, but before he could do anything, the surroundings around him turned dark.

"As expected, he is useless."

"You are right."

In the darkness, Evan heard the voice of a man followed by a woman. He didn't know why, but when he heard these two voices, his expression twisted in anger and his face turned extremely scary, as if he wanted to kill someone.

Slowly, he moved his head in the direction of the voices and the dark space around him started to light up.

As he turned his head, two figures, whose appearances he couldn't see properly came into his view. But Evan didn't care about the two figures whose appearances he couldn't see and his eyes stopped on a small figure who was lying on the ground.

The small figure was also a baby, just like the one he had seen a few seconds ago, but unlike the previous baby, this baby had sharp elf-like ears and an aura of demons around him.
