Chapter 929 Domain Creation (Part 5)

Name:Necromancer Of The Shadows Author:
Chapter 929 Domain Creation (Part 5)

The first void skill Evan had comprehended was the Void Break. Using this skill, he can break the space barrier and open a void rift that he can use to defend against an attack or enter the void space through it.

Although this skill was good and could be used in many ways, he wasn't planning to use it to create his Skill Domain. The reason for this was that it was one of the most basic skills of void energy.

Being able to open a void rift that led to the void space is not particularly special. Even if he hadn't comprehended the Void Break skill in the past, he was sure that once his understanding of void energy reached the 30% mark, he would be able to open the Void Rift solely based on his understanding of void energy.

Using the Void Break skill to create his Skill Domain is definitely not the best option, as his other Void skills are far better than this.

His second void skill, Void Senses, is very simple when compared to his other void skills.

Using this skill, he can send his spiritual senses inside the void space. At first glance, this skill doesn't look anything special because other than being able to send his spiritual senses inside the void, he can't use it for anything else.

But unlike his other two void skills, the Void Senses skill has something that makes it one of the rarest skills: the ability to use void energy through spiritual senses.

While using the Void Break or Void Sealing skills, Evan doesn't need anything else other than void energy itself, but unlike these two skills, in order to use the Void Senses skill, he needs to use his spiritual power along with void energy.

The application of the Void Senses skill is to merge his void energy with his spiritual power and use that void energy through his spiritual power.

If Evan uses the Void Senses skill to create his Skill Domain, there is a very high probability that he will be able to use his void energy in different ways through his spiritual senses.

Compared to the Void Break skill, which is a very common skill that can be used through void energy, the appeal of the Void Senses skill which allows its user to use void energy through spiritual power is far higher.

Similar to the Void Senses skill, his third void skill, Void Sealing is also very rare.

Its sealing power is no joke, and the fact that Evan was successfully able to seal Momon's and Walter's power for a few seconds inside Octavius' dimension is proof of it.

But in reality, even if Evan wanted to use this skill to create his Skill Domain, he couldn't do it.

The reason for this was his imperfect control over the skill. Upon using the Void Sealing skill, it not only seals the powers of his opponents but his own powers as well.

'As expected, integrating a skill to create a Domain is not easy...' Evan thought with furrowed eyebrows and tried once again.

Unfortunately, just like before, the void energy ring became unstable again, and he failed.

Evan had already expected that it wouldn't be easy to integrate a rare skill like Void Senses, so he wasn't discouraged and continued to try.

Three times, four times, five times, ten times... Time continued to pass, and Evan failed to integrate the skill even after his eleventh try.

If it weren't for the abnormality of his Primordial Monarch Core, his core would have been damaged long ago due to failing so many times.

'No matter what, I am going to succeed this time...' Evan said inwardly as sweat covered his entire body.

His spiritual power, infused with his understanding of the Void Senses skill once again entered the void energy ring.

Just like before, the void energy ring trembled violently, but Evan's spiritual power quickly moved to stabilize the ring before it could cause any problems.

Under the precise control of his spiritual power, the void energy ring slowly stabilized and he continued to pour his spiritual energy into the ring.

Inside the field created by the Time Watch, it had already been two days since Evan started to create his Domain.

Octavius had successfully refined the Breaker Pill long ago and was waiting for Evan to finish creating his Domain. As he waited for Evan, he suddenly felt some strange energy fluctuations filling the cave.

"Hmmm?" Feeling the energy fluctuations, the old man raised an eyebrow and looked at their source, only to see a small dark purple field emanating from Evan's body, covering an area of around two meters around him.

Octavius didn't know why, but when he looked at the small dark purple field, his soul body trembled and he felt an instinctive fear towards it, as if his soul body would be in serious danger if he touched the dark purple field.

'What kind of domain is he creating?' Octavius thought inwardly, feeling perplexed that he was feeling danger due to the purple field around Evan, even though he didn't have a physical body.


Just when Octavius was wondering what kind of Domain Evan was creating, the small dark purple field around Evan started to expand.

Seeing the dark purple field was moving towards him, Octavius panicked and quickly hid inside the rank three alchemy cauldron, closing its lid to completely isolate himself from Evan's domain that started to take shape.