Chapter 936 Rank Two And Effect Of Realm Glyphs (Part 1)

Name:Necromancer Of The Shadows Author:
Chapter 936 Rank Two And Effect Of Realm Glyphs (Part 1)

---) Void Crystal (Low Level): An extremely rare crystal formed due to the void energy of the void space. Refining this crystal can instantly increase your understanding of the conceptual energy of void by one percent.

When Evan first arrived in Utopia, he had to escape into the void space to save himself from Ashley. While inside the void space, he found a low-level void crystal that could instantly increase his understanding of void energy by one percent.

Earlier, after absorbing the entire energy of the Breaker Pill, Evan felt he just needed a little push to evolve his Void Domain into a Zone.

When he refined the void crystal, his understanding of void energy reached 26%, breaking the limit of a Domain.

The moment his understanding of void energy reached the 26% mark, his Void Energy ring, which was already at its limit couldn't hold anymore and started to evolve.

Since Evan's Domain was connected with his Void Energy ring, it also started to evolve along with the Void Energy Ring.

The light purple energy field of the Domain that covered the entire cave began to turn dark purple, and the pressure released by his Domain gradually started to increase.

From the surroundings, the World Essence rushed towards Evan's Domain and was absorbed by it. However, after absorbing the World Essence, his Domain didn't use it to strengthen itself; instead, it sent it towards his Primordial Monarch Core.

His Primordial Monarch Core was already at the absolute limit of Rank One, so when his Domain sent a large amount of World Essence towards it, it started to show signs of evolution.

Evan knew that his core was not very far from reaching Rank Two level, but for some reason, even after absorbing a large amount of World Essence sent by his Domain, it couldn't take the last step.

He felt as if there were some invisible chains holding his core from breaking the limits of Rank One and advancing to Rank Two.

Evan's mind worked at rapid speed and he tried to understand what was going on. After a minute of pondering, he looked at the Void Energy Ring connected to his core and saw that it was still evolving.

'Maybe, I first need to fully evolve my Domain into a Zone before my core can evolve...' Evan thought inwardly and instead of sending the World Essence of the surroundings to his core, he let his Domain absorb it.

Evan looked at the shining outline of the Rune of Origin that was gradually dimming with a blank look on his face and in just a few seconds, the shining Rune of Origin returned to its dormant state.

(The evolution of your Zone has failed due to a low amount of Origin Essence)

(Increase your authority as the Holder of Origin to amplify the amount of Origin Essence within your possession)

(The evolution of your Zone will continue once you have a sufficient amount of Origin Essence)

Evan looked at the three notifications that flashed in front of his eyes and shook his head.

He ignored these notifications and focused back on his diamond-shaped Primordial Monarch Core.

Through his Zone, he absorbed a large amount of world essence and sent it towards his core once again.

This time, when the world essence approached his core, the Primordial Monarch Core reacted strongly and instantly absorbed all the world essence.

While absorbing the world essence, the small diamond-shaped core started to beat like a heart, and Evan felt all the restrictions that were stopping his core from evolving slowly breaking apart.

In less than a minute, all the restrictions that he was feeling on his core shattered and...


With a booming sound, his core shone with dark light and a World Essence Vortex started to form above his head.

At the same time, a notification flashed in front of Evan's eyes.

(Your Core is evolving into a Beginner Level Rank Two Core...)