Chapter 989 Destruction And Chaos (Part 2)

Name:Necromancer Of The Shadows Author:
Chapter 989 Destruction And Chaos (Part 2)


The explosion caused by the self-destruction of a Rank Six dragon was no joke.

The moment the dragon self-destructed, violent energy waves erupted outwards in all directions, wiping out everything in their path. T/his chapter is updated by nov(ê(l)

The defensive barrier that covered the capital of the empire couldn't withstand the power of self-destruction, and cracks appeared all over it. The magic cannons that were part of the defensive barriers collapsed, and the attack formations shattered.

Seeing the rapidly spreading cracks in the barrier, the faces of all the demons inside the capital turned pale.

The demons in charge of the defensive formation increased the output of energy into the barrier to the maximum limit possible, but even then...

Crack... Crack...

The spiderweb-like cracks spreading on the barrier didn't stop and the barrier became fragile like glass. In just a few seconds, under the horrified eyes of the demons...


A loud cracking sound echoed throughout the capital, and the barrier that covered the city collapsed.

The moment the barrier collapsed, the violent energy waves engulfed the entire capital like a tsunami.

The buildings of the capital exploded into dust, and the ground sank down. Although the barrier weakened the energy waves before it shattered, most of the demons below Rank Two immediately died upon coming into contact with the violent energy waves.

The high-level demons tried to stop the energy waves that were destroying the capital, but the power generated upon the destruction of a mid-level Rank Six Dragon was not something that could be easily handled.

The most unlucky person was the beginner-level Rank Six demon who had just arrived to stop the dragon. Unlike the other demons, he was outside the barrier, so he had to face the violent energy waves head-on.

When the dragon suddenly exploded, he was so shocked that he didn't even get the chance to put up a proper defence. Although he didn't die because of the Rank Five armour he was wearing, he was seriously injured and blown away thousands of kilometres by the energy waves.

They were not sure if Eldrakar really told the light dragon to destroy the capital of the demon empire or if Baphomet was really killed by him, but they all knew that this event was far from over.

Now that the capital of the Demon Empire was completely obliterated by the light dragon, and who knows how many demons were killed after the self-destruction, they knew they would have to give a satisfactory answer to the demons; otherwise, war was inevitable. After all, the dragon caused chaos in the name of Eldrakar, who was the ruler of the dragon race.

All the people, whether they were the representatives of the factions who were greatly injured because of the dragon's self-destruction or the demons who survived the violent energy storm that nearly destroyed the entire capital, were looking at the destruction around them with blank expressions on their faces.

Even those who were watching everything on the screen through the broadcast were stunned and didn't know what to say.

Not far away from the people of the other factions, who were looking around blankly, Ashley, who was hidden using her space ability also looked at everything with a solemn expression.

Although Dryads live in a hidden world, it doesn't mean they don't have an information network in Utopia. So when the light dragon emerged from the Tomb, they immediately received news about it, and Sylvan sent Ashley to investigate.

'That was dangerous...' Ashley thought inwardly while wiping cold sweat from her forehead.

When the dragon self-destructed, she would have been seriously injured as well if she hadn't escaped the range of the violent energy using her teleportation skill.

While looking at the destruction around her, Ashley held a crystal sphere in her hand that was broadcasting everything directly to the hidden world of the Dryads.

Sylvan, Alaric, and others were watching the screen with serious expressions.

They all knew that because of this event, there was a very high chance that the long-lasting peace of Utopia would be broken.

Just when Sylvan and the others were focused on the screen, they heard a light chuckle and saw Anastasia laughing with an amused look on her face.

Seeing Anastasia, who was also a dragon laughing after witnessing a dragon self-destruct, they all gave her a weird look.

Anastasia, however, didn't care about the looks she was getting and her tense heart relaxed.

'It seems Master successfully solved the problem that arose in the Tomb and even set the stage for the next play,' She thought, but there was something that was bothering her.

'All the people who entered the Tomb have already returned, but why is he not back yet?' Anastasia thought, a hint of worry crossing her mind.

Just as she was thinking, a white light flashed in the teleportation building where they stood, and a familiar aura filled the space.