Chapter 996 Boundless Ocean And Primordial War

Name:Necromancer Of The Shadows Author:
Chapter 996 Boundless Ocean And Primordial War

The moment Evan shattered one of the soul seals, a flood of memories rushed into his mind.

Because of the sudden surge of memories, he felt a mild headache and a deep frown appeared on his face.

At the same time, his vision shifted and he found himself standing in a dark space. Slowly, light began to appear around him, and the environment turned ocean blue in colour.

Evan looked around and saw fish swimming nearby. Seeing the fish, he couldn't help but raise an eyebrow because he immediately realized he was underwater.

As he looked around, Evan saw many sea monsters ranging from the weakest F rank to rank two. Other than these monsters, he occasionally noticed some very high-level ones.

He was especially shocked when he saw a giant white-coloured whale because the aura he felt from it was comparable to Ashley's, indicating it was a Rank Five monster.

'Why am I here?' After seeing different kinds of sea monsters for a moment, Evan got bored and couldn't help but think. Just when he was wondering why the memory he unblocked was showing him sea monsters, he felt a sudden pull.

He looked in the direction of the pull and noticed it was coming from the bottom of the sea.

Although he could resist the pulling force, Evan didn't do so and his illusionary body was pulled towards the bottom of the sea.

As his body drifted towards the bottom, he came across many monsters, but since it was just a memory, these monsters didn't seem to notice Evan, who was moving towards the bottom.

About a minute later, he reached the bottom of the sea and was shocked because, at the bottom, he saw a giant monster sleeping.

'This monster, it doesn't look like a sea monster...' Evan thought with narrowed eyes and moved sideways to take a proper look at the monster.

As Evan moved sideways, he was finally able to get a proper look at the monster and was taken aback when he saw what kind of creature it was.

The creature had a long body similar to a snake, covered in deep blue scales, cold dark golden eyes and a powerful aura.

'A dragon...' Evan thought with a surprised look on his face because he did not expect to see a dragon at the bottom of the sea.

More importantly, the aura around the dragon was even stronger than Sylvan's, which means it was a Rank Six dragon.

'Azroth told me to break the soul seals starting from the top. Is he telling me about the location of a potential monster that I can turn into shadow undead in the future?' Evan thought while rubbing his chin but felt it was unlikely that Azroth wanted to tell him about a monster that he could turn into a shadow undead in the near future.

It was very simple.

From what he knew or heard about Eldrakar and Baphomet, both of them were quite prideful people, so it was simply impossible for them to tell others that they got their a**es kicked by someone who wasn't even a Rank Three Core Evolver.

'Though, I am still curious why Azroth said Baphomet and Eldrakar would regret entering the Void Space.'

Because Sylvan and others did not tell Evan about what happened in the Gehenna Empire and how the light dragon that Azroth revived razed the capital, he had no idea about the chaos that was going on in Utopia due to the disappearance of Baphomet and Eldrakar or about the fact that many people already assumed Baphomet was killed by Eldrakar.

Other than these two pieces of information, the rest of the memories he received were just random everyday things: going around Utopia with his shadow undeads and Anastasia, killing monsters, and other normal activities. Evan sorted through all the memories and found a common thing in all of them.

"In all of these memories, Anastasia was always with me," He muttered with a weird look on his face and wondered if it was a coincidence.

'Although she was always with me, I just used her as my... chef.' He thought while rubbing his forehead.

With his current personality, he couldn't believe he had used a Rank Six Progenitor Dragon as a mere chef. She is the progenitor of shadow dragons, and her stealth can be said to be the best in Utopia.

'Instead of using her as a chef, wouldn't it be better to ask her to steal all the precious things from the rich people...' Evan thought while considering Anastasia's godly stealth ability. 'She can rob all the factions without alerting anyone.'

Honestly, he wanted to go out and ask Anastasia to go on a robbing spree. Who knows, in one of the treasuries of the factions, she might find a high-level treasure that can help him become a Rank Three or Rank Four Core Evolver directly.

Although Evan wanted to ask Anastasia to steal things for him, he felt his skin wasn't thick enough to ask such a thing.

"Well, whatever, I will think about these things after clearing some of my doubts with her," Evan said to himself and turned off the shower.

The best thing about the memories released by the soul seals is that they don't affect his current personality.

Although in the memories he spent a long time with Anastasia, these memories didn't affect his judgment towards her.

At best, these memories just gave him a favourable impression of her.

'I was afraid that breaking the soul seals would eventually affect my personality, but it seems I was worried for nothing,' Evan said as he took out a new set of comfortable clothes from his shadow storage.

For a second, Prismatic Fire flashed around him and the water covering his body instantly disappeared.

After drying off, he put on the set of clothes he had taken out earlier and tied his shoulder-length black hair into a ponytail before walking closer to the door and leaving the bathroom.