Chapter 999 Effect Of The Title

Name:Necromancer Of The Shadows Author:
Chapter 999 Effect Of The Title

"I know you must have a lot of questions..." Anastasia said after standing up. "You can ask whatever you want and I will try to answer them to the best of my abilities."

"Questions, huh..." Evan muttered in a low voice while thinking about the things he wanted to ask.

Although there were many things on his mind, in the end, he chose the topic he was most curious about.

"Can you tell me something about your title 'The Progenitor Of Shadow Dragons'?"

He was very curious about this title because earlier when he saw Anastasia, he received a notification that this title nullified the effect of his "The Cursed One" title.

When Anastasia heard Evan, she wasn't surprised as if she had already expected him to ask this question so she replied in a calm voice.

"My title, 'The Progenitor Of The Shadow Dragons,' gives me many benefits, but the most important one is immunity against all curses regardless of their rank."

"Immunity against all curses regardless of their rank..." Evan repeated what Anastasia said, and suddenly, his eyes widened in shock as he realized something.

'Does it mean my title, "The Cursed One," doesn't only affect me but also the people around me?' Evan thought inwardly with a frown on his face.

At first, when he saw the notification telling him the effect of his "The Cursed One" title was nullified by the title "The Progenitor of The Shadow Dragons," he thought this title was somehow affecting him and surpassing the effect of his cursed title.

But after hearing Anastasia explain that her title gives her immunity against all curses regardless of their rank, he finally realized that it wasn't the "Progenitor Of The Shadow Dragons" title affecting him.

Instead, it was the opposite. His title, "The Cursed One," was somehow trying to affect Anastasia. But because of the effect of her title, which nullifies all curses, his title wasn't able to affect her.

'I thought this title only affects me, but it seems it affects the people around me as well...' Evan said while clenching his fist, still unable to understand how this title affects other people around him.

From the effect of Anastasia's title, he could infer that his title, "The Cursed One," was trying to place a curse on Anastasia, but that curse was nullified by her title.

But the question was, what kind of curse was his title trying to place on her? And was she the only one, or were Cedar and other people he met also affected?

The only reason he found out that his title was trying to affect Anastasia was because of her title, "Progenitor Of The Shadow Dragons," which nullified the effect of his title. But unlike her, other people didn't have a title that could save them from curses, so even if they were cursed by his title, he wouldn't be able to find out.

Evan was surprised when he heard Anastasia could see if a person was cursed or not and when he heard Sylvan and others were not affected by his title, he sighed in relief.

However, like Anastasia, he also didn't know how the curse effect of his title affected other people.

Suddenly, Evan thought of something and quickly turned around, looking at Anastasia with a serious expression.

"You said you can see if people are cursed or not, right?"

Anastasia nodded when she heard him and she already knew what Evan was going to ask next.

Seeing her nod, Evan took a deep breath and asked in a deep voice, "Then... What do you see when you look at me?"

Anastasia was silent for a moment, contemplating whether she should tell him the truth or not, but seeing his serious look, she decided to speak honestly.

"From head to toe, you are shrouded in an aura of curse. Whether it is your body or blood, everything has a thick black aura like the Abyss that wants to devour everything. Honestly, I've seen many curses in my lifetime, but never anything similar to yours."

"...I see" Evan sighed and shook his head. He wasn't surprised to hear that he was shrouded in a curse aura from head to toe, and even his blood was cursed as he had already expected it.

Seeing Evan sigh, Anastasia spoke again and her words surprised him.

"Actually, the current aura of the curse is way weaker than before."

"Weaker than before..." Evan raised an eyebrow when he heard her, but he soon understood what she was talking about. "You mean the aura of the curse around Azroth, right?"

Anastasia nodded her head. "Yes, previously, the aura of the curse around you was so dense that I couldn't even see your life force while looking at your curse, but now, although the aura is still very dense, it is much weaker compared to before."

Hearing Anastasia, Evan thought about his title, The Creator Of The Primordial Shadow Realm which reduced the effect of his curse by 50%, and how the effect of the curse was further reduced by 10% in the Tomb of the Ancient.

'I still don't know why the effect of the Cursed One Title was reduced by 10% when I was in the Tomb...' He thought but soon stopped pondering it as he knew he wasn't going to get answers to these questions for now.

After stopping thinking about the cursed one title, he looked back at Anastasia, who was standing in front of him, and asked about another thing he was curious about.

"Can you tell me more about the shadow realm?"