Chapter 1010 Anastasia And Elora

Name:Necromancer Of The Shadows Author:
Chapter 1010 Anastasia And Elora

"Father, where is my sister?"

Evan was baffled when he heard Elora and looked at her with a speechless expression. "You have a sister?"

"Didn't you say I have a sister?" Elora asked instead of answering him.

"When did I say you had a sister?"

"You said it when you left me at that place. You told me you were leaving because my sister needed help."

'That motherfu*ker is really a child deceiver...' Evan cursed Azroth in his mind and didn't know what to say.

Although he felt Azroth was just deceiving Elora, he still asked her.

"Have you ever seen... No, have you ever heard about your sister before I talked about her to you?"

"Before you told me about her, I didn't know I had a sister. Only after you told me did I find out that I had a sister who got separated from me long ago."

'Just what kind of fu*ked up story did that guy tell her?' Evan really started to feel that Azroth was a professional kidnapper who used to deceive simple innocent children.

'I hope he was just bullsh*tting because I feel like if he was telling the truth, then he must have turned her sister into a weapon spirit or something similar...' Evan prayed inwardly and hoped that Azroth was just messing with Elora and she didn't have a sister.

He took a deep breath to stop thinking about this matter and stood up while carrying Elora in his arms.

"Let's talk about your sister some other time. For now, let me show you around our new home..." Evan said and started to show Elora around his home.

Elora had spent most of her time in the Tomb of the Ancient, so she was quite excited when Evan showed her around.

"I am ba—" Anastasia was in a happy mood after relaying her plan to her slave, but the moment she opened the door and entered the living room, she froze.

Her black eyes met with Elora's emerald green eyes, and for a moment, she felt as if she was looking at something terrifying that could destroy anything in its path.

The feeling was fleeting and somewhat illusionary, but Anastasia knew it was not an illusion.

She looked at Evan, who was lying beside Elora as if asking who she was.

Evan raised an eyebrow when he saw Anastasia's confused look because, in his opinion, she should be aware of Elora.

'I'm sure she knew the Tomb of the Ancient was a Sealing Ground, so why doesn't she know about Elora, who used to be the core of the sealing formation...' Evan thought inwardly and a sudden possibility came to his mind.

'Could it be that she just knows the Tomb of the Ancient was a Sealing Ground but doesn't know anything about the True Eldritch Energy Source that was sealed there and that it was Elora who was the core of the formation?'

"Father, who is she?" Elora asked in a timid voice while moving closer to Evan because she felt this woman was dangerous.

"Fa-father..." Anastasia staggered backwards as if she had just heard something shocking and looked at Elora with a stunned look on her face.

Evan's mouth twitched when he saw Anastasia's dramatic reaction, but instead of solving the misunderstanding, he decided to mess with her by fueling it even further.

He sat up and placed Elora on his lap. While patting her head, he looked at Anastasia and said in a tender voice.

"Anastasia, meet my daughter Elora. She is the result of love between me and... Sigh," Evan didn't speak further as he felt saying 'She is the result of love between Azroth and his kidnapping hobby' would be very strange.

But when Anastasia saw him suddenly stop talking while showing an emotional face, she felt he was thinking about Elora's mother and didn't want to talk about it.

"This—" She pointed her finger toward Elora, who was leaning back on Evan's chest and her body trembled. Suddenly, her eyes turned sharp.

She immediately appeared before Evan and said something that made him regret his decision to mess with her.

"You come with me. We are going to make a baby as well."