Episode 42. Salem’s Magic, Apple Tree Mansion and Hidden Things

“Adrias. Do you know why Dantian’s mana and Heart’s mana are not distinguished and called the same ‘mana’?”

His words made me think for a moment.

As he said, why did he lump them both together and call them ‘Mana’?

Among the fuels, just as oil and coal are different, the knight’s mana and the wizard’s mana had the same name even though they had different uses.

“Because it is literally the same energy source. There is nothing difficult about it.”

“Yeah what... ... .”

There was nothing to say as if it were obvious.

However, if you dig deep, I wondered how they found out that they were the same energy source after all.

‘It’s a wizard’s study to figure out that. And he probably figured it out.’

As if expecting my flat reaction, Salem added.

“Well then, think carefully. In the end, if the story is the same energy source, wouldn’t it be possible to substitute each other?”

“Does that mean you can use magic with Danjeon’s mana or strengthen your body with Heart’s mana?”

“What do you think?”

I pursed my lips at his question.

If that happens... ... .

“If that were the case, a person like me would have double the mana of an ordinary person.”

“It depends on which side’s mana is more developed, but that’s how it is.”

Salem nodded.

It was something I hadn’t even thought of in the game.

No matter how much freedom I had, in the end it was a game, so there were limits, so my imagination was also confined to that frame.

“Of course, as you know, mana has a quality, so using the mana of the heart to strengthen the body causes side effects. The color of the aura changes according to the nature of mana. Conversely, if Dantian’s mana is used for magic, its power is reduced. In this case, it is because of the unfamiliar nature.”

“Does that mean that substitution is possible now?”

“no. It’s more like a sense of movement rather than displacement. learn it once It is an original magic that I created.”

Salem spoke and started scribbling on the floor again.

I could easily understand the description of the magic formula and mana array drawn this time.

“Isn’t it simple? In the first place, few people would be able to use this magic. There aren’t many special cases like ours.”

He said that and said that this could be written separately.

Since only dual-core users can use it anyway, it didn’t matter if it spread.

“I did name the magic ‘Mana Transfer’. Honestly, whatever you call it, it’s your heart.”

mana transfer.

Looking at the spell, it felt like moving mana to the heart or to the danteon.

“Still, I had a lot of trouble making this. It doesn’t seem like a big deal, but it seems like he coughed up blood 2 or 3 times while making this spell.”

“Can I try it right away?”

“okay. Still, since the formula itself is easy, it should be easy to activate.”

After confirming that mana was not used up when the spell was activated, I immediately sent mana from the heart to the danteon.

‘It’s quite bitter.’

I felt the pain inside as if I was passing through a blockage.

With the feeling that the five organs were twisted, mana slowly gathered in the Danjeon.

“Are you doing it?”

“yes. It doesn’t move as much as I thought.”

“Yeah. Are you done? Aren’t you sick?”

“I can hold on.”

“As expected, you are a jerk that I acknowledged. Ha ha ha ha ha!”

I don’t know what he was talking about, but I left him laughing and activated his mana.

Originally, the mana in the heart was mixed with the mana in Danjeon to strengthen the body.

‘A sticky energy.’

Unlike usual, a shady, soggy aura surrounded her body.

Then, when he pulled out his sword and injected mana into it, the pitch-black mana covered the sword body.

“It’s kind of like that.”

“Don’t worry. no one doubts you In the first place, Danjeon’s mana is of different colors, so it has no meaning.”

That said, it was certain that it was an ominous color.

Regardless of the color, I felt reassured because I felt like I had an insurance policy.

“Thank you again. Salem.”

“What is this? Rather, it feels inadequate.”

He smiled, showing his teeth, then put the spear back on his back.

“I will go now. The toys are a little further away.”

“Are you leaving already?”

“then? will you have more? Roast or stir-fry the rest, you do it yourself.”

“wait a minute. Can I ask you one last thing?”


I asked what I was curious about from the last meeting.

“You said the other day that you knew about my father. About the family, what do you know?”

“well. To the extent that your father is Morn’s apprentice? Could it be that you didn’t know?”

What does this mean?

A disciple of unknown father? So, your father was also a necromancer?

My head was spinning at a secret that had never been revealed even in the game.

“That is so special. Did you become a necromancer without knowing that? Fate is truly amazing.”

“What the hell happened? Why is my father... ... .”

“I don’t know the details. I was curious too, so I asked Morne, but Morne didn’t tell me. You have to figure out the rest.”

After he said that, his back glowed and he flew up into the sky.

“wait a minute!”

Even though my cries were overshadowed, he used magic and disappeared.

My head was complicated when Salem disappeared, leaving only a sudden question.

‘Kain Cromwell So my father was a warlock?’

It’s a story that wasn’t revealed in the game.

In the first place, when my father passed away, he had no way to know because he had not left a will.

‘It’s not that I didn’t leave it, it’s that I didn’t leave it?’

information was lacking.

At my words, Alki’s eyes widened and he waved his hands.

“No, no. Come on in. I will wake my wife. Can I bring you some tea?”

“it’s okay. don’t wake me up Do you have a guest room?”

“yes. Let me guide you.”

Judging by the look on his face, there was a feeling that he was embarrassed, but also strange.

It was as if I had eaten something wrong, but it was a reaction that could have come out when I thought of Adrias in the past.

“Go in and rest.”

“yes. Mr. Bleak. Rest in peace.”

The room Alki showed me was the same room I used to live in.

And what was surprising was that the furniture and objects were the same.

Of course, it wasn’t accurate because my memory was fuzzy.

‘I’m starting to realize it now.’

The place where I spent most of my time before entering the academy.

I calmly packed my things and lay down on the bed, feeling that I had finally regained my home.

* * *

“I’m glad you’re all right.”

It wasn’t until morning that the family members of the mansion welcomed me home.

To be precise, only Amy was welcomed and the rest were ignored, but it didn’t matter.

Amy knew about the raid during the academy evaluation, perhaps because she worked in the capital.

I was able to lessen my worries because I told her that I was safe in advance, but it seemed that I was more relieved to see her in person.

I had a light breakfast at a restaurant and woke up when Amy stopped me.

“brother. What did I find in the house?”


“Follow me.”

Is that why the letter told me to come quickly?

Once I followed her.

The place she followed was her father’s study.

As far as I remember, I had never been to the study because it was strictly forbidden.

‘Come to think of it, when Amy was young, she went in once and got scolded.’

Upon entering the study, I saw a neatly organized room.

The bookshelves on both sides were neatly lined with books, and the desk in front of the window was clean.

“It’s my first time here.”

“right? But there is something even more curious. Try pressing this.”

I looked at the small scratch Amy pointed out.

No, it was something ambiguous to even look at as a scratch.

“What is this?”

“Do you want to try pressing it?”

Scratching my head, I followed her instructions and touched the scratch.

Then, along with the tingling pain, blood formed from his finger as if it had been pricked by a needle.

“What is this?”

“Look brother!”

I pressed my finger to stop the bleeding and reflexively turned my head to Amy’s words.

Then, I confirmed that a huge magic circle was drawn around the study floor.

“You’re my brother too! Actually, I tried it on Lupin, but Lupin only bleeds from his fingers and doesn’t look like that. Maybe only Cromwell!”

Amy’s excited voice came through Asrai.

This... ... .

‘danger... ... Is it?’

Through my experience, I found out that there is a secret history in my family.

It was clear that this had something to do with him.

Did your father hide it?

Soon after, the magic circle summoned a round door that filled the floor.

The door was attached to the floor, but when opened, it went down to the basement.

“I looked and couldn’t open it.”

“Why did you do that dangerously? know what this is.”

I made her back and looked at the door.

And I found a hole that looked like a keyhole.

The shape was somehow familiar.

‘A signet ring?’

Looking at the shape similar to that of a signet ring, I was troubled.

Should I try? But you know what’s coming?

Amy asked as I pondered beside me.

“Do you know what this is?”

“No. I don’t know either.”

Worrying about it isn’t going to solve it, so I decided to try it out.

First of all, it might be dangerous, so when I told Amy to leave the room, she held on for a while, then saw my serious expression and nodded.

“I have to call you if something happens.”


As soon as she left the study, I held the ring to the hole.

Then, I felt the unknown magic inherent in the door being activated.

The door moved with a secret sound like a snake moving, then changed its shape and changed into a form that could be opened.

When I carefully opened the door, I could feel it opening softly, unlike before.

Looking through the open door, I saw a set of stairs going down.

Due to the structure of the house, there could not be such a staircase, but it seems that the power of magic is working.

‘I’ll have to check it out.’

My father, who was a necromancer like me.

It is said that he was a disciple of Morne, but I wondered what was lurking down here.

When I walked down the stairs, it was bright everywhere even though there was no gap for light to enter.

And with him, the energy of intense mana was fluctuating.

‘This energy... ... .’