Episode 56. Benjamin Anikius and the Fanatics

“Always keep in mind. The fact that we are the descendants of the warrior. The fact that he has to protect the magic sword he barely sealed!”

The nagging his grandfather used to do whenever he had a chance lingered in Benjamin’s ears.

And now in his hand was the magic sword Rubens.


“Stop! Stop it!”

The village was burning.

Villagers were screaming and spraying blood, and strangers I’d never seen before wielded weapons.

“Benjamin! Come on, take that sword and run away!”

Someone’s cry was heard, but Benjamin stood blankly holding Rubens wrapped in purple cloth.

Benjamin, the only person who was not eroded by the magic sword’s magic, was able to escape with the magic sword, but he didn’t move a single step.

‘why... ... .’

Benjamin couldn’t understand.

What the hell is this demonic sword, why are the villagers who loved him until yesterday dying?

And why are those mercenaries killing innocent people for these swords?

“found! The magic sword is over there!”

At the cry of a mercenary, tough men rushed towards Benjamin.

And the villagers who desperately blocked the front died.

“why... ... .”

What is this sword?

Benjamin took off the cloth used on the sword and held the handle of the magic sword Rubens with both hands.

I couldn’t escape.

He could not abandon the people he had lived with in this village, along with the land he was born and raised on.


With a mysterious sound, the demonic sword Rubens slowly emerged from its scabbard.

Soon after, Rubens, whose entire sword body was exposed, let out a cry.

Awesome profit!

As a magical storm erupted, Benjamin felt a power he had never experienced before.

If you can’t throw it away, it wouldn’t hurt to kill all the enemies.

The demonic sword, which came out of its scabbard, eroded Benjamin while shedding dozens of times more demonic energy than usual.


* * *


Benjamin let out a heavy breath and opened his eyes.

Looking around, it was time for the sun to approach mid-heaven.

Even though I had a nightmare, my body was light from a long, drunken sleep.

“Are you awake?”

Adrias greeted Benjamin and handed him a bucket of water.

Benjamin looked at Adrias with a wary expression, and soon confirmed the existence of the magic sword in his arms and received the water.

“Thank you.”

Is it plain water?

I was a little suspicious, but I would have done it right away if I was going to do it, so I drank the water without hesitation.

The place they were staying in was neatly organized, but Benjamin folded the blanket covering his body and handed it to Adrias.

“That’s why... ... .”

“Thank you? okay. I was greeted well.”

“yes? yes... ... .”

Why the hell is this guy treating me so well?

Since I came out of town, I have always been wary of my surroundings, so this kind of favor was the first time.

sympathy? Is it compassion?

Well, looking at himself now, I couldn’t help but feel sympathy for him.

“This is also a relationship, let’s ask the name. First of all, I am Adrias Cromwell.”

“I am Benjamin Anikius.”

“okay. Benjamin. I don’t know what’s going on, but is there somewhere else to go?”

At Adrias’ question, Benjamin thought for a moment.

Since there was no set destination anyway, I was worried about what to answer.

After thinking for a while and not getting an answer, Adrias opened his mouth again.

“If you don’t want to talk about it, you don’t have to. Because I was just curious. Honestly, I’m more curious about why you go the way you do than where you’re going.”

“Our village was attacked by mercenaries... ... I got hit.”

I thought about it for a while, but it didn’t seem to matter if I said this much.

He doesn’t have a good impression, but he doesn’t seem like a particularly bad person.

At Benjamin’s words, Adrias narrowed his brows and stroked his chin as if in agony.

“I have nowhere else to go.”

Awesome profit!

Suddenly, a grotesque noise rang out.

Benjamin, who had been nervous about meeting strangers since entering the village, picked up Rubens without delay.

‘It’s a headache.’

The existence of the demonic sword should be hidden as much as possible, but perhaps because of his previous experience, he pulled out the sword first.

When Benjamin drew his sword, the enemies attacked Benjamin as if they had decided to attack first.

But let Benjamin wield a sword with a tremendous magical storm.


Enemies whose upper and lower bodies were separated came crashing down.

‘That’s great. The magic sword is too expensive?’

In terms of the current state, Benjamin holding the magic sword is probably stronger than Louis.

Anyway, I killed them all so I couldn’t ask for their identity.

I stroked Benjamin’s head once and approached the village chief who was trembling in the corner.

“How did this happen?”

“I don’t know! I don’t know anything!”

“I won’t hurt you, so please explain. That’s not going to help or not.”

At that time, I felt a lot of people rushing towards this place from outside.

it’s too much What the hell is it?

“I don’t know exactly. He threatened me by repeating the words to worship Zefar. Please save me.”

Church of Zefar?

These wormy bastards... ... .

I thought it might be the guys who were aiming for Benjamin, but I guess I was the target.

‘Is it because of stopping the last terror attack? I’ll have to check it out.’


While I was interrogating the village chief, I heard an explosion outside.

Looks like Benjamin is fighting the bird.

It must be a sensitive time as you lost everything when your hometown was attacked.

I left the village chief and went outside.

Then, Benjamin was seen fighting someone with numerous enemies surrounding the house.


The opponent was dealing with Benjamin quite leisurely.

On the other hand, Benjamin was able to confirm that his lips were broken as if he had been beaten several times.

‘Maximus Van Dam, a low-ranking officer of the Zefar Church.’

Although it is said to be a subordinate, as an executive, its power surpassed that of the criminal.

Even if Benjamin had the magic sword Rubens, it was confirmed that his experience and skills were an insurmountable wall.

Just then, Maximus, noticing my appearance, turned to me.

“The main character is here! Are you Adrias Cromwell?”

Even in the middle of a fight, looking at me and talking to me, it seemed like there was quite a difference in skill.

Seeing as you know my name, it seems certain that you came to see me.

“What is this little boy? escort? Anyway, let’s make a deal.”





While he was talking, Maximus lightly blocked Benjamin and kicked him, then nodded.

“If you tell me who blocked the academy’s meal, I promise to let you go without pain. Since you couldn’t have killed Mr. Payat, there must have been a third party.”

Was this the purpose

After hearing that, I understand why they only sent low-ranking executives.

‘It seemed shallow.’

rather good

I pulled out Galaksur.

“under? What are we going to do now? Adrias Cromwell. Aren’t you a wizard?”

No matter what Maximus said, I slowly walked forward.

‘The time to use what I’ve learned recently has come soon.’

And when the distance to Maximus was about 3 meters, he swung a sword wrapped in black mana while concentrating.

breakup liquid.


Silence flowed with a pop!

Soon after, Maximus, whose head was gone, fell forward, bursting into a fountain of blood.

“No words... ... no.”

I hear someone’s murmur.

The sword wind, which applied mana waves, slowly colored the surroundings with astonishment.